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Re: [hobbit] NCV RRD handler that will create multiple rrd files from a single test

On Thursday 14 June 2007, Tom Georgoulias wrote:
> This topic has come up on the list a couple of times, but I don't think
> I've ever heard a definitive answer.
> I really need the ability for the NCV module (or a different module) to
> create multiple rrd files using data from a single test, just like the
> way the do_disk rrd handler works.  Over the last month I have been
> working to get a lot of my networking equipment monitored and graphed
> using devmon, and there are many situations (such as concurrent sessions
> per virtual server on my load balancer) where the addition of a new
> monitored parameter (i.e adding a new virtual server) to the exisiting
> test will cause havoc for the ncv rrd handler.  Is there any chance that
> this kind of functionality will make it into Hobbit?  It'd be cool to
> have an NCV module that can handle both cases, or an additional NCV
> module to produce multiple rrd files and works alongside the traditional
> one.
Henrik created a patch for me so you can send "trends" to hobbit.  From the 
+ * This module was inspired by a mail from Stef Coene:
+ *
+ * Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:04:29 +0100
+ * From: Stef Coene
+ * Subject: Re: [hobbit] hobbit monitoring
+ *
+ * On Wednesday 17 January 2007 10:38, Stef Coene wrote:
+ * > Same for trending, hobbit is not powerfull enough for our needs.  And we
+ * > don't have the C knowledge to change hobbit.  One of the problems is 
+ * > there is 1 rrd file / check.  But we have checks where the number on 1 
+ * > we want to graph can change over time.
+ * Just wondering, how hard would it be to create an extra channel for 
+ * So you can use the bb client to send "numbers" to the hobbit server 
+ * with some extra control information.
+ *
+ * bb <bb server> trends <server name>
+ * <rrd file name> <ds name> <number> <options>
+ *
+ */
+ * To use this, send a "data" message to hobbit like this:
+ *
+ *    data $MACHINE.trends
+ *    [filename.rrd]
+ *        DS-definition1 VALUE2
+ *        DS-definition2 VALUE2
+ *
+ * E.g. to create/update a custom RRD file "weather.rrd" with two
+ * GAUGE datasets "temp" and "wind", with current values "21" and
+ * "8" respectively, send this message:
+ *
+ *    [weather.rrd]
+ *    DS:temp:GAUGE:600:0:U 21
+ *    DS:wind:GAUGE:600:0:U 8
+ */

So you send a trends message to hobbit and a rrd file is created. 
