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Creating .rrd files for external tests

I just migrated from BB to xymon in the past days and didnt hit any
problems while migrating. But if you done the migration, you see the
options xymon offers and you want to use them :)

Were using scripts to get statuses of some hosts, like diskspace usage,
mysql replication status, raid status, memcached-stats and also the amount
of queued mails.

I want to have a graph that shows up the mailq status.

If done the following already:

Added mailq=ncv to TEST2RRD
Added NCV_mailq="mailq:GAUGE"

GRAPHS=" ..,ncv, .. " is set.


TITLE Mailqueue
YAXIS Anzahl
GPRINT:mailq:LAST:Inode cache \: %5.1lf%s (cur)
GPRINT:mailq:MAX: \: %5.1lf%s (max)
GPRINT:mailq:MIN: \: %5.1lf%s (min)
GPRINT:mailq:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf%s (avg)\n

Im really unsure about this .. but an "hobbitgraph ncv:mailq" Link is
displayed in the page of the service at my testing host.

But, and that would be the problem, there ist no .rrd file created in
$HOME/data/rrd/HOSTNAME .There are only .rrd files for test which are
excecuted by the xymon server, but i excecute the tests at the hosts and
sending the status to the server via the bbrother.pl script.

How can i tell xymon to create the .rrd file for this test?