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Re: [hobbit] Adding hobbit on freenode ?

Don't know what it is either but it is block via our corparate filtering. Most interactive things like chat and email services like yahoo gmail are block. Though they missed a few obscure thing.
Ward, Martin wrote:
I have no idea what freenode.net is or does, but if it's an IRC server then it's not going to work for a large number of us who use and maintain Hobbit in a work environment. I haven't worked for many companies in my time but I can guarantee that none of them allowed/allow IRC within their network, no matter how it is tunnelled. |\/|artin
    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* Josh Luthman [mailto:josh (at) imaginenetworksllc.com]
    *Sent:* 07 November 2008 03:51
    *To:* hobbit (at) hswn.dk
    *Subject:* Re: [hobbit] Adding hobbit on freenode ?

Most IRC channels are like 80% social and 20% topic discussion =) It would be a place for Hobbit users to gather and offer help when
    someone manages to stumble in.

    Josh Luthman
    Office: 937-552-2340
    Direct: 937-552-2343
    1100 Wayne St
    Suite 1337
    Troy, OH 45373

    Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
    --- Henry Spencer

    On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Rich Smrcina <rsmrcina (at) wi.rr.com
    <mailto:rsmrcina (at) wi.rr.com>> wrote:

        T.J. Yang wrote:

            *What : I like to suggest we create a hobbit/hobbitmon
            group/channel on freenode.net <http://freenode.net>*

            *Why: To provide instant way of hobbit related discussion.*
            *Where: * *http://freenode.net/group_contact_form.shtml*
             Henrik, Do you support this idea ?

        Is the list server not fast enough?

-- Rich Smrcina
        VM Assist, Inc.
        Phone: 414-491-6001
        Ans Service:  360-715-2467

        Catch the WAVV!  http://www.wavv.org
        WAVV 2009 - Orlando, FL - May 15-19, 2009

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