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Problem doing hobbit configuration (nuby alert)

The documentation for getting Xymon up and running needs work -- little
variations in the process can break things and leave you no information
on what is broken!
I've setup a Xymon server and ~10 clients.  After setting up the server,
I usually followed this process for getting the (all Linux) clients up:

1.	On the client, as root, I did 'useradd -u 501 -g 501 xymon' to
get the userID into /etc/passwd and create /home/xymon.
2.	As xymon, I exploded the xymon tarball, did a './configure
--client' and a 'make'.  No errors of significance were reported.
3.	As root, I did 'make install' to create the /home/xymon/client
4.	As xymon, I did '~/client/runclient.sh start' to get the client
5.	On the server, added 'IP host # ssh' to the bb-hosts file and
restarted Xymon.

After a while, the new client would be added to the main page of Xymon
with the following tests would be filled in:

*	conn, cpu, disk, files, info, memory, msgs, ports, procs, ssh,

Recently, I tried doing #5 *before* doing 2, 3, and 4.  Awhile after
doing #5 (but before #2), the main page would update on the server with
the new client, but only the 'conn', 'files', 'info', 'ssh', and
'trends' columns were filled in.  After doing 2, 3, and 4 on the client,
I again restarted Xymon, but the other columns (cpu, disk, memory, msgs,
procs, ports) refused to be filled in.  Digging into this, I can't find
anything in any of the logs of all my systems (working or not) to give
me a clue on how these tests run and why they are not running on some
These tests are not listed as tests that you enter in bb-hosts, so can
anyone explain how to get these other tests running against the clients?

David Masterson

Taglocity <http://www.taglocity.com>  Tags: Systems, SysMgmt,
SystemMonitor, XYmon