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RE: [hobbit] BBWin - Monitoring size of Exchange database files

To fix the path problem try a construct like this (notice the single quotes for the entire value and the double quotes for the file path):

        <load value='cscript "C:\Program Files\BBWin\ext\fsize.vbs"' timer="15m"/>


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Leavitt [mailto:thomleavitt (at) gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 10:41 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] BBWin - Monitoring size of Exchange database files

Note (half an hour of frustration later):

First, I forget that you need to specify the script in the <externals>
</externals> section of BBWin.cfg. Doh. Suggest that Ray put a note to
that effect in the comments section of his script to help remind folks
who haven't done this in a while (me) or are first timers.

Then, it seems that simply calling cscript fsize.vbs (filename I gave
it) does not work. The full path to the program appears to need to be
specified, i.e. "cscript C:\Program Files\BBWin\ext\fsize.vbs". I
suspect that this is because simply invoking "cscript filename.vbs"
causes cscript to be executed in a working directory other than the
"ext" directory. Is this a bug? Saw someone else say that full pathing
a call to the cluster.exe script fixed their problem.

Trying cscript on the command line, it appears to gack on there being
a space in "Program Files" unless you enclose the supplied path in
quotes... which I'm not sure how to do inside the BBWin.cfg file.

So I had to create a "C:\BBWin\ext" directory and drop the script in
there, and it works. ... any way to get around this?


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