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New release candidate - 4.2.3

I've uploaded a 4.2.3-RC1 to Sourceforge this morning. It is 4.2.2
plus a few bugfixes and minor enhancements:

* Time-out code changed to use clock_gettime() with CLOCK_MONOTONIC
* Bugfix for hobbitd/hobbitd_worker communication going out-of-sync
  resulting in "garbled data" being logged and worker modules
* NCV module now works with negative numbers.
* Several bugfixes in DNS lookup code - could lead to crashes when
  performing DNS tests.
* Switch to C-ARES 1.6.0 - drop support for older versions.
* Run more TCP tests in parallel by not waiting for very slow
  connections to complete before starting new ones.
* Added "hostlist" web utility for spreadsheet-reporting of the
  hosts in Hobbit.

Give it a spin, and let me know if there are any problems. If not,
I'll give it the official blessing to become 4.2.3 later this week.
