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RE: [xymon] Hobbit WebPage Question

Henrik Størner <mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
> In <BAY145-w41B73E3F0C745A39BDA0C6CFFF0 (at) phx.gbl> James
> Isolder <isolderj (at) hotmail.com> writes:
>> I wonder if it would be possible on the All Non Green View to have
>> instead = of gifs how long the service has been in that state with
>> the relevant colou= r.
> That information is available if you let your mouse "hover" over the
> status icon. 
> It is possible to change from showing the status icon to showing
> the duration of the latest status - I've included a small patch
> against 4.3.0-RC1 that does this (on the "All non-green" and the
> "Critical systems" pages, and only for red/yellow status). But I
> don't think it is something that I would want generally.
> Regards,
> Henrik

Hmm, this display actually looks quite useful (using my imagination)! But
ideally it would not be something compiled in, but available via clicking a
button, probably using CSS
(http://www.thesitewizard.com/javascripts/change-style-sheets.shtml), a bit
like it is possible to change the size of text on some news pages by
clicking on a couple of buttons on the web page, or other sites where it is
possible to change the 'theme' or skin. I imagine this would not be too
difficult to do (if the page used CSS already) as all the information
already exists in the html.

