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Re: [hobbit] how to monitoring jboss

it's look ok ? when i run the script i have this output " Unrecognized JBoss
Version "

## JBoss Hobbit Plugin
export JBOSS_SERVER=$1
export JBOSS_MBEAN=$3
export JMX_ATTR=$4
export WARN=$5
export CRITICAL=$6

## Configure these for your environment
export JBOSS4_HOME=/home/jboss/jboss-4.2.3.GA
#export JBOSS3_HOME=/home/jboss/jboss-3.2.7
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_15

if [[ $1 = "--help" ||  $1 = "--h" || $1 = "-help" || $1 = "-h"  ]]; then
        echo check_jbossjmx Usage
        echo "jbossJMX_plugin <JBoss Server URL> <JBoss Version 3|4> <JBoss
MBean Object Name> <JBoss MBean Attribute> <Warn Threshhold> <Critical
        exit 3

if [ "$JBOSS_VERSION" =  "3" ]; then
        export TWIDDLE=$JBOSS3_HOME/bin/twiddle.sh
        if [ "$JBOSS_VERSION" =  "4" ]; then
                export TWIDDLE=$JBOSS4_HOME/bin/twiddle.sh
                echo "Unrecognized JBoss Version:" $JBOSS_VERSION
                exit 3

'{split($1,names,"="); print names[2]; }' `

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Rakesh Nair <k.rakeshnair (at) gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes.. you have to convert that into that format for getting the information
> from the script to the Hobbit, since Hobbit understands only that kind of
> details.
> thanks
> Rakz
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Ralph Mitchell <ralphmitchell (at) gmail.com>wrote:
>> Well, I don't have a jboss I can experiment with, but the script from that
>> link looks easy enough to modify.  At the end, where it does
>>    echo "JMX ATTRIBUTE......"
>> you should be able to replace that with something like:
>>    $BB $BBDISP "status $MACHINE.jboss green `date`"
>> where "green" would be "red" or "yellow" for the CRITICAL and WARNING
>> statuses.  The script would be launched by Hobbit on the jboss machine.
>> Ralph Mitchell
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Carlo Alberto Bedogni <
>> cabedogni (at) gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot for your reply. but i looking for something more accurate
>>> like the jboss plugin for nagios (
>>> http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10676 ) i don't know if is
>>> possibile find someting similar for hobbit , or maybe convert the nagios
>>> plugin for hobbit .....
>>> thanks
>>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Ralph Mitchell <ralphmitchell (at) gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> If jboss is just handing out some kind of web page, you could do
>>>> something like this in your server/etc/bb-hosts:
>>>>    a.b.c.d myboss.server.com   # http://myjboss.server.com/
>>>> or whatever would be an appropriate url for it.  That'll let you know
>>>> jbos is up and responding.  I'm doing something like this already.  I don't
>>>> have either access or permission (company policy - thou shalt use CA
>>>> Unicenter for everything) to run anything on the servers themselves, but I
>>>> imagine Unicenter is checking that the processes are running and maybe
>>>> checking log files too.
>>>> Ralph Mitchell
>>>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Carlo Alberto Bedogni <
>>>> cabedogni (at) gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all i'm running hobbit 4.2 and i need to monitoring jboss , both ,
>>>>> the hobbit and the jboss server are running on a centos box.
>>>>> I have take a look at deadcat.net.au but i can't find nothing about
>>>>> jboss. any idea?
>>>>> thanks in advatage
>>>>> Carlo