[Xymon] How many times does xymonnet retry?

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Wed Jan 13 02:39:33 CET 2016

On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 5:41 AM John Thurston <john.thurston at alaska.gov>

> On 1/8/2016 9:04 AM, Ribeiro, Glauber wrote:
> > Thanks, I got that, so there is no set number of repetitions? I.e. it
> will keep trying for 30 minutes?

> The number of retries will depend on how frequently the attempt is made
> and how long each attempt takes to fail.

I don't think it is dependent on how long it takes to fail.  The
xymonnetagain.sh script is run every minute, and so it will probably retry
either 29 or 30 times, depending on the exact timing of its launch.
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