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Re: [hobbit] Problem doing hobbit configuration (nuby alert)

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David Masterson (damaster) wrote:
> Adam Goryachev <mailto:mailinglists (at) websitemanagers.com.au> scribbled on
> Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:13 PM:
>> David Masterson (damaster) wrote:
>>> Recently, I tried doing #5 *before* doing 2, 3, and 4.  Awhile after
>>> doing #5 (but before #2), the main page would update on the server
>>> with the new client, but only the 'conn', 'files', 'info', 'ssh', and
>>> 'trends' columns were filled in.  After doing 2, 3, and 4 on the
>>> client, I again restarted Xymon, but the other columns (cpu, disk,
>>> memory, msgs, procs, ports) refused to be filled in.  Digging into
>>> this, I can't find anything in any of the logs of all my systems
>>> (working or not) to give me a clue on how these tests run and why
>>> they are not running on some systems.
>>> These tests are not listed as tests that you enter in bb-hosts, so
>>> can anyone explain how to get these other tests running against the
>>> clients?
>> Check your Reports -> Ghost, if you see your clients listed there,
>> then they are reporting with a different name to what you entered
>> into the bb-hosts. Either change the client config, or add a CLIENT
>> tag to the bb-hosts for the problem hosts.   
>> Hope that helps
> That helped a lot, thanks.  There is still one system that is not
> behaving, but it's not on the ghost report.  Is there any tricks I can
> use to debug the issue -- for instance, 'bb' commands to test the system
> with?

The method I use is to check the hobbit logs, and if everything looks
ok, and says it is running normally, then:
tcpdump -tn -A -s0 -i eth0 port 1984

on the client machine. This will show all network traffic on eth0 (use
the correct device, but usually eth0 on linux), to the hobbit server
(port 1984). You should be looking for the start of lines where you will
see the hostname being reported, and where the reports are being sent to
(maybe wrong IP address of your hobbit server)...

Hope that helps...

PS, it would be nice for the BB server to return a "OK" after receiving
a report, so the client could log that the message was successfully
delivered or not...

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