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Re: [xymon] Repeat: Issues with DOWNTIME, purple status, and sslcert test

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On 01/05/2011 11:45 AM, SebA wrote:
> Rob McBroom <mailto:mailinglist0 (at) skurfer.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 5, 2011, at 10:42 AM, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>> The downtime is picked up fine, and correctly, in the "info" test on
>>> the hosts
>> I've run into issues with this in the past. The code that
>> parses the DOWNTIME for the info page seems to be different
>> from the code that actually implements it. Things that show
>> up correctly in the web view won't necessarily work. I forget
>> what's different about the syntax, but I know I've mentioned
>> it on the list before. If you search for posts from me on
>> DOWNTIME, hopefully it'll explain.
> I believe this has been improved now in the 4.3.0 tree. (See my message from
> 5-Nov-2010.) From what I've heard 4.3.0 seems to be very close to release,
> so you may want to try it. I suggest the best way to get the latest fixes is
> to check it out with subversion. (Search the mailing list for instructions.)
> Kind regards,

Very good, thanks. I will wait for the release -- I do not have a
testing system and my management would be skittish about me installing a
pre-release I imagine (even one less buggy than stable).

- -- 
- ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Sr. Systems Programmer
|$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |novosirj (at) umdnj.edu - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
\__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/CST-Academic Svcs. - ADMC 450, Newark
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