[Xymon] Cross compilation

Grant Taylor gtaylor at tnetconsulting.net
Tue Jun 4 01:59:17 CEST 2024

On 6/2/24 18:11, Jeremy Laidman wrote:
> Hi Grant

Hi Jeremy,

Thank you for your reply.

> The log monitoring only requires the logfetch binary, which does 
> three things: fetch the logs since the last time (and keep track of 
> log file position), fetch file/dir status (permissions, ownership, 
> hash if configured), and get the date and time of the client. You 
> don't need xymonlaunch for monitoring logs.

Thank you for clarifying.

I hadn't noticed the lack of date and time.

> Although, if running in central mode, you do need to capture the output 
> of the xymon command that sends the client data message to the server, 
> and save it to a file, because that's the config file for logfetch.

Please elaborate.

> I re-implemented the logfetch behaviour in my xymon-rcient.sh script 
> (see Xymonton), consisting of about 3 functions and a bit of wrapper 
> code, so it's possible to do without the binary if that option seems useful.

I'll have to check that out.

> Alternatives for xymonlaunch are:
> - run xymonclient.sh from cron (perhaps via flock, or similar behaviour 
> to ensure you don't ever get a backlog of client instantiations 
> consuming system resources)

That's what I'm doing currently.

> - run via ssh from Xymon server to client, like:
> TMP=`mktemp`; echo "$MACHINE.$OSTYPE" > "$TMP" && ssh $MACHINE 
> ~xymon/client/bin/xymonclient.sh && $XYMON 127.1 @ < "$TMP" >/dev/null; 
> rm -f "$TMP"

That's largely a non-starter for my particular environment for multiple 

> (untested; also could do with flock or similar)


The logic makes sense to me.

> This can be run from a script launched by xymonlaunch on the Xymon 
> server, rather than requiring a launcher on the client.

So ...

Will someone please give me pointers for how I can cross compile Xymon 
client^W logfetch binary?

Grant. . . .
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