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RE: [hobbit] Sending RRD data via devmon to existing columns


The devil is in the details!

You need to send your status message with a format that will either work
with the ncv support in Hobbit, or that you can handle yourself in a
"catcher" script that you add to the status and data channels.

This process is pretty well documented.

And I believe that there are folks who have done this very thing for
devmon, but I have not seen the code -- I would like a copy of it


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Epp [mailto:matthew.epp (at) us.army.mil] 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 3:59 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Sending RRD data via devmon to existing columns

Is it possible to send a status line to Hobbit from an external source
like devmon, with the proper DS field and a value for something like
percent of used memory, and have it create the rrd files and graphs?

I've tried using one of the existing rrd files as an example, sending
various status lines using devmon, with no other text in the message,
such as:
realmempct : 50
real : 50
memory.real : 50

But none of them appear to work.

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