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Re: afs_fsmon ext-script

Hi, Tracy et all ...

Nice that you are on the list again,
dosen't you disappear from it for one or two years ....

So i take another chance to ask you,
for your configuration of the various graphs of your afs_fsmon-script ...

It was also simple to have all the numbers rxstats generates fed into an
rrd, so pretty graphs are available, although calls waiting for a thread is
the only one monitored

Unfortunatley not for me, :-(

Thanks & Cheers,


On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Martin Flemming wrote:

Hi, Tracy et all !

.. don't know, if you are still on the list,
that's why you explicit on the Cc ...

I use your afs_fsmon monitoring-script


to check our AFS-Fileserver  with much success .. :-)

But i want also to have the output not only as status-messages
besides as Grpahic and have tested much but without success ... :-(

And now i read (not the first time, but never recognize) under


that you've a configuration to do that !


* We use hobbit for monitoring
* When the http connections on the various web servers start going red en masse... it's usually an afs server problem * So I added "rxdebug $HOST 7000 -noconn -rxstats" to my afs monitoring script, and started alerting on too many calls waiting for a thread. * It was also simple to have all the numbers rxstats generates fed into an rrd, so pretty graphs are available, although calls waiting for a thread is the only one monitored

Can i/we (hobbit-community) share it with you ?!

.. thinking about hobbitgraph.cfg and maybe NCV-entries in hobbitserver.cfg .. anymore ?

Thanks & Cheers


Does anybody got further ext-scripts for checking AFS
or monitor the performence ?

It will also welcome ! :-)

Martin Flemming
DESY / IT          office : Building 2b / 008a
Notkestr. 85       phone  : 040 - 8998 - 4667
22603 Hamburg      mail   : martin.flemming (at) desy.de