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Re: [hobbit] Re: need help with IGNORE pattern

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Dominique Frise
<dominique.frise (at) unil.ch> wrote:
> Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:14 AM, Dominique Frise <dominique.frise (at) unil.ch>
>> wrote:
>>    - Make sure you don't have other rules for /var/adm/messages in
>>    hobbit-clients.cfg.
>> What? Why? How can you live with only one rule?
>>  Steve
>> --
>> Truth never damages a cause that is just. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
>> (1869-1948)
> The rule used by Asif is generic (no HOST=...).
> Keeping only this rule will help debugging.

I created a temporary hobbit-client.cfg file to test and put the
IGNORE pattern on DEFAULT instead of
host specific like you suggested and *only* then I get the expected result.

(hobbit)@hobbit:~/server$ ./bin/hobbitd_client
--config=/tmp/hobbit-clients.cfg --test

So I just removed that host specific rule and moved the IGNORE pattern
Nasty workaround if you ask me :-)

Thanks for the help

>> What? Why? How can you live with only one rule?
>>  Steve
>> --
>> Truth never damages a cause that is just. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
>> (1869-1948)

> Dominique
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Asif Iqbal
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