Cross compilation

Grant Taylor gtaylor at
Sun Jun 2 00:55:09 CEST 2024


Will someone please give me pointers for how I can cross compile Xymon 

I've got some old AIX 5.3 systems that I'm using a hack to run the (from memory) and piping that into a script that 
prefixes it with a header and connects to port 1984 of the Xymon server.

I'd like to some client version of Xymon or older Hobbit compiled for 
AIX 5.3.

I'm mostly after the xymonlaunch / hobbitlaunch binary for AIX 5.3.  I 
think the bulk of the data comes from the script. 
But I'd like to start leveraging log file monitoring, which seems to 
need the *launch binary.

Thank you and have a good day.

Grant. . . .
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