[Xymon] show RRD Graph based on daily values

Hans van Dam spijkerfestijn at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 10:10:24 CET 2020

I want to display a graph with values that change only once a day.
The check is a clientside script in which te sslstatus of a website is
I translate the values  (T, U, F, E, D, C, B, A-, A and A+) into a
default=0, E=25, D=50, C=75, B=80 and A-=90 A=95 and A+=100
when I run the testsscript every 5 minutes the graph will appear nice.

but when I run the script once or twice a day nothing wil appear.
Is it possible to get a graph without writing a script that checks every 5
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