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Re: [hobbit] Another stellar release

On 8/28/06, Gary B. <gmbfly98 (at) gmail.com> wrote:
On 8/28/06, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 11:19:47PM -0400, Gary B. wrote:
> > >I must commend Henrik, not only on this wonderful achievement, but also
> > >on the amazing new features in 4.2.  May all your releases be so good!
> >
> > And after much time spent RTFM'ing and asking on this mailing list,
> > I've finally figured out the log monitoring.  It works a little
> > differently than I thought, but after getting used to it, it's so much
> > better than BB's implementation.  I look forward to see what future
> > releases will bring.
> It would be interesting to hear what it was that confused you. If you
> have any suggestions for extra documentation or such that would make
> it easier to setup, I'm all ears.

I will be putting together some internal documentation on log file
monitoring--a "cheat-sheet" of sorts.  Once I complete it, I'll post
what I have here.

I've attached two plaintext files. One is the internal documentation I wrote for setting up clients for monitoring and alerting. The other is the internal documentation I just wrote for setting up log monitoring. Both are meant to be used as supplements to the full documentation.
Configuring Clients in Hobbit

*) There are three files of interest, all in /var/hobbit/server/etc:
   bb-hosts		=> Same function as bb-hosts on the BB server
   hobbit-clients.cfg	=> Same function a bb-def.sh on the BB clients
   hobbit-alerts.cfg	=> Same function as bbwarnrules.cfg on the BB server

*) Unlike BB, all client configuration is done on the Hobbit server; no
   need to do anything on the client except install the Hobbit client.

*) Hobbit will accept input from the BB client, as well as use the BB client's
   configuration.  However, installation of the Hobbit client is recommended,
   especially if you plan on making use of Hobbit's message file monitoring.

*) Adding new hosts to Hobbit is a 3-step process:
   1) Add the host to bb-hosts
   2) Configure any custom tests in hobbit-clients
   3) Configure any custom alert rules in hobbit-alerts
      Accept the default alerts, and add the host to the appropriate section in

Adding hosts to Hobbit (bb-hosts)
*) In general, the format of this file is similar to bb-hosts in BB.
*) A few keywords of note:
   1) title <main group title>
      This controls the title you see for the major groups on the main
      Hobbit page
   2) page <page-name> <page title>
      This controls the names of each individual page (i.e. The icons you
      click on to see more details), as well as the title of the page you
      see on the main Hobbit page.
   3) title <page title>  (when this is located below a "page" line)
      This controls the title of the page when you click on it to see more
   4) group <group name>
      Allows you to separate hosts into individual groups.  This has the same
      function as the group-compress keyword in BB.
*) When adding a host, follow this format:
   <host IP>	<host name>	# <monitoring options>
*) The following options are useful:
   1) conn		=> Not usually needed; enables ping tests
   2) ssh		=> Enables SSH tests
   3) noconn		=> Disables ping tests
   4) telnet		=> Enables telnet tests
   5) dns		=> Enables DNS tests
   6) smtp		=> Enables SMTP tests
   7) ftp		=> Enables FTP tests
   8) http <url>	=> Enables http tests to <url>
   9) CLIENT:<name>	=> Used when the client reports back a different name
                           than "<host name>" as used on the client definition
   10) NAME:<name>	=> Used to display a different name than "<host name>"
                           as used on the client definition

Adding custom host monitoring (hobbit-clients)
*) Unless a host has its own custom tests defined, it will use the defaults:
   1) cpu load:		yellow @ 5, red @ 10
   2) disk usage:	yellow @ 90%, red @ 95%
   3) physical memory:	always green
   4) swap memory:	yellow @ 50%, red @ 80%
*) Host tests are processed from top to bottom.  If using regular expression
   host matching, try to make sure multiple expressions don't match the same
   host, or unexpected things may happen.
*) A few keywords of note:
   1) HOST=<host list>		=> Defines a test for the specified hosts.
				   <host list> may be a single host, comma-
				   separated hosts, or a regular expression
				   prefixed by %
   2) PROC <process> <min> <max> => Check for <process>, and optionally, for
				    a minimum and maximum process count.  If
				    only <min> is defined, check for at least
				    <min> process count.  If no values are
				    defined, default is <min>=0
   3) LOAD <yellow> <red>	=> Go yellow at a load of <yellow>, and red at
				   a load of <red>
   4) MEMSWAP <yellow> <red>	=> Go yellow at <yellow>% swap usage, and red at
				   <red>% swap usage.
   5) DISK <slice> <yellow> <red> => Go yellow at <yellow>% <slice> usage, and
				     red at <red>% usage
*) All other keywords are described in the actual hobbit-clients file
*) To effectively disable memory/disk usage percentage monitoring, define
   both yellow and red tests as 101
*) All host tests can be appended with HOST=<host list> to apply only to
   a specific host(s).  This is useful when a group of hosts have similar
   tests defined, but only a couple of them have additional tests.
   *) NOTE: Tests are evaluated top-to-bottom, so put the host-specific tests
	    above the general tests for the other hosts in a group

Adding host alerts (hobbit-alerts)
*) ** No alerts will be sent out by default, unless the new host(s) are added
   to this file **
*) Alert rules are processed from top to bottom, processing ALL matches for
   any given host
*) A few keywords of note:
   1) HOST=<host/variable>	=> The host(s) that will use the defined rules
   2) RECOVERED			=> Send an alert when the test has recovered
   3) MAIL <address(es)>	=> Send an email to the list of addresses
				   following, comma-separating addresses
   4) REPEAT=<value>		=> Repeat the defined alert every "value" time
				   periods (h=hour, m=min)
   5) SCRIPT <script> <vars>	=> Run the defined script with the defined
				   variables.  Currently, only the
				   /var/hobbit/server/ext/oursms script is
				   defined, which sends a specially-formatted
				   message to our pagers
   6) FORMAT=SMS		=> Currently, only needed when using the above
				   SCRIPT definition
   7) STOP			=> Don't process any additional alert rules for
				   the matching host
   8) COLOR=<colors>		=> Match tests for the given color
   9) SERVICE=<service/*>	=> Match tests for the given service, or all
				   services if "*" is used
   10) TIME=<days>:<start>:<end> => Used to send alerts only during the
			            specified time period
*) All other keywords are described in the actual hobbit-alerts file
*) The format of an alert rule is:
   HOST=<host/variable> <alert type (optional)
	--followed by one or more of the below--
	MAIL <address(es)> <alert type / period (optional)
	SCRIPT <script> <script vars> <alert type / period (optional)
	STOP (optional, and only if needed)
*) There are various custom alerts defined; you should be able to figure out
   anything else you may need to do by looking at some of the rules already
Configuring Log Monitoring
$Id: logs.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/28 13:58:07 gbaluha Exp $

*) There are two files of interest, all in /var/hobbit/server/etc:
   client-local.cfg	=> Controls which files the client will report on
   hobbit-clients.cfg	=> Controls what to look for in the client's logs

*) The above files are RCS'ed as user "hobbit".  Be sure to "su - hobbit"
   before making any changes to the above files, and/or restarting hobbit.
   This goes for the clients as well.

*) Unlike BB, all client configuration is done on the Hobbit server; no
   need to do anything on the client except install the Hobbit client.

Format of client-local.cfg
*) The appropriate section of this file will get pushed to the individual
   clients being monitored.
*) There are three ways to configure which section will be sent to a client.
   Only *one* of these methods may be used for any given host.
   1) By OS type (from "uname -s" on the client)
   2) By "class" (set when Hobbit starts on the client)
   3) By hostname
*) Individual log files are set with the following format
   [<OS / class / hostname>]
   log:<log file name>:<max size in bytes>
   ignore <string / regex - no spaces>
   trigger <string / regex - no spaces>

	*) Where "<>" is not meant literally
	*) "ignore" and "trigger" are optional, and with v4.2, only *one*
	   "ignore" and *one* "trigger" are allowed with any given "log"
		a) "ignore" will ignore any log entry with the string/regex,
		   and won't send it to the Hobbit server
		b) "trigger" will specifically send any log entry with the
		   string/regex to the Hobbit server, even if it contains a
		   string/regex in the [optional] "ignore" line.
	*) Multiple "log" statements are allowed per OS/class/hostname section.
	*) Hobbit is picky about the format - be sure it is written correctly.

Format of LOG entries in hobbit-clients.cfg
*) The "LOG" keyword format is as such:
   LOG <log file from client-local.cfg> <string / regex> COLOR=<color> IGNORE=<string / regex>
*) If "<string / regex>" is a regex, it needs to be prefixed by "%"
*) The default is to be CASE-INSENSITIVE.  If case-sensitivity is preferred,
   prefix "<string / regex>" by "%(?-i)"
*) Use IGNORE if you want to ignore specific entries that match the first
   "<string / regex>" but contain the IGNORE "<string / regex>".
*) COLOR and IGNORE are optional