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Re: [xymon] DISK IGNORE useage

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:49:03 -0500, Rob Munsch wrote:

>> > Howeverâ if I add to the hostâs config a DISK IGNORE /, then while
>> > the text (as above) only shows /tmp, I lose /tmpâs graph line and it
>> > only graphs root.  Iâve tried including the IGNORE line both before
>> > and after a line for /tmp, with no effect.  As soon as I add the
>> > IGNORE line, /tmpâs graph line vanishes on next update.
>> Try this:
>> HOST=foo
>> 	DISK %^/$ IGNORE
>> so you use a regex pattern that only matches "/" to ignore that
>> filesystem.
> I was expecting this to work - but now I have
> Filesystem         1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> none                    131072     15456    115616      12% /tmp
> and below it, / is graphed.  The graph line for /tmp vanished.  I'm very
> confused.

Hmm, yes - that can happen because you now have two RRD graph files, but
only one graph showing up on the webpage. You should have both of them
on the graph in the "trends" column, though.

Either wait 48 hours - then the root-filesystem graph will go "stale" and 
automatically be ignored on the "disk" status graph display. Or you can go
to the ~hobbit/data/rrd/HOSTNAME/ directory and delete/rename the 
"disk,root.rrd" file out of the way.
