[Xymon] wrong memory report with free command from procps-ng

J.C. Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Thu May 7 08:52:15 CEST 2015

On Mon, May 4, 2015 6:04 am, Dominique Frise wrote:
> Hi again,
> I made a mistake on the second line of suggestions in my previous mail.
> One should read:
>   - "Physical Used" should be mapped to "buff/cache" + "used"
> Sorry for the inconvenience,
> Dominique

Well, previously there had just been the physical measurement, but the
addition of the buffer/cache distinction allowed 'Actual Used' to be a
more meaningful reference point.

I think it definitely makes sense to have 'Actual Used' align with the
(inverse of the) Available memory metric when the kernel provides one.

Operating by the principle of least surprise, it's probably best to
continue with the original formula for Physical Used, however.

This patch should revert the Physical Used value to its previous composition.



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