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Re: [hobbit] Re: afs_fsmon ext-script

In <4202.1226587233 (at) satai.its.iastate.edu> "Tracy J. Di Marco White" <gendalia (at) iastate.edu> writes:

>In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0811130823530.4753 (at) titan.desy.de>, Martin Flemming writes:
>}Hi, Tracy et all ...

>Hi Martin!

>}Nice that you are on the list again,
>}dosen't you disappear from it for one or two years ....
>}So i take another chance to ask you,
>}for your configuration of the various graphs of your afs_fsmon-script ...

>It is the most useless graph ever. I should break it out into multiple
>RRDs, but then I don't know how to display them.
>        TITLE AFS fileservers calls waiting for thread
>        YAXIS calls waiting for thread
>        DEF:callswaiting=afs.rrd:callswaiting:AVERAGE

[lots of DEF and LINE settings deleted]

You dont have to break it out into multiple RRD files. You can just
do several graph definitions - you dont have to include every item
you monitor in a graph. Just pick the ones that you want on one 
graph, and leave it out the others.

E.g. there are multiple vmstat graphs, each with their own set of
data pulled from the same "vmstat.rrd" file.

You can then also use the TRENDS setting in bb-hosts to choose
which of the many graphs you want to show up on the "trends" page.
E.g. if you have an [afs1], [afs2] and [afs3] graph, then you
can have (in bb-hosts): myafsbox # TRENDS:*,afs:afs1,afs3

and it will then show the afs1 and afs3 graphs on the trends page.
