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RE: [hobbit] HTTP error 0

Actually, we use hobbit in our US company, sorry I can't list our company name here.


-----Original Message-----
From: T.J. Yang [mailto:tj_yang (at) hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 10:52 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] HTTP error 0

Would you mind to  make an entry of your Xymon usage at here ?


Your entry  first entry from China.

tj yang

From: "Aaron Li" <Aaron.Li (at) ehealth-china.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:37 PM
To: <hobbit (at) hswn.dk>
Subject: RE: [hobbit] HTTP error 0

> Thanks a lot for all your help
> Aaron.Li
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Samuel Cai [mailto:Samuel.Cai (at) ehealth-china.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:37 PM
> To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
> Subject: RE: [hobbit] HTTP error 0
> Thank you Henrik, this is the root cause!
> We did not install openssl dev package, the "bbtest-net --version" 
> only returns hobbit version.
> After we installed and recompile, problem is gone!
> Thanks again.
> Samuel Cai
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henrik "Størner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk]
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:56 PM
> To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
> Subject: Re: [hobbit] HTTP error 0
> In <980B46CCEFAE3F4A836BBF54E4DBCB160E46FED7 (at) SJEXVS01.ehi.ehealth.com>
> "Samuel Cai" <Samuel.Cai (at) ehealth-china.com> writes:
>>In <980B46CCEFAE3F4A836BBF54E4DBCB160E3FFB8C (at) SJEXVS01.ehi.ehealth.com>
>>= "Aaron Li" <Aaron.Li (at) ehealth-china.com> writes:
>>>When hobbit monitors the https site, it always gets the error " HTTP 
>>>error 0" like below, I appreciate a lot if anyone can give the =
>>>I'm with Aaron in same company, the weird thing is, if we use wget, 
>>>then =
>>can still receive data, so not sure what's wrong.
> Can you try running '~hobbit/server/bin/bbtest-net --version' just to 
> check the version number of your OpenSSL library ?
> And can you get data using just the openssl client utility ? Like this:
>  openssl s_client -connect
> (replace the IP with that of your server). If that succeeds and shows 
> you the server certificate then enter
>  GET / HTTP/1.0
> and hit <enter> twice - this mimicks a simple HTTP request. Does that 
> work ? And how long does it take to complete ?
> Finally, you could try modifying the code in 
> hobbit-4.2.0/bbnet/contest.c In there is a routine called 
> "socket_read"; delete the version in your file and replace it with the 
> version below. Recompile with "make bbnet-build"
> and copy the new bbnet/bbtest-net program to ~hobbit/server/bin/ . 
> Then run it with the "--debug" option enabled, like
>   bbcmd bbtest-net --noping --debug HOSTNAME
> to run the test of just this one host. Hopefully that will print out 
> some more info about what happens with that read that returns -1.
> Regards,
> Henrik
> static int socket_read(tcptest_t *item, char *inbuf, int inbufsize) {
>        int res = 0;
>        char errtxt[1024];
>        if (item->svcinfo->flags & TCP_SSL) {
>                if (item->sslrunning) {
>                        item->sslagain = 0;
>                        res = SSL_read(item->ssldata, inbuf, inbufsize);
>                        if (res < 0) {
>                                switch (SSL_get_error (item->ssldata, 
> res)) {
>                                  case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
>                                  case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
>                                          item->sslagain = 1;
>                                          break;
>                                  default:
> ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), errtxt);
>                                          dbgprintf("SSL read error 
> %s\n", errtxt);
>                                          break;
>                                }
>                        }
>                }
>                else {
>                        /* SSL setup failed - flag 0 bytes read. */
>                        res = 0;
>                }
>        }
>        else {
>                res = read(item->fd, inbuf, inbufsize);
>                if (res < 0) {
>                        dbgprintf("Read error %s\n", strerror(errno));
>                }
>        }
>        if (res > 0) item->bytesread += res;
>        return res;
> }
> To unsubscribe from the hobbit list, send an e-mail to 
> hobbit-unsubscribe (at) hswn.dk
> To unsubscribe from the hobbit list, send an e-mail to 
> hobbit-unsubscribe (at) hswn.dk
> To unsubscribe from the hobbit list, send an e-mail to 
> hobbit-unsubscribe (at) hswn.dk

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