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Re: [hobbit] SPLITNCV and graphs

On Friday 08 May 2009 11:32:43 Gatis A. wrote:

> [test]
>         FNPATTERN test,value(.*).rrd
>         TITLE test
>         YAXIS TEST
>         DEF:p (at) RRDIDX@= (at) RRDFN@:lanbda:AVERAGE
>         LINE1:p (at) RRDIDX@# (at) COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ aa
> I am getting one graph with three(or more) lines, but I want to get
> three(or more) seperate graphs with one line each.

In the GRAPHS variable in hobbitserver.cfg, instead of adding "test" to the 
list, add "test::1".
