[Xymon] Alert for WHO column possible?

Mark Rankin mark-rankin at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 20 07:57:34 CEST 2020


Am new to this mailing list, but not new to Xymon. Awesome tool and have been using it for many years! This said, have probably only ever needed to scrape the surface of deeper capabilities and features.

Is it possible to monitor for a user being logged in (who column) and go red if that user is not logged in? Unfortunately, we have a few servers that need to be logged in (sigh....) with a certain user and it would be neat to see if they were not.

Example under "Who":

SESSIONNAME                 USERNAME          STATE
>Console                           svcaccount           Active

Test would be that if svcaccount is not present, go red.

I have read that I might be able to use DS override in analysis.cfg, have never created an RRD file before, but is that is a feasible approach?

Xymon version 4.3.30
CentOS 6.10


Kind Regards,
Mark Rankin

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