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Re: [hobbit] Sending RRD data via devmon to existing columns

Hubbard, Greg L wrote:

The devil is in the details!

You need to send your status message with a format that will either work
with the ncv support in Hobbit, or that you can handle yourself in a
"catcher" script that you add to the status and data channels.

This process is pretty well documented.

And I believe that there are folks who have done this very thing for
devmon, but I have not seen the code -- I would like a copy of it

D'oh, the answer was right in front of me. I forgot that the old Big Brother had a bb-memory.sh script that it used to generate that data, so all I had to do was replicate it, since Hobbit has that nice backwards compatibility built into it for the old clients. Just make your devmon messages file look like:
        Memory          Used            Total   Percentage
{percMemUsed.color} Physical {megMemUsed}M {megMemTotal}M {percMemUsed}%

And a transforms file like:
MemTotal        : MATH  : {MemUsed} + {MemAvail}
xpercMemUsed    : MATH  : ({MemUsed} / {MemTotal}) x 100
percMemUsed     : REGSUB : {xpercMemUsed} /(.*)\..*/$1/
megMemUsed        : MATH  : {MemUsed} / 1024000
megMemTotal       : MATH  : {MemTotal} / 1024000