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Re: [hobbit] monitoring patch status?

I would love to use it for solaris as well. What has anyone done on
that venue? I can see pca as
a good tool for that.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 5:38 PM, McDonald, Dan
<Dan.McDonald (at) austinenergy.com> wrote:
> I got hit up with the task of using xymon to monitor whether our windows
> servers are patched.  I saw a plugin on deadcat that requires licensed
> software from shavlik.com, (and being over 4 years old, I have no idea
> if it works with bbwin, or if shavlik's api was still the same) but
> wondered if there were any other solutions out there.  Minimum
> functionality is a list of applied patches that would show up on the
> client data link.
> For our linux boxes, I could probably just rpm -qa --last | head and
> check the date that an RPM was last installed - if it's more than a
> month, there is probably a problem...  But I don't know enough about
> windows to come up with a simple solution for those boxes.
> --
> Daniel J McDonald, CCIE #2495, CISSP #78281, CNX
> Austin Energy
> http://www.austinenergy.com

Asif Iqbal
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