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I think Iâm missing something.  I have


Filesystem         1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdv1            3768053780 1056651192 2711402588      29% /
none                    131072       336    130736       1% /tmp


and theyâre both graphed.  Except the /dev/hdv1 is the entire array and I donât want to monitor that â just /tmp.  (In our last episode, I got it to monitor /tmp by grep âv-ing for tempfs in the clientâs DF line).


Howeverâ if I add to the hostâs config a DISK IGNORE /, then while the text (as above) only shows /tmp, I lose /tmpâs graph line and it only graphs root.  Iâve tried including the IGNORE line both before and after a line for /tmp, with no effect.  As soon as I add the IGNORE line, /tmpâs graph line vanishes on next update.  



Rob Munsch

IT Administrator


215-495-1040 x131



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