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RE: [xymon] Re: multiple graphs on one page

Picking this up late, sorry I've not read the whole thread....  I notice below that you write, "the 5 additional graphs are void of data."
For each graph there is normally an RRD file which contains the graph data in RRD format.  In a simple example, this data is just a set of NCV (Name Colon Value) pairs.  For example:

foo : 989099

Further example, I send data to the server from a number of client side shell scripts reporting '$foo : $nn', etc.  One of the first things to check on the server is if the data is indeed received and then what it looks like to RRD.  If the graph values are not properly defined you'll end up with alot of NaN (not a number) entries in the file.

Have a look at the related RRD files to see what they contain, if they are good then getting them to graph out should not be that complex.  Again, I've not read the whole thread so this may all be moot. (rrdtool dump somefile.rrd | more)



From: Joe Acquisto [joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:20 AM
To: xymon (at) xymon.com
Subject: [xymon] Re: multiple graphs on one page

Are there no suggestions?  Or, is this considered to simple and clearly documented for any response at all?

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Joe Acquisto <joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com<mailto:joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com>> wrote:
I find that --mulitgraph does not do what I thought, but does place mulitple graphs on the page I specify.  However, the 5 additional graphs are void of data.   Not too astonishing.

I cannot find anything that defines how to structure the graphing definition (stanza ?) to specify what goes where.

joe a.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Joe Acquisto <joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com<mailto:joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com>> wrote:
I've been digging for a while and cannot find how I can put two graphs on one page.  Kind of like the trends page.

While I see the --multigraph option, I am not certain this is what I want.  Nor can I see how I could associate multiple graphs with a single page.
