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Re: [hobbit] Easy question on GRAPHS and trends

On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 10:52:48PM +0100, Eduardo Mayoral wrote:
> however I cannot get hobbit to display the graph and link in the trends
> page. It only displays vmstat , but not vmstat1-vmstat5
> According to the documentation I should just add the graph names to the
> GRAPHS variable at hobbitserver.cfg, but I have already done that:
> GRAPHS="la,disk,inode,qtree,memory,users,vmstat,vmstat3,vmstat4,vmstat5,iostat,tcp.http,tcp,netstat,temperature,ntpstat,apache,bind,sendmail,mailq,socks,bea,iishealth,citrix,bbgen,bbtest,bbproxy,hobbitd,postfix,mrtg::1"

I'm afraid you've misunderstood the docs (which means I'll need to make
them more explicit). The GRAPHS setting is "only" used to find out which
RRD databases should be used on the trends page. But vmstat has multiple
datasets inside a single RRD database, and you want to show several of
the datasets on your trends page.

The answer to that one is to add a TRENDS setting to the host entry in
the bb-hosts file. Like  myhost.foo.com # TRENDS:*,vmstat:vmstat|vmstat3|vmstat4|vmstat5
