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RE: [hobbit] Problem doing hobbit configuration (nuby alert)

Adam Goryachev <mailto:mailinglists (at) websitemanagers.com.au> scribbled on
Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:13 PM:

> David Masterson (damaster) wrote:
>> Recently, I tried doing #5 *before* doing 2, 3, and 4.  Awhile after
>> doing #5 (but before #2), the main page would update on the server
>> with the new client, but only the 'conn', 'files', 'info', 'ssh', and
>> 'trends' columns were filled in.  After doing 2, 3, and 4 on the
>> client, I again restarted Xymon, but the other columns (cpu, disk,
>> memory, msgs, procs, ports) refused to be filled in.  Digging into
>> this, I can't find anything in any of the logs of all my systems
>> (working or not) to give me a clue on how these tests run and why
>> they are not running on some systems.
>> These tests are not listed as tests that you enter in bb-hosts, so
>> can anyone explain how to get these other tests running against the
>> clients?
> Check your Reports -> Ghost, if you see your clients listed there,
> then they are reporting with a different name to what you entered
> into the bb-hosts. Either change the client config, or add a CLIENT
> tag to the bb-hosts for the problem hosts.   
> Hope that helps

That helped a lot, thanks.  There is still one system that is not
behaving, but it's not on the ghost report.  Is there any tricks I can
use to debug the issue -- for instance, 'bb' commands to test the system

David Masterson