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Re: [xymon] Linux client broken output

In <1668554996.2003.1296047834503.JavaMail.root (at) bain.rhodix.nl> Giel Boes <giel.boes (at) rhodix.nl> writes:

>We are running Xymon on a Sun Fire v100 with Solaris 10 installed. On several 
>Oracle systems with Oracle VM (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 
>(Tikanga)) with 64 bit we are running Hobbit clients 
>(FC5-hobbit-client-4.2.0-1.i386.rpm). The hobbit clients are 32 bit because 
>those are the only wants we could find. 

>Problem: sometimes several tests like procs/disk/cpu is giving weird values 
>in the monitoring which makes Xymon red. However, everything is fine and 
>after restarting the client or after next update (5 minutes default), Xymon 
>becomes green again. 

You don't mention what version of Xymon you are running on the Xymon server,
but I'll assume it is one of the 4.2.x releases.

There is a known bug in the Xymon 4.2.x server that causes this behaviour.
It is solved in the current 4.3.0 test-versions (the latest being the
4.3.0-RC1 that was made available a few days ago). It is a server-side
problem, nothing to do with your Xymon clients.
