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Re: [xymon] Linux client broken output

Hi Henrik, 

Thanks for your quick answer! 

We are using Xymon version "4.3.0-beta2 ". 

Are you sure it is a server-side problem? It only happens on this environment. On another environment we've exactly the same server with same OS and Xymon version where everything works fine. However the clients are different there, they are compiled for Solaris 9 and 10. 

So you suggest to compile and install the RC1 version on our Solaris servers? 
Do you know when the final/stable version will be available online? 

Thanks a lot! 

Vriendelijke groeten, 
Kind regards, 

Giel Boes 
Rhodix Service Manager 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henrik \"StÃÂrner\"" <henrik (at) hswn.dk> 
To: xymon (at) xymon.com 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January, 2011 3:32:11 PM 
Subject: Re: [xymon] Linux client broken output 

In <1668554996.2003.1296047834503.JavaMail.root (at) bain.rhodix.nl> Giel Boes <giel.boes (at) rhodix.nl> writes: 

>We are running Xymon on a Sun Fire v100 with Solaris 10 installed. On several 
>Oracle systems with Oracle VM (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 
>(Tikanga)) with 64 bit we are running Hobbit clients 
>(FC5-hobbit-client-4.2.0-1.i386.rpm). The hobbit clients are 32 bit because 
>those are the only wants we could find. 

>Problem: sometimes several tests like procs/disk/cpu is giving weird values 
>in the monitoring which makes Xymon red. However, everything is fine and 
>after restarting the client or after next update (5 minutes default), Xymon 
>becomes green again. 

You don't mention what version of Xymon you are running on the Xymon server, 
but I'll assume it is one of the 4.2.x releases. 

There is a known bug in the Xymon 4.2.x server that causes this behaviour. 
It is solved in the current 4.3.0 test-versions (the latest being the 
4.3.0-RC1 that was made available a few days ago). It is a server-side 
problem, nothing to do with your Xymon clients. 


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