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RE: [hobbit] Xymon 4.2.2

Have you updated the server software, your clients or everything?
Purple hosts indicate that the server is not getting any status packets
from the clients. Are ALL of the tests turning purple or just some? I
ask because tests like "conn" are initiated by the Xymon server.
If the "conn" test isn't purple but everything else is then there is a
problem with the client talking to the server.
If everything is purple, including the "conn" test, for everything in
your bb-hosts files then there is a problem with the connectivity test
(ping or fping).
What are you seeing?

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Sovannara KEM [mailto:skem (at) ingevoucher.com] 
	Sent: 07 February 2009 03:42
	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] Xymon 4.2.2

	Before i use hobbit 4.2.1 that is a package for debian apt-get
	I just installed xymon release 4.2.2 on debian etch. After, a
long way compiled and many library installed
	But, i don't that is a bug or not, because, all my host become
purple after may be 30mn.
	Please could you help me?
	Many thanks,

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