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Uptime limit on a Machine

Hi list

I'm having a hard time finding any configuration value that can change the 365 days limit on how long a host has been up.
I cannot find this in the server config, host config or anywhere else for that matter.

My problem is that Hobbit is alarming me that a machine (several in fact) have been up for more than 365 days (windows server incidently).

Anyone know how to change this limit and where?

Guðmundur Örn Ingvarsson
Unix Infrastructure Administrator
Core Systems IT - CS IT

Sími / Tel.: (+354)  410 6730
Farsími / Mobile: (+354)  820 5074
Fax: (+354)  410 3032
gudmundur.ingvarsson (at) landsbanki.is<mailto:gudmundur.ingvarsson (at) landsbanki.is>

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