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Re: [hobbit] Goodbye "Hobbit", hello "Xymon"

I like it because it is one character shorter compare with hobbit and still have sign of system morning.
Good job on naming. 

I did a quick renaming on hobbit (old) wiki page.



From: Sanu Mathew 
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 11:19 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk 
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Goodbye "Hobbit", hello "Xymon"

Hey Henrik,

The name sounds good, i will have a special feeling to it, for various different reasons. I am looking forward for many more things/changes/turnovers with Xymon.


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Henrik Størner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:

  In <200811081334.13063.stef.coene (at) docum.org> Stef Coene <stef.coene (at) docum.org> writes:

  >On Saturday 08 November 2008, Henrik St=F8rner wrote:
  >> As of today, the official name is "Xymon" (pronounced just
  >> like "Simon").
  >It sounds nice.

  I'm glad you like it.

  >Why have you choosen for Xymon ?

  It's really just a name that popped into my head one
  morning, and it sounded "right".

  It also fits with the criteria I listed back in August
  http://www.hswn.dk/hobbiton/2008/08/msg00193.html :
  No clashes with Tolkien or existing book/movie characters;
  it isn't trademarked; it's short and easily pronouncable;
  and the relevant domains were all (mostly) available.
  (xymon.net wasn't, but I can live with that).

  That it ends with "mon" is also a plus, that seems
  reasonable for "mon"itoring software.

  And I can just hear everyone shout "what does Xymon
  say?" when there's an outage. Sorry 'bout that, if you
  happen to have a Simon on your admin team :-)

  Finally, the ultimate sys-admin - the BOFH ! - was created
  by a Simon: http://www.theregister.co.uk/odds/bofh/

  (Just joking about that last one).


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