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Re: [hobbit] large system time change freezes hobbit client

On unix systems, that shouldn't cause a problem because the time is kept in seconds since epoch. Timezones are just masks that changes according to DST rules.

On windows, it's probably going to be a problem, but I don't know enough about the bbwin to confirm that.


Jason Chambers wrote:

Time jumps backwards and forwards in some places for daylight savings.
Is this going to cause issues?

Jason Chambers     I.T. Helpdesk Associate      Geosoft Inc.
85 Richmond St W - Toronto, ON, CA - M5H 2C9 - Tel: 416.369.0111 ext 344
- Fax: 416.369.9599

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Stoerner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk] Sent: June-14-07 1:44 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] large system time change freezes hobbit client

On Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 02:31:42PM -0500, Daniel Bourque wrote:
  I noticed that a large clock change tends to stop the hobbit client

from sending status messages to the server. For example, if a system boots with the wrong time, I get cpu alerts, I go restart ntpd on it, then I won't get anymore status until I restart hobbit-client on that system...

This was reported a few days ago for hobbitlaunch on the Hobbit server,
but yes - the same issue occurs on clients.

What happens is basically that hobbitlaunch remembers when it last
ran one of the tasks, and then it will run it again when the time
becomes (last_time_it_ran + interval). So if you set the current time
back, it will stop running for some time.

Clocks just aren't supposed to jump backwards ...
There are a couple of ways to fix this. One is in the current snapshot,
but I might do it differently.


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