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Re: [hobbit] ntpdate deprecated

2009/11/13 Henrik Størner <henrik (at) hswn.dk>:
> In <200911111352.18786.bgmilne (at) staff.telkomsa.net> Buchan Milne <bgmilne (at) staff.telkomsa.net> writes:
> And for some types of servers (notably Windows domain controllers
> and other Kerberos-style servers) it is completely inadequate.
For this reason I've set the CLOCK option to 700 seconds for these
particular hosts.

> You're right that it requires some code-changes to use the "sntp"
> utility instead of "ntpdate". I'll merge some code for this into
> 4.3.0, that will also allow us to drop the old "ntpstat" extension
> since we already have that data from either ntpdate or sntp.
Thanks for the information; that would be nice.

regards Peter