[Xymon] Is this thing on? SUMMARY UPDATE and POC

Stef Coene stef.coene at docum.org
Mon Jan 29 19:51:56 CET 2024


Not all the clients use https because some of them are too old.
Or the firewall is not open (and it's too troublesome to get the network 
team too open an extra port).

The xml file is really basic, no strange settings.

I attached my version to this mail. Can you test with that version?
I changed how the message is encoded and also some small changes that 
screwed up the procs check.

With my version you can also set xymonlogarchive so the logfile and data 
files are saved in a directory. That can help in debugging.


On 29/01/2024 16:54, Kris Springer wrote:
> Thanks Stef, do you have the XymonPSClient sending it's stats back to 
> the Xymon Server over https in all of those 1,000 servers?  Could you 
> provide a redacted sample of the xymonclient_config.xml you're using on 
> those functioning clients?  Perhaps there's an option that I need to 
> enable.  I too use it many places, but only the hosts that are sending 
> via https are having issues.
> Kris Springer
> On 1/29/24 8:48 AM, Stef Coene wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Regarding the Windows Powershell client, the core functionality works 
>> in all recent windows versions. Under the hood, the windows of today 
>> is stil the Windows of 15 years ago.
>> I have some updates for the Powershell clients, but they are more 
>> related to config changes and some extra functionality.
>> We run the client on 1.000 servers with 0 issues or missing 
>> functionality.
>> Stef
>> _______________________________________________
>> Xymon mailing list
>> Xymon at xymon.com
>> http://lists.xymon.com/mailman/listinfo/xymon
-------------- next part --------------
# ###################################################################################
# Xymon client for Windows
# This is a client implementation for Windows systems that support the
# Powershell scripting language.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Henrik Storner <henrik at hswn.dk>
# Copyright (C) 2010 David Baldwin
# Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Accenture (zak.beck at accenture.com)
# Copyright (c) 2023 Stef Coene
#   Contributions to this project were made by Accenture starting from June 2014.
#   For a list of modifications, please see the SVN change log.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# ###################################################################################

# Changelog Stef Coene
# Release 2.436:
# Remove `r from message
#  -> This corrupts the procs check
# Use [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes to encode the data stream
#  -> On some server sometimes the original code gives 0 bytes. I never found out in the orignal datastream what was the reason. The option xymonlogarchive was used to keep the logfiles and the collected data but we never found a difference.
# Allow to download a file when serverUrl is used via the bb: syntax
# Option ping to test connection to the xymon server
#  - Test the new version with the 'ping' option to make sure it works
# Environment variable YMONCLIENTCFG can be used to point to an alternatieve xymonclient_config.xml configuration file
#  -> We use this in combination with the 'ping' option to test a new XML configuration file with an external script
# Download configuration files from xymon server to etc directory
#  - Add config option to the clientconfigfile to download configuration files to the etc directory
#  - Add function XymonManageConfigs to download configuration files to the etc directory
#  -> We use this to distribute configuration file for external scripts to the servers. One of the scripts is used to generate a new xml configuration file.
# Allow to send something via the 'usermsg' channel
#  -> We use this to send inventory data collected by an external script to the xymon server. Of course, you need a scripts on the xymon server to process this data.
# Allow multiple serverUrl that will receiving the same data, separated with space
#  - Same serverHttpUsername/serverHttpPassword !
#  -> We have used this to migrate to a new xymon server so both receive all data.
# Disable server certification validation when sending data to a https server
#  -> This was needed for a Xymon server with https with self signed certificates. Maybe do this via an option?
# Add xymonlogarchive to the clientconfigfile to copy the logfiles and send data to an alternative directory
#    - Usefull for debugging
#    - Also some changes in XymonLogSend
# Add slowscanrate option to the clientconfigfile to overrule the default slowscanrate setting of 72
# Duplicate bb to xymon in the clientconfigfile
# Add scan|<number> to the clientconfigfile so you can run an external script every <number> run
#  - Also some changes in XymonExecuteExternals
# Make slowscanrate a random number during startup
# Release 2.437:
# Return $false if XymonSendViaHttp has an error
# If DecryptHttpServerPassword returns an error, returns $null and abort XymonSendViaHttp
# Catch error in DownloadFile and write error to the log
# Also return $false
# Use output from XymonSend as return value in XymonDownloadFromServer
#   This can be $false if there is an error in XymonSend
# Allow multiple clientversion download lines in configuration file
# Test if the file exist when downloading a file before overwriting the old file

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User configurable settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$xymonservers = @( "xymonhost" )    # List your Xymon servers here
# $clientname  = "winxptest"    # Define this to override the default client hostname

$xymonsvcname = "XymonPSClient"
$xymondir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Version = '2.437'
$XymonClientVersion = "${Id}: xymonclient.ps1  $Version 2019-03-11 zak.beck at accenture.com"
# detect if we're running as 64 or 32 bit
$XymonRegKey = $(if([System.IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) { "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\XymonPSClient" } else { "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\XymonPSClient" })

if ( -not $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG ) {
   $XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir 'xymonclient_config.xml'
} else {
   $XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG

$ServiceChecks = @{}
$MaintChecks = @{}

$UnixEpochOriginUTC = New-Object DateTime 1970,1,1,0,0,0,([DateTimeKind]::Utc)

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

#region dotNETHelperTypes
function AddHelperTypes
$getprocessowner = @'
// see: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14828/How-To-Get-Process-Owner-ID-and-Current-User-SID
// adapted slightly and bugs fixed
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class GetProcessOwner

    public const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0X00000008;

    const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;

    enum TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS                           
        TokenUser = 1,

    struct TOKEN_USER
        public _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES User;

    public struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
        public IntPtr Sid;
        public int Attributes;

    static extern bool OpenProcessToken(
        IntPtr ProcessHandle, // handle to process
        int DesiredAccess, // desired access to process
        ref IntPtr TokenHandle // handle to open access token

    static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

    [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern bool GetTokenInformation(
        IntPtr hToken,
        TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS tokenInfoClass,
        IntPtr TokenInformation,
        int tokeInfoLength,
        ref int reqLength

    static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);

    [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern bool ConvertSidToStringSid(
        IntPtr pSID,
        [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] ref string pStringSid

    [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern bool ConvertStringSidToSid(
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string pStringSid,
        ref IntPtr pSID

    /// <span class="code-SummaryComment"><summary></span>
    /// Collect User Info
    /// <span class="code-SummaryComment"></summary></span>
    /// <span class="code-SummaryComment"><param name="pToken">Process Handle</param></span>
    public static bool DumpUserInfo(IntPtr pToken, out IntPtr SID)
        int Access = TOKEN_QUERY;
        IntPtr procToken = IntPtr.Zero;
        bool ret = false;
        SID = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (OpenProcessToken(pToken, Access, ref procToken))
                ret = ProcessTokenToSid(procToken, out SID);
            return ret;
        catch //(Exception err)
            return false;

    private static bool ProcessTokenToSid(IntPtr token, out IntPtr SID)
        TOKEN_USER tokUser;
        const int bufLength = 256;            
        IntPtr tu = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufLength);
        bool ret = false;
        SID = IntPtr.Zero;
            int cb = bufLength;
            ret = GetTokenInformation(token, 
                    TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, tu, cb, ref cb);
            if (ret)
                tokUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tu, typeof(TOKEN_USER));
                SID = tokUser.User.Sid;
            return ret;
        catch //(Exception err)
            return false;

    public static string GetProcessOwnerByPId(int PID)
        IntPtr _SID = IntPtr.Zero;                                       
        string SID = String.Empty;                                             
            Process process = Process.GetProcessById(PID);
            if (DumpUserInfo(process.Handle, out _SID))
                ConvertSidToStringSid(_SID, ref SID);

            // convert SID to username
            string account = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(SID).Translate(typeof(System.Security.Principal.NTAccount)).ToString();

            return account;                                          
            return "Unknown";

$type = Add-Type $getprocessowner

$getprocesscmdline = @'
    // ZB adapted from ProcessHacker (http://processhacker.sf.net)
    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    public class ProcessInformation
        internal static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(
            [In] IntPtr ProcessHandle,
            [In] int ProcessInformationClass,
            [Out] out ProcessBasicInformation ProcessInformation,
            [In] int ProcessInformationLength,
            [Out] [Optional] out int ReturnLength

        public static extern int NtReadVirtualMemory(
            [In] IntPtr processHandle,
            [In] [Optional] IntPtr baseAddress,
            [In] IntPtr buffer,
            [In] IntPtr bufferSize,
            [Out] [Optional] out IntPtr returnLength

        private const int FLS_MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE = 128;
        //private const int GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 34;
        private const int GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 60;

        private enum PebOffset

        public enum RtlUserProcessFlags : uint
            ParamsNormalized = 0x00000001,
            ProfileUser = 0x00000002,
            ProfileKernel = 0x00000004,
            ProfileServer = 0x00000008,
            Reserve1Mb = 0x00000020,
            Reserve16Mb = 0x00000040,
            CaseSensitive = 0x00000080,
            DisableHeapDecommit = 0x00000100,
            DllRedirectionLocal = 0x00001000,
            AppManifestPresent = 0x00002000,
            ImageKeyMissing = 0x00004000,
            OptInProcess = 0x00020000

        public enum StartupFlags : uint
            UseShowWindow = 0x1,
            UseSize = 0x2,
            UsePosition = 0x4,
            UseCountChars = 0x8,
            UseFillAttribute = 0x10,
            RunFullScreen = 0x20,
            ForceOnFeedback = 0x40,
            ForceOffFeedback = 0x80,
            UseStdHandles = 0x100,
            UseHotkey = 0x200

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public struct UnicodeString
            public ushort Length;
            public ushort MaximumLength;
            public IntPtr Buffer;

        public struct ListEntry
            public IntPtr Flink;
            public IntPtr Blink;

        public unsafe struct Peb
            public static readonly int ImageSubsystemOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ImageSubsystem").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int LdrOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "Ldr").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int ProcessHeapOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ProcessHeap").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int ProcessParametersOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ProcessParameters").ToInt32();

            public bool InheritedAddressSpace;
            public bool ReadImageFileExecOptions;
            public bool BeingDebugged;
            public bool BitField;
            public IntPtr Mutant;

            public IntPtr ImageBaseAddress;
            public IntPtr Ldr; // PebLdrData*
            public IntPtr ProcessParameters; // RtlUserProcessParameters*
            public IntPtr SubSystemData;
            public IntPtr ProcessHeap;
            public IntPtr FastPebLock;
            public IntPtr AtlThunkSListPtr;
            public IntPtr SparePrt2;
            public int EnvironmentUpdateCount;
            public IntPtr KernelCallbackTable;
            public int SystemReserved;
            public int SpareUlong;
            public IntPtr FreeList;
            public int TlsExpansionCounter;
            public IntPtr TlsBitmap;
            public unsafe fixed int TlsBitmapBits[2];
            public IntPtr ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
            public IntPtr ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
            public IntPtr ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
            public IntPtr AnsiCodePageData;
            public IntPtr OemCodePageData;
            public IntPtr UnicodeCaseTableData;

            public int NumberOfProcessors;
            public int NtGlobalFlag;

            public long CriticalSectionTimeout;
            public IntPtr HeapSegmentReserve;
            public IntPtr HeapSegmentCommit;
            public IntPtr HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
            public IntPtr HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;

            public int NumberOfHeaps;
            public int MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
            public IntPtr ProcessHeaps;

            public IntPtr GdiSharedHandleTable;
            public IntPtr ProcessStarterHelper;
            public int GdiDCAttributeList;
            public IntPtr LoaderLock;

            public int OSMajorVersion;
            public int OSMinorVersion;
            public short OSBuildNumber;
            public short OSCSDVersion;
            public int OSPlatformId;
            public int ImageSubsystem;
            public int ImageSubsystemMajorVersion;
            public int ImageSubsystemMinorVersion;
            public IntPtr ImageProcessAffinityMask;
            public unsafe fixed byte GdiHandleBuffer[GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE];
            public IntPtr PostProcessInitRoutine;

            public IntPtr TlsExpansionBitmap;
            public unsafe fixed int TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32];

            public int SessionId;

            public long AppCompatFlags;
            public long AppCompatFlagsUser;
            public IntPtr pShimData;
            public IntPtr AppCompatInfo;

            public UnicodeString CSDVersion;

            public IntPtr ActivationContextData;
            public IntPtr ProcessAssemblyStorageMap;
            public IntPtr SystemDefaultActivationContextData;
            public IntPtr SystemAssemblyStorageMap;

            public IntPtr MinimumStackCommit;

            public IntPtr FlsCallback;
            public ListEntry FlsListHead;
            public IntPtr FlsBitmap;
            public unsafe fixed int FlsBitmapBits[FLS_MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE / (sizeof(int) * 8)];
            public int FlsHighIndex;

        public struct RtlUserProcessParameters
            public static readonly int CurrentDirectoryOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CurrentDirectory").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int DllPathOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "DllPath").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int ImagePathNameOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "ImagePathName").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int CommandLineOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CommandLine").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int EnvironmentOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "Environment").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int WindowTitleOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "WindowTitle").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int DesktopInfoOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "DesktopInfo").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int ShellInfoOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "ShellInfo").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int RuntimeDataOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "RuntimeData").ToInt32();
            public static readonly int CurrentDirectoriesOffset =
                Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CurrentDirectories").ToInt32();

            public struct CurDir
                public UnicodeString DosPath;
                public IntPtr Handle;

            public struct RtlDriveLetterCurDir
                public ushort Flags;
                public ushort Length;
                public uint TimeStamp;
                public IntPtr DosPath;

            public int MaximumLength;
            public int Length;

            public RtlUserProcessFlags Flags;
            public int DebugFlags;

            public IntPtr ConsoleHandle;
            public int ConsoleFlags;
            public IntPtr StandardInput;
            public IntPtr StandardOutput;
            public IntPtr StandardError;

            public CurDir CurrentDirectory;
            public UnicodeString DllPath;
            public UnicodeString ImagePathName;
            public UnicodeString CommandLine;
            public IntPtr Environment;

            public int StartingX;
            public int StartingY;
            public int CountX;
            public int CountY;
            public int CountCharsX;
            public int CountCharsY;
            public int FillAttribute;

            public StartupFlags WindowFlags;
            public int ShowWindowFlags;
            public UnicodeString WindowTitle;
            public UnicodeString DesktopInfo;
            public UnicodeString ShellInfo;
            public UnicodeString RuntimeData;

            public RtlDriveLetterCurDir CurrentDirectories;

        public struct ProcessBasicInformation
            public int ExitStatus;
            public IntPtr PebBaseAddress;
            public IntPtr AffinityMask;
            public int BasePriority;
            public IntPtr UniqueProcessId;
            public IntPtr InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;

        private static string GetProcessCommandLine(IntPtr handle)
            ProcessBasicInformation pbi;

            int returnLength;
            int status = NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, 0, out pbi, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ProcessBasicInformation)), out returnLength);

            if (status != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));

            string result = GetPebString(PebOffset.CommandLine, pbi.PebBaseAddress, handle);

            return result;

        private static string GetProcessImagePath(IntPtr handle)
            ProcessBasicInformation pbi;

            int returnLength;
            int status = NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, 0, out pbi, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ProcessBasicInformation)), out returnLength);

            if (status != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));

            string result = GetPebString(PebOffset.ImagePathName, pbi.PebBaseAddress, handle);

            return result;

        private static IntPtr IncrementPtr(IntPtr ptr, int value)
            return IntPtr.Size == sizeof(Int32) ? new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt32() + value) : new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + value);

        private static unsafe string GetPebString(PebOffset offset, IntPtr pebBaseAddress, IntPtr handle)
            byte* buffer = stackalloc byte[IntPtr.Size];

            ReadMemory(IncrementPtr(pebBaseAddress, Peb.ProcessParametersOffset), buffer, IntPtr.Size, handle);

            IntPtr processParameters = *(IntPtr*)buffer;
            int realOffset = GetPebOffset(offset);

            UnicodeString pebStr;
            ReadMemory(IncrementPtr(processParameters, realOffset), &pebStr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UnicodeString)), handle);

            string str = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ReadMemory(pebStr.Buffer, pebStr.Length, handle), 0, pebStr.Length);

            return str;

        private static int GetPebOffset(PebOffset offset)
            switch (offset)
                case PebOffset.CommandLine:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.CommandLineOffset;
                case PebOffset.CurrentDirectoryPath:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.CurrentDirectoryOffset;
                case PebOffset.DesktopName:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.DesktopInfoOffset;
                case PebOffset.DllPath:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.DllPathOffset;
                case PebOffset.ImagePathName:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.ImagePathNameOffset;
                case PebOffset.RuntimeData:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.RuntimeDataOffset;
                case PebOffset.ShellInfo:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.ShellInfoOffset;
                case PebOffset.WindowTitle:
                    return RtlUserProcessParameters.WindowTitleOffset;
                    throw new ArgumentException("offset");

        private static byte[] ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, int length, IntPtr handle)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[length];

            ReadMemory(baseAddress, buffer, length, handle);

            return buffer;

        private static unsafe int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, byte[] buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
            fixed (byte* bufferPtr = buffer) return ReadMemory(baseAddress, bufferPtr, length, handle);

        private static unsafe int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, void* buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
            return ReadMemory(baseAddress, new IntPtr(buffer), length, handle);

        private static int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
            int status;
            IntPtr retLengthIntPtr;

            if ((status = NtReadVirtualMemory(handle, baseAddress, buffer, new IntPtr(length), out retLengthIntPtr)) > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));
            return retLengthIntPtr.ToInt32();

        public static string GetCommandLineByProcessId(int PID)
            string commandLine = "";
                Process process = Process.GetProcessById(PID);
                commandLine = GetProcessCommandLine(process.Handle);
                commandLine = commandLine.Replace((char)0, ' ');
            return commandLine;

$cp = new-object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
$cp.CompilerOptions = "/unsafe"
$dummy = $cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.dll')

$type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $getprocesscmdline -CompilerParameters $cp

$volumeinfo = @'
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

    public class VolumeInfo
        public static extern DriveType GetDriveType([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lpRootPathName);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
        private static extern bool GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
            out ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable,
            out ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
            out ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);

        [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        private extern static bool GetVolumeInformation(
            string RootPathName,
            StringBuilder VolumeNameBuffer,
            int VolumeNameSize,
            out uint VolumeSerialNumber,
            out uint MaximumComponentLength,
            out uint FileSystemFlags, // FileSystemFeature
            StringBuilder FileSystemNameBuffer,
            int nFileSystemNameSize);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
        public static extern bool GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(
            string lpszVolumeName,
            string lpszVolumePathNames,
            uint cchBuferLength,
            ref UInt32 lpcchReturnLength);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern FindVolumeSafeHandle FindFirstVolume([Out] StringBuilder lpszVolumeName, uint cchBufferLength);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern bool FindNextVolume(FindVolumeSafeHandle hFindVolume, [Out] StringBuilder lpszVolumeName, uint cchBufferLength);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern bool FindVolumeClose(IntPtr hFindVolume);

        private static readonly ulong KB = 1024;

        public enum DriveType : uint
            Unknown = 0,    //DRIVE_UNKNOWN
            Error = 1,        //DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR
            Removable = 2,    //DRIVE_REMOVABLE
            Fixed = 3,        //DRIVE_FIXED
            Remote = 4,        //DRIVE_REMOTE
            CDROM = 5,        //DRIVE_CDROM
            RAMDisk = 6        //DRIVE_RAMDISK

        private class FindVolumeSafeHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
            private FindVolumeSafeHandle()
            : base(true)

            public FindVolumeSafeHandle(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle)
            : base(ownsHandle)

            protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
                return FindVolumeClose(handle);

        public class Volume
            public string VolumeGUID;            
            public string FileSys;
            public DriveType DriveType;
            public uint DriveTypeId;

            public string MountPoint;
            public string FileSystemName;
            public string VolumeName;
            public ulong TotalBytes;
            public ulong FreeBytes;
            public ulong UsedBytes;
            public int UsedPercent;

            public ulong TotalBytesKB;
            public ulong FreeBytesKB;
            public ulong UsedBytesKB;

            public uint SerialNumber;

        private static void GetVolumeDetails(string drive, Volume v)
            ulong FreeBytesToCallerDummy;
            if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive, out FreeBytesToCallerDummy, out v.TotalBytes, out v.FreeBytes))
                StringBuilder volname = new StringBuilder(261);
                StringBuilder fsname = new StringBuilder(261);
                uint flagsDummy, maxlenDummy;
                GetVolumeInformation(drive, volname, volname.Capacity, 
                    out v.SerialNumber, out maxlenDummy, out flagsDummy, fsname, fsname.Capacity);
                v.FileSystemName = fsname.ToString();
                v.VolumeName = volname.ToString();

                if (v.TotalBytes > 0)
                    double used = ((double)(v.TotalBytes - v.FreeBytes) / (double)v.TotalBytes);
                    v.UsedPercent = (int)Math.Round(used * 100.0);

                v.UsedBytes = v.TotalBytes - v.FreeBytes;
                v.TotalBytesKB = v.TotalBytes / KB;
                v.FreeBytesKB = v.FreeBytes / KB;
                v.UsedBytesKB = v.UsedBytes / KB;

        private static void GetVolumeMountPoints(string volumeDeviceName, ArrayList volumes)
            string buffer = "";
            uint lpcchReturnLength = 0;
            GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(volumeDeviceName, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, ref lpcchReturnLength);
            if (lpcchReturnLength == 0)

            buffer = new string(new char[lpcchReturnLength]);

            if (!GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(volumeDeviceName, buffer, lpcchReturnLength, ref lpcchReturnLength))
                throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());                

            string[] mounts = buffer.Split('\0');
            if (buffer.Length > 1)
                foreach (string mount in mounts)
                    if (mount.Length > 0)
                        Volume v = new Volume();
                        v.VolumeGUID = volumeDeviceName;
                        v.MountPoint = mount;
                        v.DriveType = GetDriveType(mount);                        
                        v.DriveTypeId = (uint)v.DriveType;
                        if (mount[0] >= 'A' && mount[0] <= 'Z')
                            v.FileSys = mount[0].ToString();
                        if (mount.Length > 3)
                            // per BBWin, replace spaces with underscore in mountpoint name
                            v.FileSys = mount.Substring(3, mount.LastIndexOf('\\') - 3).Replace(' ', '_');                            
                        GetVolumeDetails(mount, v);
                // unmounted volume - only add details once
                Volume v = new Volume();
                v.VolumeGUID = volumeDeviceName;
                v.MountPoint = "";
                v.DriveType = GetDriveType(volumeDeviceName);                
                v.DriveTypeId = 99; // special value for unmounted
                v.FileSys = "unmounted";

                GetVolumeDetails(volumeDeviceName, v);

        public static Volume[] GetVolumes()
            const uint bufferLength = 1024;
            StringBuilder volume = new StringBuilder((int)bufferLength, (int)bufferLength);
            ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();

            using (FindVolumeSafeHandle volumeHandle = FindFirstVolume(volume, bufferLength))
                if (volumeHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                    GetVolumeMountPoints(volume.ToString(), ret);
                } while (FindNextVolume(volumeHandle, volume, bufferLength));

                return (Volume[])ret.ToArray(typeof(Volume));
$type = Add-Type $volumeinfo

$getsysteminfoType = @'
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    public class ProcessorInformation
        public struct SystemInfo
            public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; // WORD
            public uint PageSize; // DWORD
            public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; // (long)void*
            public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; // (long)void*
            public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; // DWORD*
            public uint NumberOfProcessors; // DWORD 
            public uint ProcessorType; // DWORD
            public uint AllocationGranularity; // DWORD
            public ushort ProcessorLevel; // WORD
            public ushort ProcessorRevision; // WORD

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
        private static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(out SystemInfo Info);

        public static SystemInfo GetSystemInfo()
            SystemInfo info;
            GetNativeSystemInfo(out info);

            return info;
$type = Add-Type $getsysteminfoType


function SetIfNot($obj,$key,$value)
    if($obj.$key -eq $null) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name $key -Value $value }

function XymonConfig($startedWithArgs)
    if (Test-Path $XymonClientCfg)
        XymonInitXML $startedWithArgs
        $script:XymonCfgLocation = "XML: $XymonClientCfg"
        $script:XymonCfgLocation = "Registry"
function XymonInitXML($startedWithArgs)
    $xmlconfig = [xml](Get-Content $XymonClientCfg)
    $script:XymonSettings = $xmlconfig.XymonSettings

    # if serverhttppassword is populated and not encrypted, encrypt it
    # only if we were started without arguments - so don't do it for
    # service installation mode
    if ($startedWithArgs -eq $false -and
        $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -ne $null -and
        $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -ne '' -and
        $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -notlike '{SecureString}*')
        WriteLog 'Attempting to encrypt password in config file'
            $securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword
            $encryptedPass = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $securePass
            $xmlSecPass = "{SecureString}$($encryptedPass)"
            $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword = $xmlSecPass
            WriteLog "Exception encrypting config file password: $_"

function XymonInitRegistry
    $script:XymonSettings = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue $XymonRegKey

function XymonInit
    if($script:XymonSettings -eq $null) {
        $script:XymonSettings = New-Object Object

    $servers = $script:XymonSettings.servers
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serversList $servers
    if ($script:XymonSettings.servers -match " ") 
        $script:XymonSettings.serversList = $script:XymonSettings.servers.Split(" ")
    if ($script:XymonSettings.serversList -eq $null)
        $script:XymonSettings.serversList = $xymonservers

    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverUrl ''
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpUsername ''
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpPassword ''
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpTimeoutMs 100000

    $wanteddisks = $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings wanteddisksList $wanteddisks
    if ($script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks -match " ") 
        $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList = $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks.Split(" ")
    if ($script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList -eq $null)
        $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList = @( 3 ) # 3=Local disks, 4=Network shares, 2=USB, 5=CD

    # Params for default clientname
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientfqdn 1 # 0 = unqualified, 1 = fully-qualified
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlower 1 # 0 = unqualified, 1 = fully-qualified
    if ($script:XymonSettings.clientname -eq $null -or $script:XymonSettings.clientname -eq "") 
        # set name based on rules; first try IP properties
        $ipProperties = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()
        $clname  = $ipProperties.HostName
        if ($clname -ne '' -and $script:XymonSettings.clientfqdn -eq 1 -and ($ipProperties.DomainName -ne $null)) 
            $clname += "." + $ipProperties.DomainName
        if ($clname -eq '')
            # try environment
            $clname = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
            if ($clname -ne '' -and $script:XymonSettings.clientfqdn -eq 1 -and ($Env:USERDNSDOMAIN -ne $null)) 
                $clname += '.' + $Env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        if ($script:XymonSettings.clientlower -eq 1) { $clname = $clname.ToLower() }
        SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientname $clname
        $script:clientname = $clname
        $script:clientname = $script:XymonSettings.clientname

    # Params for various client options
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientbbwinmembug 1 # 0 = report correctly, 1 = page and virtual switched
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientremotecfgexec 0 # 0 = don't run remote config, 1 = run remote config
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientconfigfile "$env:TEMP\xymonconfig.cfg" # path for saved client-local.cfg section from server
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogfile "$env:TEMP\xymonclient.log" # path for logfile
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientsoftware "powershell" # powershell / bbwin
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientclass "powershell" # 'class' value (default powershell)
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings loopinterval 300 # seconds to repeat client reporting loop
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings maxlogage 60 # minutes age for event log reporting
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings MaxEvents 5000 # maximum number of events per event log
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings reportevt 1 # scan eventlog and report (can be very slow)
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWin32_Product 0 # 0 = do not use Win32_product, 1 = do
                        # see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/974524 for reasons why Win32_Product is not recommended!
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering 0 # 0 = do not use Win32_QuickFixEngineering, 1 = do
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWMISections 0 # 0 = do not produce [WMI: sections (OS, BIOS, Processor, Memory, Disk), 1 = do
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableIISSection 1 # 0 = do not produce iis_sites section, 1 = do
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableDiskPart 0 # 0 = do not collect diskpart data, 1 = do
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings ClientProcessPriority 'Normal' # possible values Normal, Idle, High, RealTime, BelowNormal, AboveNormal

    $clientlogpath = Split-Path -Parent $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogpath $clientlogpath

    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogretain 0

    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings XymonAcceptUTF8 0 # messages sent to Xymon 0 = use "original" ASCII, 1 = convert to UTF8, 2 = use "pure" ASCII
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings GetProcessInfoCommandLine 1 # get process command line 1 = yes, 0 = no
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings GetProcessInfoOwner 1 # get process owner 1 = yes, 0 = no

    $configdir = Join-Path $xymondir 'etc'
    $extscript = Join-Path $xymondir 'ext'
    $extdata = Join-Path $xymondir 'tmp'
    $localdata = Join-Path $xymondir 'local'
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings configlocation $configdir
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings externalscriptlocation $extscript
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings externaldatalocation $extdata
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings localdatalocation $localdata
    SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings servergiflocation '/xymon/gifs/'
    $script:clientlocalcfg = ""
    $script:logfilepos = @{}
    $script:externals = @{}
    $script:diskpartData = ''
    $script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'Unknown'

    $script:HaveCmd = @{}
    foreach($cmd in "query","qwinsta") {
        $script:HaveCmd.$cmd = (get-command -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue $cmd) -ne $null

    "XymonProcsCpu","XymonProcsCpuTStart","XymonProcsCpuElapsed") `
    | %{ if (get-variable -erroraction SilentlyContinue $_) { Remove-Variable $_ }}

function XymonProcsCPUUtilisation
    # XymonProcsCpu is a table with 6 elements:
    #   0 = process object
    #   1 = last tick value
    #   2 = ticks used since last poll
    #   3 = activeflag
    #   4 = command line
    #   5 = owner

    # ZB - got a feeling XymonProcsCpuElapsed should be multiplied by number of cores
    if ((get-variable -erroraction SilentlyContinue "XymonProcsCpu") -eq $null) {
        $script:XymonProcsCpu = @{ 0 = ( $null, 0, 0, $false) }
        $script:XymonProcsCpuTStart = (Get-Date).ticks
        $script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed = 0
    else {
        $script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed = (Get-Date).ticks - $script:XymonProcsCpuTStart
        $script:XymonProcsCpuTStart = (Get-Date).Ticks
    $script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed *= $script:numcores
    foreach ($p in $script:procs) {
        # store the process name in XymonProcsCpu
        # and if $p.name differs but id matches, need to pick up new command line etc and zero counters
        # - this covers the case where a process id is reused
        $thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]
        if ($p.Id -ne 0 -and ($thisp -eq $null -or $thisp[0].Name -ne $p.Name))
            # either we have not seen this process before ($thisp -eq $null)
            # OR
            # the name of the process for ID x does not equal the cached process name
            if ($thisp -eq $null)
                WriteLog "New process $($p.Id) detected: $($p.Name)"
                WriteLog "Process $($p.Id) appears to have changed from $($thisp[0].Name) to $($p.Name)"

            $cmdline = ''
            $owner = ''
            if ($script:XymonSettings.GetProcessInfoCommandLine -eq 1)
                $cmdline = [ProcessInformation]::GetCommandLineByProcessId($p.Id)
            if ($script:XymonSettings.GetProcessInfoOwner -eq 1)
                $owner = [GetProcessOwner]::GetProcessOwnerByPId($p.Id)
            if ($owner.length -gt 32) { $owner = $owner.substring(0, 32) }

            # New process - create an entry in the curprocs table
            # We use static values here, because some get-process entries have null values
            # for the tick-count (The "SYSTEM" and "Idle" processes).
            $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id] = @($null, 0, 0, $false, $cmdline, $owner)
            $thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]

        $thisp[3] = $true
        $thisp[2] = $p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks - $thisp[1]
        $thisp[1] = $p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks
        $thisp[0] = $p

function UserSessionCount
    if ($HaveCmd.qwinsta)
        $script:usersessions = qwinsta /counter
        ($script:usersessions -match ' Active ').Length
        $q = get-wmiobject win32_logonsession | %{ $_.logonid}
        $service = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$xymonsvc'"
        $s = 0
        get-wmiobject win32_session | ?{ 2,10 -eq $_.LogonType} | ?{$q -eq $_.logonid} | %{
            $z = $_.logonid
            get-wmiobject win32_sessionprocess | ?{ $_.Antecedent -like "*LogonId=`"$z`"*" } | %{
                if($_.Dependent -match "Handle=`"(\d+)`"") {
                    get-wmiobject win32_process -filter "processid='$($matches[1])'" }
            } | select -first 1 | %{ $s++ }

function XymonCollectInfo([boolean] $isSlowScan)
    WriteLog "Executing XymonCollectInfo"

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Process info"
    $script:procs = Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property Id

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: CPU info"
    $script:cpuinfo = [ProcessorInformation]::GetSystemInfo()
    $script:numcores  = $cpuinfo.NumberOfProcessors
    WriteLog "Found $($script:numcores) cores"

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: calling XymonProcsCPUUtilisation"

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: OS info (including memory) (WMI)"
    $script:osinfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Service info (WMI)"
    $script:svcs = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Sort-Object -Property Name
    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Disk info"
    $mydisks = @()
        $volumes = [VolumeInfo]::GetVolumes()
        foreach ($disktype in $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList) { 
            $mydisks += @( ($volumes | where { $_.DriveTypeId -eq $disktype } ))
        $volumes = @()
        WriteLog "Error getting volume information: $_"
    $script:disks = $mydisks | Sort-Object FileSys

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Building table of service processes (uses WMI data)"
    $script:svcprocs = @{([int]-1) = ""}
    foreach ($s in $svcs) {
        if ($s.State -eq "Running") {
            if ($svcprocs[([int]$s.ProcessId)] -eq $null) {
                $script:svcprocs += @{ ([int]$s.ProcessId) = $s.Name }
            else {
                $script:svcprocs[([int]$s.ProcessId)] += ("/" + $s.Name)

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Date processing (uses WMI data)"
    $script:localdatetime = $osinfo.ConvertToDateTime($osinfo.LocalDateTime)
    $script:uptime = $localdatetime - $osinfo.ConvertToDateTime($osinfo.LastBootUpTime)
    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Adding CPU usage etc to main process data"

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: calling UserSessionCount"
    $script:usercount = UserSessionCount

    WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo finished"

function WMIProp($class)
    $wmidata = Get-WmiObject -Class $class
    $props = ($wmidata | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Sort-Object -Property Name | where { $_.Name -notlike "__*" })
    foreach ($p in $props) {
        $p.Name + " : " + $wmidata.($p.Name)

function UnixDate([System.DateTime] $t)
    $t.ToString("ddd dd MMM HH:mm:ss yyyy")

function epochTimeUtc([System.DateTime] $t)
    [int64]($t.ToUniversalTime() - $UnixEpochOriginUTC).TotalSeconds

function filesize($file,$clsize=4KB)
    return [math]::floor((($_.Length -1)/$clsize + 1) * $clsize/1KB)

function du([string]$dir,[int]$clsize=0)
    if($clsize -eq 0) {
        $drive = "{0}:" -f [string](get-item $dir | %{ $_.psdrive })
        $clsize = [int](Get-WmiObject win32_Volume | ? { $_.DriveLetter -eq $drive }).BlockSize
        if($clsize -eq 0 -or $clsize -eq $null) { $clsize = 4096 } # default in case not found
    $sum = 0
    $dulist = ""
    get-childitem $dir -Force | % {
        if( $_.Attributes -like "*Directory*" ) {
           $dulist += du ("{0}\{1}" -f [string]$dir,$_.Name) $clsize | out-string
           $sum += $dulist.Split("`n")[-2].Split("`t")[0] # get size for subdir
        } else { 
           $sum += filesize $_ $clsize

function XymonPrintProcess($pobj, $name, $pct)
    $pcpu = (("{0:F1}" -f $pct) + "`%").PadRight(8)
    $ppid = ([string]($pobj.Id)).PadRight(9)
    if ($name.length -gt 30) { $name = $name.substring(0, 30) }
    $pname = $name.PadRight(32)

    $pprio = ([string]$pobj.BasePriority).PadRight(5)
    $ptime = (([string]($pobj.TotalProcessorTime)).Split(".")[0]).PadRight(9)
    $pmem = ([string]($pobj.WorkingSet64 / 1KB)) + "k"

    $pcpu + $ppid + $pname + $pprio + $ptime + $pmem

function XymonDate
    UnixDate $localdatetime

function XymonClock
    $epoch = epochTimeUtc $localdatetime

    "epoch: " + $epoch
    "local: " + (UnixDate $localdatetime)
    "UTC: " + (UnixDate $localdatetime.ToUniversalTime())
    $timesource = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters').Type
    "Time Synchronisation type: " + $timesource
    if ($timesource -eq "NTP") {
        "NTP server: " + (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters').NtpServer
    $w32qs = w32tm /query /status  # will not run on 2003, XP or earlier
    if($?) { $w32qs }

function XymonUptime
    "sec: " + [string] ([int]($uptime.Ticks / 10000000))
    ([string]$uptime.Days) + " days " + ([string]$uptime.Hours) + " hours " + ([string]$uptime.Minutes) + " minutes " + ([string]$uptime.Seconds) + " seconds"
    "Bootup: " + $osinfo.LastBootUpTime

function XymonUname
    $osinfo.Caption + " " + $osinfo.CSDVersion + " (build " + $osinfo.BuildNumber + ")"

function XymonClientVersion

function XymonProcesses
    # gather process and timing information and add this to $script:procs
    # variable
    # XymonCpu and XymonProcs use this information to output
    WriteLog "XymonProcesses start"

    foreach ($p in $script:procs)
        if ($svcprocs[($p.Id)] -ne $null) {
            $procname = "SVC:" + $svcprocs[($p.Id)]
        else {
            $procname = $p.Name
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name XymonProcessName -Value $procname `
            -InputObject $p

        $thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]
        if ($thisp -ne $null -and $thisp[3] -eq $true) 
            if ($script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed -gt 0)
                $usedpct = ([int](10000*($thisp[2] / $script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed))) / 100
                $usedpct = 0
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
                -Name CommandLine -Value $thisp[4] `
                -InputObject $p
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
                -Name Owner -Value $thisp[5] `
                -InputObject $p
            $usedpct = 0

        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name CPUPercent -Value $usedpct `
            -InputObject $p

        $elapsedRuntime = 0
        if ($p.StartTime -ne $null)
            $elapsedRuntime = ($script:localdatetime - $p.StartTime).TotalMinutes 
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name ElapsedSinceStart -Value $elapsedRuntime `
            -InputObject $p

        $pws     = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.WorkingSet64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1KB)
        $pvmem   = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.VirtualMemorySize64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakVirtualMemorySize64 / 1KB)
        $ppgmem  = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.PagedMemorySize64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakPagedMemorySize64 / 1KB)
        $pnpgmem = "{0,8:F0}" -f ($p.NonPagedSystemMemorySize64 / 1KB)

        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name XymonPeakWorkingSet -Value $pws `
            -InputObject $p
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name XymonPeakVirtualMem -Value $pvmem `
            -InputObject $p
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name XymonPeakPagedMem -Value $ppgmem `
            -InputObject $p
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
            -Name XymonNonPagedSystemMem -Value $pnpgmem `
            -InputObject $p

    WriteLog "XymonProcesses finished."

function XymonCpu
    WriteLog "XymonCpu start"

    $totalcpu = ($script:procs | Measure-Object -Sum -Property CPUPercent | Select -ExpandProperty Sum)
    $totalcpu = [Math]::Round($totalcpu, 2)

    "up: {0} days, {1} users, {2} procs, load={3}%" -f [string]$uptime.Days, $usercount, $procs.count, [string]$totalcpu
    "CPU states:"
    "`ttotal`t{0}`%" -f [string]$totalcpu
    "`tcores: {0}" -f [string]$script:numcores

    if ($script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed -gt 0) {
        "CPU".PadRight(9) + "PID".PadRight(8) + "Image Name".PadRight(32) + "Pri".PadRight(5) + "Time".PadRight(9) + "MemUsage"

        $script:procs | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.CPUPercent } `
            | foreach `
                $skipFlag = $false
                if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
                    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('processes'))
                        # skip this process if we are in slimmode and this process is not one of the 
                        # requested processes
                        if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.processes -notcontains $_.XymonProcessName)
                            $skipFlag = $true
                if (!$skipFlag)
                    XymonPrintProcess $_ $_.XymonProcessName $_.CPUPercent 
    WriteLog "XymonCpu finished."

function XymonDisk
    $MountpointWidth = 10
    $LabelWidth = 10
    $FilesysWidth = 10

    # work out column widths
    foreach ($d in $script:disks)
        $mplength = "/FIXED/$($d.MountPoint)".Length
        if ($mplength -gt $MountpointWidth)
            $MountpointWidth = $mplength
        if ($d.FileSys.Length -gt $FilesysWidth)
            $FilesysWidth = $d.FileSys.Length
        if ($d.VolumeName.Length -gt $LabelWidth)
            $LabelWidth = $d.VolumeName.Length

    WriteLog "XymonDisk start"
    "{0,-$FilesysWidth} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,9}  {5,-$MountpointWidth} {6,-$LabelWidth} {7}" -f `
        "Filesystem", `
        "1K-blocks", `
        "Used", `
        "Avail", `
        "Capacity", `
        "Mounted", `
        "Label", `
        "Summary(Total\Avail GB)"
    foreach ($d in $script:disks) {
        $diskusedKB = $d.UsedBytesKB
        $disksizeKB = $d.TotalBytesKB

        $dsKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($d.TotalBytes / 1KB); $dsGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($d.TotalBytes / 1GB)
        $duKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($diskusedKB); $duGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($diskusedKB / 1KB);
        $dfKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($d.FreeBytes / 1KB); $dfGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($d.FreeBytes / 1GB)

        $mountpoint = "/FIXED/$($d.MountPoint)"
        "{0,-$FilesysWidth} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,9:0}% {5,-$MountpointWidth} {6,-$LabelWidth} {7}" -f `
            $d.FileSys, `
            $dsKB, `
            $duKB, `
            $dfKB, `
            $d.UsedPercent, `
            $mountpoint, `
            $d.VolumeName, `
            $dsGB + "\" + $dfGB


    WriteLog "XymonDisk finished."

function XymonMemory
    WriteLog "XymonMemory start"
    $physused  = [int](($osinfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $osinfo.FreePhysicalMemory)/1KB)
    $phystotal = [int]($osinfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1KB)
    $pageused  = [int](($osinfo.SizeStoredInPagingFiles - $osinfo.FreeSpaceInPagingFiles) / 1KB)
    $pagetotal = [int]($osinfo.SizeStoredInPagingFiles / 1KB)
    $virtused  = [int](($osinfo.TotalVirtualMemorySize - $osinfo.FreeVirtualMemory) / 1KB)
    $virttotal = [int]($osinfo.TotalVirtualMemorySize / 1KB)

    "memory    Total    Used"
    "physical: $phystotal $physused"
    if($script:XymonSettings.clientbbwinmembug -eq 0) {     # 0 = report correctly, 1 = page and virtual switched
        "virtual: $virttotal $virtused"
        "page: $pagetotal $pageused"
    } else {
        "virtual: $pagetotal $pageused"
        "page: $virttotal $virtused"
    WriteLog "XymonMemory finished."

# ContainsLike - whether or not $compare matches
# one of the entries in $arrayOfLikes using the -like operator
# returns $null (no match) or the matching entry from $arrayOfLikes
function ContainsLike([string[]] $ArrayOfLikes, [string] $Compare)
    foreach ($l in $ArrayOfLikes)
        if ($Compare -like $l)
            return $l
    return $null

function XymonMsgs
    if ($script:XymonSettings.reportevt -eq 0) {return}

    $sinceMs = (New-Timespan -Minutes $script:XymonSettings.maxlogage).TotalMilliseconds

    # xml template
    #   {0} = log name e.g. Application
    #   {1} = milliseconds - how far back in time to go
    $filterXMLTemplate = `
      <Query Id="0" Path="{0}">
        <Select Path="{0}">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= {1}] and ({2})]]</Select>

    $eventLevels = @{ 
        '0' = 'Information';
        '1' = 'Critical';
        '2' = 'Error';
        '3' = 'Warning';
        '4' = 'Information';
        '5' = 'Verbose';

    # default logs - may be overridden by config
    $wantedlogs = "Application", "System", "Security"
    $wantedLevels = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose')
    $maxpayloadlength = 1024
    $payload = ''

    # $wantedEventLogs
    # each key is an event log name
    # each value is an array of wanted levels
    # defaults set below
    # can be overridden by eventlogswanted config 
    $wantedEventLogs = `
        @{ `
            'Application' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
            'System' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
            'Security' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
    # any config from server should override this default config
    $wantedEventLogsPriority = -1

    # this function no longer uses $script:XymonSettings.wantedlogs
    # - it now uses eventlogswanted from the remote config
    # eventlogswanted:[optional priority]:<logs/levels>:max payload:[optional default levels]
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^eventlogswanted:(?:(\d+):)?(.+):(\d+):?(.+)?$' } | foreach `
        $thisSectionPriority = 0
        WriteLog "Processing eventlogswanted config: $($matches[0])"
        # config priority (if present)
        # we only want the configuration with the highest priority
        if ($matches[1] -ne $null)
            $thisSectionPriority = [int]($matches[1])
        if ($wantedEventLogsPriority -gt $thisSectionPriority)
            WriteLog "Previous priority $wantedEventLogsPriority greater than this config ($($thisSectionPriority)), skipping"
            $skip = $true
            WriteLog "This config priority $($thisSectionPriority) greater than/equal to previous config ($($wantedEventLogsPriority)), processing"
            $wantedEventLogsPriority = $thisSectionPriority
            $skip = $false

        # $wantedlogs
        # might be a list of logs - e.g. application,system
        # or a list of logs and levels - e.g. application|information&critical,system|critical&error
        if (-not ($skip))
            $wantedEventLogs = @{}
            $wantedlogs = $matches[2] -split ','
            $maxpayloadlength = $matches[3]
            if ($matches[4] -ne $null)
                $wantedLevels = $matches[4] -split ','

            foreach ($log in $wantedlogs)
                if ($log -like '*|*')
                    $logParams = @($log -split '\|')
                    if ($logParams.Length -eq 2)
                        $levelParams = $logParams[1] -replace '&', ','
                        $wantedEventLogs[$logParams[0]] = ($levelParams -split ',')
                    elseif ($logParams.Length -eq 1)
                        $wantedEventLogs[$logParams[0]] = $wantedLevels
                        WriteLog "Bad configuration item in eventlogswanted: $log"
                    # if no individual levels specified, then use the defaults - 
                    # either specified in match 3 or script default
                    $wantedEventLogs[$log] = $wantedLevels

    $script:EventLogs = Get-WinEvent -ListLog @($wantedEventLogs.Keys)
    $script:EventLogs | Format-Table -AutoSize

    WriteLog "Event Log processing - max payload: $maxpayloadlength"

    foreach ($l in ($script:EventLogs | select -ExpandProperty LogName))
        $wantedEventLogEntry = ContainsLike -ArrayofLikes $wantedEventLogs.Keys -Compare $l
        if ($wantedEventLogEntry -ne $null)
            WriteLog "Event log $l adding to payload"
            $payload += [environment]::newline + "[msgs:eventlog_$l]" + [environment]::newline

            # only scan the current log if there is space in the payload
            if ($payload.Length -lt $maxpayloadlength)
                WriteLog "Processing event log $l"

                $levelcriteria = @()
                $wantedLevels = $wantedEventLogs[$wantedEventLogEntry]
                foreach ($level in $wantedLevels)
                    switch ($level)
                        'critical' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=1'; break }
                        'warning' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=3'; break }
                        'verbose' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=5'; break }
                        'error' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=2'; break }
                        'information' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=4 or Level=0'; break }

                $logFilterXML = $filterXMLTemplate -f $l, $sinceMs, ($levelcriteria -join ' or ')
                WriteLog "Log filter $logFilterXML"
                    WriteLog 'Setting thread/UI culture to en-US'
                    $currentCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
                    $currentUICulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
                    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'en-US'
                    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = 'en-US'

                    # todo - make this max events number configurable
                    $logentries = @(Get-WinEvent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -FilterXML $logFilterXML `
                        -MaxEvents $script:XymonSettings.MaxEvents)
                    WriteLog "Error setting culture and getting event log entries: $_"
                    WriteLog "Resetting thread/UI culture to previous: $currentCulture / $currentUICulture"
                    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $currentCulture
                    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $currentUICulture

                $totalEntries = $logentries.Length
                WriteLog "Event log $l entries since last scan: $($logentries.Length)"
                # filter based on clientlocal.cfg / clientconfig.cfg
                if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries -ne $null)
                    $filterkey = $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^eventlog\:$l" }
                    if ($filterkey -ne $null -and $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey($filterkey))
                        WriteLog "Found a configured filter for log $l"

                        # ignore / include - include has priority over ignore
                        # so if there are any include filters, they get priority and ignores are disregarded
                        $filters = @( $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$filterkey] | where { $_ -match '^include ' } )
                        $filterMode = 'include'
                        if ($filters -eq $null -or $filters.Length -eq 0)
                            $filters = @( $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$filterkey] | where { $_ -match '^ignore ' } )
                            $filterMode = 'exclude'
                        WriteLog "Filter mode: $filterMode Filter entries: $($filters.Length)"

                        # process filters if we have one or the other
                        $filterCount = 0
                        $output = @()
                        foreach ($entry in $logentries)
                            if ($filterMode -eq 'exclude')
                                $excludeItem = $false
                                foreach ($filter in $filters)
                                    $filter = $filter -replace '^ignore ', ''
                                    if ($entry.ProviderName -match $filter -or $entry.Message -match $filter)
                                        $excludeItem = $true
                                if (-not $excludeItem)
                                    $output += $entry
                            elseif ($filterMode -eq 'include')
                                $includeItem = $false
                                foreach ($filter in $filters)
                                    $filter = $filter -replace '^include ', ''
                                    if ($entry.ProviderName -match $filter -or $entry.Message -match $filter)
                                        $includeItem = $true
                                if ($includeItem)
                                    $output += $entry
                        $logentries = $output
                        WriteLog "Starting entries: $($totalEntries)  Entries filtered: $($filterCount)  Remaining entries: $($logentries.Count)"

                if ($logentries -ne $null) 
                    WriteLog "Entries to add to payload: $($logentries.Count) "
                    foreach ($entry in $logentries) 
                        $level = 'Unknown'
                        if ($eventLevels.ContainsKey($entry.Level.ToString()))
                            $level = $eventLevels[$entry.Level.ToString()]
                        $payload += [string]$level + " - " +`
                            [string]$entry.TimeCreated + " - " + `
                            "[$($entry.Id)] - " + `
                            [string]$entry.ProviderName + " - " + `
                            [string]$entry.Message + [environment]::newline
                        if ($payload.Length -gt $maxpayloadlength)
                            WriteLog "Payload length reached $($payload.Length), greater than $($maxpayloadlength)"
                    WriteLog "No entries to add to payload"
    WriteLog "Event log processing finished"

function ResolveEnvPath($envpath)
    $s = $envpath
    while($s -match '%([\w_]+)%') {
        if(! (test-path "env:$($matches[1])")) { return $envpath }
        $s = $s.Replace($matches[0],$(Invoke-Expression "`$env:$($matches[1])"))
    if(! (test-path $s)) { return $envpath }
    resolve-path $s | Select -ExpandProperty ProviderPath

function XymonDir
    #$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^dir:(.*)" } | % {
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^dir:(.*)" } |`
        foreach {
        resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
            if(test-path $_ -PathType Container) { du $_ }
            elseif(test-path $_) {"ERROR: The path specified is not a directory." }
            else { "ERROR: The system cannot find the path specified." }

function XymonFileStat($file,$hash="")
    # don't implement hashing yet - don't even check for it...
    if(test-path $_) {
        $fh = get-item $_
        if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
            "type:100000 (file)"
        } else {
            "type:40000 (directory)"
        "mode:{0} (not implemented)" -f $(if($fh.IsReadOnly) {555} else {777})
        "owner:0 ({0})" -f $fh.GetAccessControl().Owner
        "group:0 ({0})" -f $fh.GetAccessControl().Group
        if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) { "size:{0}" -f $fh.length }
        "atime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.LastAccessTimeUtc),$fh.LastAccessTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
        "ctime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.CreationTimeUtc),$fh.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
        "mtime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.LastWriteTimeUtc),$fh.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
        if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
            "FileVersion:{0}" -f $fh.VersionInfo.FileVersion
            "FileDescription:{0}" -f $fh.VersionInfo.FileDescription
    } else {
        "ERROR: The system cannot find the path specified."

function XymonFileCheck
    # don't implement hashing yet - don't even check for it...
    #$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^file:(.*)$" } | % {
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^file:(.*)$" } |`
        foreach {
        resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
            XymonFileStat $_

function XymonLogCheck
    #$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^log:(.*):(\d+)$" } | % {
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^log:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):(\d+):?(\d+)?$" } |`
        foreach {
        $positions = 6
        if ($matches[3] -ne $null)
            $positions = $matches[3]
        $sizemax = $matches[2]
        resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
            XymonFileStat $_
            XymonLogCheckFile $_ $sizemax $positions

function XymonLogCheckFile([string]$file,$sizemax=0, $positions=6)
    WriteLog "Executing XymonLogCheckFile"
    WriteLog "File: $file"
    if (Test-Path $file)
        $f = [system.io.file]::Open($file,"Open","Read","ReadWrite")
        $s = get-item $file
        $nowpos = $s.length
        $savepos = 0
        if($script:logfilepos.$($file) -ne $null) { $savepos = $script:logfilepos.$($file)[0] }
        if($nowpos -lt $savepos) {$savepos = 0} # log file rolled over??
        #"Save: {0}  Len: {1} Diff: {2} Max: {3} Write: {4}" -f $savepos,$nowpos, ($nowpos-$savepos),$sizemax,$s.LastWriteTime
        if($nowpos -gt $savepos) { # must be some more content to check
            $s = new-object system.io.StreamReader($f,$true)
            $dummy = $s.readline()
            $enc = $s.currentEncoding
            $charsize = 1
            if($enc.EncodingName -eq "Unicode") { $charsize = 2 }
            if($nowpos-$savepos -gt $charsize*$sizemax) {$savepos = $nowpos-$charsize*$sizemax}
            $seek = $f.Seek($savepos,0)
            $t = new-object system.io.StreamReader($f,$enc)
            $buf = $t.readtoend()
            if($buf -ne $null) { $buf }
            #"Save2: {0}  Pos: {1} Blen: {2} Len: {3} Enc($charsize): {4}" -f $savepos,$f.Position,$buf.length,$nowpos,$enc.EncodingName
        if($script:logfilepos.$($file) -ne $null) {
            $script:logfilepos.$($file) = $script:logfilepos.$($file)[1..$positions]
        } else {
            $script:logfilepos.$($file) = @(0) * $positions
        $script:logfilepos.$($file) += $nowpos # save for next loop
        WriteLog ("File saved positions: " + ($script:logfilepos.$($file) -join ','))
        WriteLog "Cannot open / resolve $file"
        "ERROR: Cannot open / resolve $file" 
    WriteLog "XymonLogCheckFile finished"

function XymonDirSize
    # dirsize:<path>:<gt/lt/eq>:<size bytes>:<fail colour>
    # match number:
    #        :  1   :   2      :     3      :     4
    # <path> may be a simple path (c:\temp) or contain an environment variable, or a filename
    # e.g. %USERPROFILE%\temp
    WriteLog "Executing XymonDirSize"
    $outputtext = ''
    $groupcolour = 'green'
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^dirsize:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):([gl]t|eq):(\d+):(.+)$' } |`
        foreach {
            resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {

                WriteLog "DirSize: $_"
                $objFSO = new-object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject

                if (test-path $_ -PathType Container)
                    # could use "get-childitem ... -recurse | measure ..." here 
                    # but that does not work well when there are many files/subfolders
                    $size = $objFSO.GetFolder($_).Size
                elseif (test-path $_)
                    $size = (Get-Item $_).Length
                    # file / directory does not exist
                    WriteLog "File $_ not found, setting size = -1"
                    $size = -1

                $criteriasize = ($matches[3] -as [long])
                $conditionmet = $false
                if ($matches[2] -eq 'gt')
                    $conditionmet = $size -gt $criteriasize
                    $conditiontype = '>'
                elseif ($matches[2] -eq 'lt')
                    $conditionmet = $size -lt $criteriasize
                    $conditiontype = '<'
                    # eq
                    $conditionmet = $size -eq $criteriasize
                    $conditiontype = '='
                if ($conditionmet)
                    $alertcolour = $matches[4]
                    $alertcolour = 'green'

                # report out - 
                #  {0} = colour (matches[4])
                #  {1} = folder name
                #  {2} = folder size
                #  {3} = condition symbol (<,>,=)
                #  {4} = alert size
                $outputtext += (('<img src="{5}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" ' +`
                    'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
                    '{1} size is {2} bytes. Alert if {3} {4} bytes.<br>') `
                    -f $alertcolour, $_, $size, $conditiontype, $matches[3], $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
                # set group colour to colour if it is not already set to a 
                # higher alert state colour
                if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
                    $groupcolour = 'yellow'
                elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
                    $groupcolour = 'red'

    if ($outputtext -ne '')
        $outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Directory Size</h2>' + $outputtext
        $output = ('status {0}.dirsize {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $outputtext)
        WriteLog "dirsize: Sending $output"
        XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList

function XymonDirTime
    # dirtime:<path>:<unused>:<gt/lt/eq>:<alerttime>:<colour>
    # match number:
    #        :  1   :    2   :     3    :     4     :   5
    # <path> may be a simple path (c:\temp) or contain an environment variable
    # e.g. %USERPROFILE%\temp
    # <alerttime> = number of minutes to alert after
    # e.g. if a directory should be modified every 10 minutes
    # alert for gt 10
    WriteLog "Executing XymonDirTime"
    $outputtext = ''
    $groupcolour = 'green'
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^dirtime:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):([^:]*):([gl]t|eq):(\d+):(.+)$' } |`
        foreach {
            resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {

                $skip = $false
                WriteLog "DirTime: $_"
                    $minutesdiff = ((get-date) - (Get-Item $_ -ErrorAction Stop).LastWriteTime).TotalMinutes
                    $outputtext += (('<img src="{2}{0}.gif" alt="{0}"' +`
                        'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
                        '{1}') `
                        -f 'red', $_, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
                    $groupcolour = 'red'
                    $skip = $true
                if (-not $skip)
                    $criteriaminutes = ($matches[4] -as [int])
                    $conditionmet = $false
                    if ($matches[3] -eq 'gt')
                        $conditionmet = $minutesdiff -gt $criteriaminutes
                        $conditiontype = '>'
                    elseif ($matches[3] -eq 'lt')
                        $conditionmet = $minutesdiff -lt $criteriaminutes
                        $conditiontype = '<'
                        $conditionmet = $minutesdiff -eq $criteriaminutes
                        $conditiontype = '='
                    if ($conditionmet)
                        $alertcolour = $matches[5]
                        $alertcolour = 'green'
                    # report out - 
                    #  {0} = colour (matches[5])
                    #  {1} = folder name
                    #  {2} = folder modified x minutes ago
                    #  {3} = condition symbol (<,>,=)
                    #  {4} = alert criteria minutes
                    $outputtext += (('<img src="{5}{0}.gif" alt="{0}"' +`
                        'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
                        '{1} updated {2:F1} minutes ago. Alert if {3} {4} minutes ago.<br>') `
                        -f $alertcolour, $_, $minutesdiff, $conditiontype, $criteriaminutes, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
                    # set group colour to colour if it is not already set to a 
                    # higher alert state colour
                    if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
                        $groupcolour = 'yellow'
                    elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
                        $groupcolour = 'red'

    if ($outputtext -ne '')
        $outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Last Modified Time In Minutes</h2>' + $outputtext
        $output = ('status {0}.dirtime {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $outputtext)
        WriteLog "dirtime: Sending $output"
        XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList

function XymonPorts
    WriteLog "XymonPorts start"
    $filter = ''
    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('ports:listenonly'))
        $filter = 'LISTENING'

    netstat -an | where { $_ -like "*$($filter)*" }
    WriteLog "XymonPorts finished."

function XymonIpconfig
    WriteLog "XymonIpconfig start"
    ipconfig /all | %{ $_.split("`n") } | ?{ $_ -match "\S" }  # for some reason adds blankline between each line
    WriteLog "XymonIpconfig finished."

function XymonRoute
    WriteLog "XymonRoute start"
    netstat -rn
    WriteLog "XymonRoute finished."

function XymonNetstat
    WriteLog "XymonNetstat start"
    netstat -s | ?{$_ -match "=|(\w+) Statistics for"} | %{ if($_.contains("=")) {("$pref$_").REPLACE(" ","")}else{$pref=$matches[1].ToLower();""}}
    WriteLog "XymonNetstat finished."

function XymonIfstat
    WriteLog "XymonIfstat start"
    $families = @{ 'IPv4' = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork; 
        'IPv6' = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6;

    $wantedFamilies = @()
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^ifstat:((ipv[46],?)+)$' } |
        foreach {
            foreach ($wanted in ($matches[1] -split ','))
                if ($families.ContainsKey($wanted))
                    $wantedFamilies += $families[$wanted]
            $wantedFamilies = ($wantedFamilies | Sort-Object -Unique)
    if (@($wantedFamilies).Length -eq 0)
        $wantedFamilies += $families['IPv4']
    WriteLog "wanted address families: $wantedFamilies"

    [System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | 
        where { $_.OperationalStatus -eq "Up" -and $_.NetworkInterfaceType -ne 'loopback' } |
        foreach {
        $ad = $_.GetIPv4Statistics() | select BytesSent, BytesReceived
        $ip = $_.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses | select Address
        # some interfaces have multiple IPs, so iterate over them reporting same stats
        # also replace statement removes zone information (adaptor) from IPv6 addresses
        $ip | where { $wantedFamilies -contains $_.Address.AddressFamily } |
            foreach { "{0} {1} {2}" -f ($_.Address.IPAddressToString -replace '%\d+$'),$ad.BytesReceived,$ad.BytesSent }
    WriteLog "XymonIfstat finished."

function XymonSvcs
    WriteLog "XymonSvcs start"
    "Name".PadRight(39) + " " + "StartupType".PadRight(12) + " " + "Status".PadRight(14) + " " + "DisplayName"
    foreach ($s in $svcs) 
        if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
            if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('services'))
                # skip this service if we are in slimmode and this service is not one of the 
                # requested services
                if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.services -notcontains $s.Name)
        if ($s.StartMode -eq "Auto") { $stm = "automatic" } else { $stm = $s.StartMode.ToLower() }
        if ($s.State -eq "Running")  { $state = "started" } else { $state = $s.State.ToLower() }
        $s.Name.Replace(" ","_").PadRight(39) + " " + $stm.PadRight(12) + " " + $state.PadRight(14) + " " + $s.DisplayName
    WriteLog "XymonSvcs finished."

function XymonProcs
    WriteLog "XymonProcs start"
    "{0,8} {1,-35} {2,-17} {3,-17} {4,-17} {5,8} {6,-7} {7,5} {8,-19} {9,7} {10} {11}" -f `
        "PID", "User", "WorkingSet/Peak", "VirtualMem/Peak", "PagedMem/Peak", "NPS", `
        "Handles", "%CPU", 'Start Time', 'Elapsed', "Name", "Command"
    # output sorted process table
    $script:procs | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.CPUPercent } `
        | foreach {
            $startTime = ''
            if ($_.StartTime -ne $null)
                $startTime = Get-Date -Date $_.StartTime -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

            $skipFlag = $false
            if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
                if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('processes'))
                    # skip this process if we are in slimmode and this process is not one of the 
                    # requested processes
                    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.processes -notcontains $_.XymonProcessName)
                        $skipFlag = $true
            if (!$skipFlag)
                "{0,8} {1,-35} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6,7:F0} {7,5:F1} {8,19} {9,7:F0} {10} {11}" -f $_.Id, $_.Owner, `
                    $_.XymonPeakWorkingSet, $_.XymonPeakVirtualMem,`
                     $_.XymonPeakPagedMem, $_.XymonNonPagedSystemMem, `
                     $_.Handles, $_.CPUPercent, `
                     $startTime, $_.ElapsedSinceStart, $_.XymonProcessName, $_.CommandLine
    WriteLog "XymonProcs finished."

function CleanXymonProcsCpu
    # reset cache flags and clear terminated processes from the cache
    WriteLog "CleanXymonProcsCpu start"
    if (Test-Path variable:script:XymonProcsCpu)
        if ($script:XymonProcsCpu.Count -gt 0)
            foreach ($p in @($script:XymonProcsCpu.Keys)) {
                $thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p]
                if ($thisp[3] -eq $true) {
                    # reset flag to catch a dead process on the next run
                    # this flag will be updated back to $true by XymonProcsCPUUtilisation
                    # if the process still exists
                    $thisp[3] = $false  
                else {
                    # flag was set to $false previously = process has been terminated
                    WriteLog "Process id $p has disappeared, removing from cache"
        WriteLog ("DEBUG: cached process ids: " + (($script:XymonProcsCpu.Keys | sort-object) -join ', '))
    WriteLog "CleanXymonProcsCpu finished."

function XymonWho
    WriteLog "XymonWho start"
    if( $HaveCmd.qwinsta) 
        if ($script:usersessions -eq $null)
            qwinsta.exe /counter
    WriteLog "XymonWho finished."

function XymonUsers
    WriteLog "XymonUsers start"
    if( $HaveCmd.query) {
        query user
    WriteLog "XymonUsers finished."

function XymonIISSites
    WriteLog "XymonIISSites start"
    if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableIISSection -eq 1)
        $objSites = [adsi]("IIS://localhost/W3SVC")
        if($objSites.path -ne $null) {
            foreach ($objChild in $objSites.Psbase.children | where {$_.KeyType -eq "IIsWebServer"} ) {
                if($objChild.path -match "\/W3SVC\/(\d+)") { "SiteID: "+$matches[1] }
                foreach ($prop in @("LogFileDirectory","LogFileLocaltimeRollover","LogFileTruncateSize","ServerAutoStart","ServerBindings","ServerState","SecureBindings" )) {
                    if( $($objChild | gm -Name $prop ) -ne $null) {
                        "{0} {1}" -f $prop,$objChild.$prop.ToString()
            clear-variable objChild
        clear-variable objSites
        WriteLog 'Skipping XymonIISSites, EnableIISSection = 0 in config'
    WriteLog "XymonIISSites finished."

function XymonWMIOperatingSystem
    WMIProp Win32_OperatingSystem

function XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering
    if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering -eq 1)
        Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering | where { $_.Description -ne "" } | Sort-Object HotFixID | Format-Wide -Property HotFixID -AutoSize
        WriteLog "Skipping XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering, EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering = 0 in config"

function XymonWMIProduct
    if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWin32_Product -eq 1)
        # run as job, since Win32_Product WMI dies on some systems (e.g. XP)
        $job = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -AsJob | wait-job
        if($job.State -eq "Completed") {
            $fmt = "{0,-70} {1,-15} {2}"
            $fmt -f "Name", "Version", "Vendor"
            $fmt -f "----", "-------", "------"
            receive-job $job | Sort-Object Name | 
            foreach {
                $fmt -f $_.Name, $_.Version, $_.Vendor
        remove-job $job
        WriteLog "Skipping XymonWMIProduct, EnableWin32_Product = 0 in config"

function XymonWMIComputerSystem
    WMIProp Win32_ComputerSystem

function XymonWMIBIOS
    WMIProp Win32_BIOS

function XymonWMIProcessor
    $cpuinfo | Format-List DeviceId,Name,CurrentClockSpeed,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors,CpuStatus,Status,LoadPercentage

function XymonWMIMemory
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory | Format-Table -AutoSize BankLabel,Capacity,DataWidth,DeviceLocator

function XymonWMILogicalDisk
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Format-Table -AutoSize

function XymonDiskPart
    WriteLog 'XymonDiskPart start'

        $diskpart = 'list disk' | diskpart
        $dpOutput = $diskpart | where { $_ -match '^  Disk \d+' }
        $dpOutput = $dpOutput -replace '^\s+', ''
        $dpOutput = $dpOutput -replace '\s+$', ''
        $diskDetailCmd = "select disk {0}`r`ndetail disk"
        $noVolumeRX = '^There are no volumes.'

        $dpOutput | foreach {
            $dpColumns = $_ -split '\s{2,}'
            $diskNum = $dpColumns[0] -replace 'Disk ', ''
            $cmd = $diskDetailCmd -f $diskNum
            $detailOutput = $cmd | diskpart
            $detailDisk = $detailOutput | where { $_ -match '^Clustered' -or $_ -match $noVolumeRX }
            if ($detailDisk -match '^Clustered Disk  : No')
                $clusterOutput = 'Not Clustered'
                if (-not ($detailDisk -match '^Clustered'))
                    $clusterOutput = 'Clustered Unknown'
                    $clusterOutput = 'Clustered Active'
                    if ($detailDisk -match $noVolumeRX)
                        $clusterOutput = 'Clustered Inactive'

            "diskpart:{0}:{1}:{2}" -f $dpColumns[0], $dpColumns[2], $clusterOutput
        WriteLog "Xymondisk diskpart - error $_"

    WriteLog 'XymonDiskPart finished'

function XymonServiceCheck
    WriteLog "Executing XymonServiceCheck"
    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries -ne $null)
        $servicecfgs = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^servicecheck' })
        foreach ($service in $servicecfgs)
            # parameter should be 'servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>'
            $checkparams = $service -split ':'
            # validation
            if ($checkparams.length -ne 3)
                WriteLog "ERROR: not enough parameters (should be servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>) - $checkparams[1]"
                $duration = $checkparams[2] -as [int]
                if ($checkparams[1] -eq '' -or $duration -eq $null)
                    WriteLog "ERROR: config error (should be servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>) - $checkparams[1]"
            # check for maintenance window
            $days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')
            $serviceexclds = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^noservicecheck' })
            if ($serviceexclds -ne '')
                foreach ($maintservice in $serviceexclds)
                    # parameter should be 'noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<military start hour>:<duration in Hours>'
                    $checkMparams = $maintservice -split ':'
                    if ($checkparams[1] -eq $checkMparams[1])
                        # validation of number of parameters
                        if ($checkMparams.length -ne 5)
                            WriteLog ("ERROR: not enough parameters (noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<start hour (24h)>:<duration Hrs> {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
                            # get values
                            $MaintDay = $checkMparams[2] -as [int]
                            $MaintStartHour = $checkMparams[3] -as [int]
                            $MaintDuration = $checkMparams[4] -as [int]
                            # validation of basic values
                            if ($checkMparams[1] -eq '' -or $MaintDuration -eq $null -or (0..6 -notcontains $MaintDay) -or (0..23 -notcontains $MaintStartHour))
                                WriteLog ("ERROR: config error (noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<start hour (24h)>:<duration Hrs>) {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
                            $MaintWeekDay = $days[$MaintDay]
                        if (((get-date).DayofWeek -eq $MaintWeekDay) -and ((get-date).Hour -eq $MaintStartHour) ) 
                            if ($script:MaintChecks.ContainsKey($checkMparams[1])) 
                                $MaintWindowEnd = $script:MaintChecks[$checkMparams[1]].AddHours($MaintDuration)
                                if ((get-date) -lt $MaintWindowEnd)
                                    WriteLog (" Maintenance: Skipping Service Check until after $($MaintWindowEnd) for {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
                                    clear.variable $script:MaintChecks
                                 WriteLog ("Not seen this NoServiceCheck before, starting Maintenance Window now for {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
                                 $hourTop = (get-date).Minute
                                 $script:MaintChecks[$checkMparams[1]] = (get-date).AddMinutes(-($hourTop))
                        # end of maintenance hold   
            WriteLog ("Checking service {0}" -f $checkparams[1])

            $winsrv = Get-Service -Name $checkparams[1]
            if ($winsrv.Status -eq 'Stopped')
                writeLog ("!! Service {0} is stopped" -f $checkparams[1])
                if ($script:ServiceChecks.ContainsKey($checkparams[1]))
                    $restarttime = $script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]].AddSeconds($duration)
                    writeLog "Seen this service before; restart time is $restarttime"
                    if ($restarttime -lt (get-date))
                        writeLog (" -> Starting service {0}" -f $checkparams[1])
                    writeLog "Not seen this service before, setting restart time -1 hour"
                    $script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]] = (get-date).AddHours(-1)
            elseif ('StartPending', 'Running' -contains $winsrv.Status)
                writeLog "  -Service is running, updating last seen time"
                $script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]] = get-date

function XymonTerminalServicesSessionsCheck
    # this function relies on data from XymonWho - should be called after XymonWho
    WriteLog "Executing XymonTerminalServicesSessionsCheck"

    # config: terminalservicessessions:<yellowthreshold>:<redthreshold>
    # thresholds are number of free sessions - so alert when only x sessions free
    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^(?:ts|terminalservices)sessions:(\d+):(\d+)' } |`
        foreach {
                $maxSessions = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:Stop `
                    -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp'`
                    -Name MaxInstanceCount | select -ExpandProperty MaxInstanceCount
                WriteLog "Failed to get max sessions from CurrentControlSet registry: $_"
                $maxSessions = 0xffffffffL 

            $maxSessionMsg = ''
            if ($maxSessions -eq 0xffffffffL)
                # try group policy key
                    $maxSessions = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:Stop `
                        -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services'`
                        -Name MaxInstanceCount | select -ExpandProperty MaxInstanceCount
                    WriteLog "Failed to get max sessions from Group Policy registry: $_"

            if ($maxSessions -eq 0xffffffffL)
                $maxSessionMsg = "Max sessions not set (probably not an RDS server)"
                WriteLog $maxSessionMsg
                $maxSessions = 2

            $yellowThreshold = $matches[1]
            $redThreshold = $matches[2]

            $activeSessions = $script:usersessions | where { $_ -match 'Active' } | measure | 
                select -ExpandProperty Count

            $freeSessions = $maxSessions - $activeSessions

            WriteLog "sessions: active: $activeSessions maximum: $maxSessions free: $freeSessions"
            WriteLog "thresholds: yellow: $yellowThreshold red: $redThreshold"

            $alertColour = 'green'

            if ($freeSessions -le $redThreshold)
                $alertColour = 'red'
            elseif ($freeSessions -le $yellowThreshold)
                $alertColour = 'yellow'

            $outputtext = (('<img src="{0}{1}.gif" alt="{1}" ' +`
                            'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
                            'sessions: active: {2} maximum: {3} free: {4}. {7}<br>yellow alert = {5} free, red = {6} free.<br>') `
                            -f $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, $alertColour, `
                            $activeSessions, $maxSessions, $freeSessions, $yellowThreshold, $redThreshold, $maxSessionMsg)
            $outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Terminal Services Sessions</h2>' + $outputtext
            $output = ('status {0}.tssessions {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $alertColour, $outputtext)
            WriteLog "Terminal Services Sessions: sending $output"
            XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList

function XymonActiveDirectoryReplicationCheck
    WriteLog "Executing XymonActiveDirectoryReplicationCheck"
    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys -contains 'adreplicationcheck')
        $status = repadmin /showrepl * /csv
        $results = @(ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject $status)

        $alertColour = 'green'
        $failcount = ($results | where { $_.'Last Failure Time' -gt $_.'Last Success Time' }).Length
        if ($failcount -gt 0)
            $alertColour = 'red'
            $failcount = 'none'
        $outputtext = (('<img src="{0}{1}.gif" alt="{1}" ' +`
                        'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
                        'Failing replication contexts: {2}<br>red alert = more than zero.<br>') `
                        -f $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, $alertColour, `
        $outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Active Directory Replication</h2>' + $outputtext
        $outputtext += '<br/>'

        $outputtable = ($results | select 'Source DSA', `
            'Naming Context', 'Destination DSA', 'Number of Failures', `
            'Last Failure Time', 'Last Success Time', 'Last Failure Status'`
             | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment)

        $outputtable = $outputtable -replace '<table>', '<table style="font-size: 10pt">'

        $outputtext += $outputtable
        $output = ('status {0}.adreplication {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $alertColour, $outputtext)
        WriteLog "Active Directory Replication: sending status $alertColour"
        XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList

function XymonProcessRuntimeCheck
    WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessRuntimeCheck'
    # config: processruntime:<process name>:<yellow elapsed threshold>:<red elapsed threshold>
    # thresholds in minutes

    $groupColour = 'green'

    $outputHeader = (get-date -format G) + "<br><h3>Process Run Time Check</h3><pre>"
    $output = ''

    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^proc(?:ess)?runtime:(.+):(\d+):(\d+)' } | `
        foreach {
            $processName = $matches[1]
            $yellowThreshold = $matches[2]
            $redThreshold = $matches[3]
            $alertColour = 'green'
            $headerColour = 'green'

            $script:procs | where { $_.XymonProcessName -eq $processName } | foreach {
                if ($_.ElapsedSinceStart -gt $redThreshold)
                    $alertColour = 'red'
                    $headerColour = 'red'
                    $groupcolour = 'red'
                elseif ($_.ElapsedSinceStart -gt $yellowThreshold)
                    $alertColour = 'yellow'
                if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
                    $groupcolour = 'yellow'
                if ($headerColour -eq 'green' -and $alertColour -eq 'yellow')
                    $headerColour = 'yellow'

                WriteLog "Process $($_.XymonProcessName) running for $($_.ElapsedSinceStart) minutes: $alertcolour"

                $startTime = Get-Date -Date $_.StartTime -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
                $processLine = "{0,8} {1,-35} {2,-19} {3,7:F0} {4} {5}" -f $_.Id, $_.Owner, `
                     $startTime, $_.ElapsedSinceStart, $_.XymonProcessName, $_.CommandLine

                $output += '<img src="{2}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0">{1}<br>' `
                    -f $alertcolour, $processLine, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation

            $outputHeader += ('<img src="{1}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0">' + `
                'Process: {2}  Yellow alert after {3} minutes, Red alert after {4} minutes<br>') `
                -f $headerColour, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, `
                    $processName, $yellowThreshold, $redThreshold

    if ($output -ne '')
        $output += '</pre>'
        $outputHeader += '<br><span style="margin-left: 16px;">{0,8} {1,-35} {2,19} {3,7} {4} {5}</span><br>' `
            -f "PID", "User", 'Start Time', 'Elapsed', "Name", "Command"
    $output = $outputHeader + $output

    WriteLog "Sending output for procruntime"
    $outputXymon = ('status {0}.procruntime {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $output)
    XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList
    WriteLog 'XymonProcessRuntimeCheck finished'

function XymonProcessExternalData
    WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessExternalData'

    if (Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation)
        $files = Get-ChildItem $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation

        if ($files -ne $null)
            foreach ($f in $files)
                # external filenames
                # it appears that BBWin ignores external files containing a dot '.'?
                # so replicate that behaviour
                if ($f.Name -match '\.')
                # a valid filename is either just the test name: testname
                # or testname^hostname, to allow sending results from a different 
                # named host
                if ($f.Name -match '^([\w-]+)(?:\^([\S]+))?$')
                    $testName = $matches[1]
                    $hostName = $matches[2]
                    if ($hostName -eq $null)
                        $hostName = $script:clientname

                    # attempt to open the file with an exclusive lock
                    # if we cannot, the file may be being updated by a running job, so
                    # we will ignore it until the next poll
                    WriteLog "Attempting to process external file $($f.FullName)"
                        $statusFile = [System.IO.File]::Open($f.FullName, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
                        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($statusFile)
                        $statusFileContent = $reader.ReadToEnd()
                        # if this file is locked or other errors, skip and go to the next one
                        if ($_ -like '*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process*')
                            WriteLog "External file $($f.Name) is locked by another process, skipping"
                            WriteLog "External file $($f.Name) error accessing file, skipping: $_"

                    # match:
                    # colour ($matches[1])
                    # optionally + and any non-space chars ($matches[2])
                    # space
                    # remainder ($matches[3])
                    if ($statusFileContent -match '^(red|yellow|green|clear)(?:\+([^ ]+))? ([\s\S]+)$')
                        $groupColour = $matches[1]
                        $lifeSpan = $matches[2]
                        $statusMessage = $matches[3]

                        $msg = 'status'
                        if ($lifeSpan -ne $null -and $lifeSpan -ne '')
                            $msg += "+$lifeSpan"
                        $msg += (' {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $hostName, $testName, $groupColour, $statusMessage)
                        WriteLog "Sending Xymon message for file $($f.Name) - test $($testName), host $($hostName)"
                        XymonSend $msg $script:XymonSettings.serversList
                    elseif ($statusFileContent -match '^usermsg ')
                        $msg = $statusFileContent
                        WriteLog "Sending Xymon usermsg"
                        XymonSend $msg $script:XymonSettings.serversList
                        WriteLog "External File: $($f.Name) - format not recognised"
                        WriteLog "Contents of file:`n$statusFileContent"
                    WriteLog "Deleting file $($f.Name)"
                    Remove-Item $f.FullName -Force
                    WriteLog "Invalid filename $($f.Name)"
            WriteLog "No files in $($script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation), nothing to do"
        WriteLog "External data path $($script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation) does not exist"
    WriteLog 'XymonProcessExternalData finished'

# replicate Linux client behaviour
# include items from 'local' folder in client data, if present
# no validation is done on the file content - it's just included
# in the client data with [local:<filename>] tags
function XymonProcessLocalData
    WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessLocalData'

    if (Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation)
        $files = Get-ChildItem $script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation

        if ($files -ne $null)
            foreach ($f in $files)
                # attempt to open the file with an exclusive lock
                # if we cannot, the file may be being updated by a running job, so
                # we will ignore it until the next poll
                WriteLog "Attempting to process local file $($f.FullName)"

                $statusFileContent = ''

                    $statusFile = [System.IO.File]::Open($f.FullName, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
                    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($statusFile)
                    $statusFileContent = $reader.ReadToEnd()
                    # if this file is locked or other errors, skip and go to the next one
                    if ($_ -like '*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process*')
                        WriteLog "Local file $($f.Name) is locked by another process, skipping"
                        WriteLog "Local file $($f.Name) error accessing file, skipping: $_"

                if ($statusFileContent -ne '')
                    $heading = "[local:$($f.Name)]"

                WriteLog "Deleting file $($f.Name)"
                Remove-Item $f.FullName -Force
            WriteLog "No files in $($script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation), nothing to do"

        WriteLog "Local data path $($script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation) does not exist, nothing to do"

    WriteLog 'XymonProcessLocalData finished'

# from http://poshcode.org/1054
function Remove-Diacritics([string]$String) 
    $objD = $String.Normalize([Text.NormalizationForm]::FormD)
    $sb = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $objD.Length; $i++) 
        $c = [Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($objD[$i])
        if($c -ne [Globalization.UnicodeCategory]::NonSpacingMark) 

function DecryptHttpServerPassword
    $serverPassword = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword
    if ($serverPassword -like '{SecureString}*')
        WriteLog '  Decrypting serverHttpPassword'
        $serverPass = ($serverPassword -replace '^{SecureString}', '')
            $securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $serverPass
            $tempCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'N/A', $securePass
            $serverPassword = $tempCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
            WriteLog "Failed to decrypt serverHttpPassword: $_"
            $serverPassword = $null
    return $serverPassword

function XymonSendViaHttp($msg, $filePath)
    WriteLog 'Executing XymonSendViaHttp'

    $script:XymonSettings.serverUrl.Split(" ") | ForEach {
        $url = $_
        if ($url -notmatch '^https?://')
            WriteLog "  ERROR: invalid server Url, check config: $url"
            WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
            return $false

        WriteLog "  Using url $url"
        $encodedAuth = ''
        if ($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername -ne '')
            $serverHttpPassword = DecryptHttpServerPassword
            if ( $serverHttpPassword -eq $null )
                WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
                return $false
                $authString = ('{0}:{1}' -f $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername, `
                $encodedAuth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(`

                WriteLog "  Using username $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername)"

        if ($url -match '^https://')
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
                [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
                WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
                WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
                return $false

        # AXI: verwijderen van ^M, dit stuurt de procs check volledig in de war
        $msg = $msg.Replace("`r","")

        # no Invoke-RestMethod before Powershell 3.0
        $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
        $request.Method = 'POST'
        $request.Timeout = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs
        if ($encodedAuth -ne '')
            $request.Headers.Add('Authorization', "Basic $encodedAuth")

        # $body = [byte[]][char[]]$msg
        $body = [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes($msg)
        $bodyStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
        $bodyStream.Write($body, 0, $body.Length)

        WriteLog "  Connecting to $($url), body length $($body.Length), timeout $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs)ms"
            $response = $request.GetResponse()
            WriteLog "  Exception connecting to $($url):`n$($_)"
            WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
            return $false
        $statusCode = [int]($response.StatusCode)
        if ($response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)
            WriteLog "  FAILED, HTTP response code: $($response.StatusCode) ($statusCode)"
            WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
            return $false

        $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
        $readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream
        $output = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
        WriteLog "  Received $($output.Length) bytes from server"
        $script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'HTTP'

    WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
    return $output

function XymonSend($msg, $servers, $filePath)
    $saveresponse = 1   # Only on the first server
    $outputBuffer = ""

    if ($script:XymonSettings.serverUrl -ne '')
        $outputBuffer = XymonSendViaHttp $msg $filePath

        if ( $outputBuffer -ne $false)
            $line = ($msg -split [environment]::newline)[0]
            $line = $line -replace '[\t|\s]+', ' '
            if  ($line -match '(download) (.*$)' ) 
                if ($filePath -eq $null -or $filePath -eq "") 
                    # save it locally with the same name
                    $filePath = split-path -leaf $matches[2]

                # Save in unix format so the hash is the same as on the (Linux) xymon server
                Set-Content $filePath ([byte[]][char[]] "$outputBuffer") -Encoding Byte -NoNewLine
        switch ($script:XymonSettings.XymonAcceptUTF8) 
            1 {
                WriteLog 'Using UTF8 encoding'
                $MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
            2 {
                WriteLog 'Using "pure" ASCII encoding with remove diacritics etc'
                $MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
                # remove diacritics
                $msg = Remove-Diacritics -String $msg
                # convert non-break spaces to normal spaces
                $msg = $msg.Replace([char]0x00a0,' ')
            default { 
                WriteLog 'Using "original" ASCII encoding' 
                $MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
        foreach ($srv in $servers) 
            $srvparams = $srv.Split(":")
            # allow for server names that may resolve to multiple A records
            $srvIPs = & {
                $local:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
                $srvparams[0] | %{[system.net.dns]::GetHostAddresses($_)} | %{ $_.IPAddressToString}
            if ($srvIPs -eq $null) 
            { # no IP addresses could be looked up
                Write-Error -Category InvalidData ("No IP addresses could be found for host: " + $srvparams[0])
                if ($srvparams.Count -gt 1) 
                    $srvport = $srvparams[1]
                    $srvport = 1984
                foreach ($srvip in $srvIPs) 
                    WriteLog "Connecting to host $srvip"

                    $saveerractpref = $ErrorActionPreference
                    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
                    $socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
                    $socket.Connect($srvip, $srvport)
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $saveerractpref
                    if(! $? -or ! $socket.Connected ) 
                        $errmsg = $Error[0].Exception
                        WriteLog "ERROR: Cannot connect to host $srv ($srvip) : $errmsg"
                        Write-Error -Category OpenError "Cannot connect to host $srv ($srvip) : $errmsg"
                    $socket.sendTimeout = 500
                    $socket.NoDelay = $true

                    $stream = $socket.GetStream()
                    $sent = 0
                    foreach ($line in $msg) 
                        # Convert data as appropriate
                            $sent += $socket.Client.Send($MessageEncoder.GetBytes($line.Replace("`r","") + "`n"))
                            WriteLog "ERROR: $_"
                    WriteLog "Sent $sent bytes to server"

                    if ($saveresponse-- -gt 0) 
                        $socket.Client.Shutdown(1)  # Signal to Xymon we're done writing.

                        $bytes = 0
                        $line = ($msg -split [environment]::newline)[0]
                        $line = $line -replace '[\t|\s]+', ' '
                        if  ($line -match '(download) (.*$)' ) 
                            if ($filePath -eq $null -or $filePath -eq "") 
                                # save it locally with the same name
                                $filePath = split-path -leaf $matches[2]
                            $buffer = new-object System.Byte[] 2048;
                            $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($filePath, [System.IO.FileMode]'Create', [System.IO.FileAccess]'Write');

                                $read = $null;
                                while($stream.DataAvailable -or $read -eq $null) 
                                    $read = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, 2048);
                                    if ($read -gt 0) 
                                        $fileStream.Write($buffer, 0, $read);
                                        $bytes += $read
                            } while ($read -gt 0);
                            WriteLog "Wrote $bytes bytes from server to $filePath"
                            $s = new-object system.io.StreamReader($stream,"ASCII")

                            start-sleep -m 200  # wait for data to buffer
                                $outputBuffer = $s.ReadToEnd()
                                WriteLog "Received $($outputBuffer.Length) bytes from server"
                                WriteLog "ERROR: $_"
                    } # saveresponse-- -gt 0
                    $script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'TCP'
                } # foreach ($srvip in $srvIPs)
            } # else of if ($srvIPs -eq $null) 
        } # foreach $srv in $servers

function XymonClientConfig($cfglines)
    if ($cfglines -eq $null -or $cfglines -eq "") { return }

    # Convert to Windows-style linebreaks
    $script:clientlocalcfg = $cfglines.Split("`n")

    # overwrite local cached config with this version if 
    # remote config is enabled
    $configmode = ''
    if ($script:XymonSettings.clientremotecfgexec -ne 0)
        WriteLog "Using new remote config, saving locally"
        $clientlocalcfg >$script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile
        $configmode = 'remote'
        WriteLog "Using local config only (if one exists), clientremotecfgexec = 0"
        $configmode = 'localonly'

    # Parse the config - always uses the local file (which may contain
    # config from remote)
    if (test-path -PathType Leaf $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile) 
        # make sure the config always contains something
        $script:clientlocalcfg_entries = @{ '_configmode_' = $configmode }
        $lines = get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile
        $currentsection = ''
        $eventlogswantedSeen = 0
        foreach ($l in $lines)
            # change this to recognise new config items
            if ($l -match '^eventlog:' -or $l -match '^servicecheck:' `
                -or $l -match '^dir:' -or $l -match '^file:' `
                -or $l -match '^dirsize:' -or $l -match '^dirtime:' `
                -or $l -match '^log' -or $l -match '^clientversion:' `
                -or $l -match '^eventlogswanted' `
                -or $l -match '^servergifs:' `
                -or $l -match '^(?:ts|terminalservices)sessions:' `
                -or $l -match '^adreplicationcheck' `
                -or $l -match '^ifstat:' `
                -or $l -match '^ports:' `
                -or $l -match '^repeattest:' `
                -or $l -match '^proc(?:ess)?runtime:' `
                -or $l -match '^external:' `
                -or $l -match '^xymonlogsend' `
                -or $l -match '^xymonlogarchive' `
                -or $l -match '^slimmode' `
                -or $l -match '^noservicecheck:' `
                -or $l -match '^enablediskpart' `
                -or $l -match '^maxloop' `
                -or $l -match '^slowscanrate' `
                -or $l -match '^config' `
                WriteLog "Found a command: $l"
                $currentsection = $l
                # merging for eventlog include/ignore
                if (-not ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey($currentsection)))
                    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$currentsection] = @()
            elseif ($l -ne '')
                $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$currentsection] += $l

        # re-parse slimmode config to make it easier
        if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
            $slimConfig = @{}
            $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode | `
               foreach { $i = ($_ -split ':'); $slimConfig[$i[0]] = $i[1] }

            $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode = $slimConfig

            ('sections', 'services', 'processes') | foreach `
                if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey($_))
                    $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.$_ = `
                        ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.$_ -split ',')
        # parse maxloop if it's there (add if not)
        $maxloop = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
            where { $_ -match '^maxloop:([0-9]+)$' })
        if ($maxloop.length -gt 1)
            WriteLog 'ERROR: more than one maxloop directive in config!'
        elseif ($maxloop.Length -eq 1)
            $script:maxloop = [int]$matches[1]
            $script:maxloop = 0
        # parse slowscanrate if it's there (add if not)
        $slowscanrate = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
            where { $_ -match '^slowscanrate:([0-9]+)$' })
        if ($slowscanrate.length -gt 1)
            WriteLog 'ERROR: more than one slowscanrate directive in config!'
        elseif ($slowscanrate.Length -eq 1)
            $script:slowscanrate = [int]$matches[1]
            $script:slowscanrate = 72
    WriteLog "Cached config now contains: "
    WriteLog ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys -join ', ')

    # special handling for servergifs
    $gifpath = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^servergifs:(.+)$' })
    if ($gifpath.length -eq 1)
        $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation = $matches[1]

function XymonReportConfig
    # exclude serverHttpPassword from output
    $settings = (($script:XymonSettings | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine) | `
        where { $_ -notmatch '^serverHttpPassword' }

    foreach($v in @("XymonClientVersion", "clientname" )) {
        ""; "$v"
        (Get-Variable $v).Value
    "Collection number: $($script:collectionnumber)"
    "Last transmission method: $($script:LastTransmissionMethod)"

    #get-process -id $PID
    #(get-process -id $PID).Threads

function XymonClientSections([boolean] $isSlowScan)
    # maybe move XymonManageExternals to slow scan tasks
    XymonExecuteExternals $isSlowScan $loopcount


    $includeSections = @('Netstat', 'Ports', 'IPConfig', 'Route', 'Ifstat', 'Who', 'Users')
    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
        $includeSections = @()
        if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('sections'))
            WriteLog "Slimmode: including sections $($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.sections)"
            $includeSections += $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.sections

    if ($includeSections -contains 'Netstat') { XymonNetstat }
    if ($includeSections -contains 'Ports') { XymonPorts }
    if ($includeSections -contains 'IPConfig') { XymonIPConfig }
    if ($includeSections -contains 'Route') { XymonRoute }
    if ($includeSections -contains 'Ifstat') { XymonIfstat }

    if ($includeSections -contains 'Who') { XymonWho }
    if ($includeSections -contains 'Users') { XymonUsers }

    if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWMISections -eq 1)




function XymonClientInstall([string]$scriptname)
    # client install re-written to use NSSM
    # also to remove any existing service first

    & "$xymondir\nssm.exe" install `"$xymonsvcname`" `"$PSHOME\powershell.exe`" -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File `"`"`"$scriptname`"`"`"
    # "

function XymonClientUnInstall()
    if ((Get-Service -ea:SilentlyContinue $xymonsvcname) -ne $null)
        Stop-Service $xymonsvcname
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$xymonsvcname'"
        $service.delete() | out-null

        Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$xymonsvcname\* -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function ExecuteSelfUpdate([string]$newversion)
    $oldversion = $MyInvocation.ScriptName

    WriteLog "Upgrading $oldversion to $newversion"

    # test newversion
    # copy oldversion as backup
    # copy newversion to correct name
    # remove newversion file
    # re-start service - by exiting, NSSM will notice the process has ended and will automatically restart it

    $Process = powershell.exe -File $newversion ping | Out-String

    if ( $Process -like "*xymond *" ) {
        WriteLog "New version is working"

        copy-item "$newversion" "$oldversion" -force
        remove-item "$newversion"

        WriteLog "Sending final log and restarting service..."

    } else {
        WriteLog "ERROR! New version is not working"
        WriteLog $Process

# XymonDownloadFromFile used when a file path is used instead of a URL
function XymonDownloadFromFile([string]$downloadPath, [string]$destinationFilePath)
    WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromFile - Downloading $downloadPath to $destinationFilePath"
    if (!(Test-Path $downloadPath))
        WriteLog "File $downloadPath cannot be found - aborting"
        return $false

    WriteLog "Copying $downloadPath to $destinationPath"
        Copy-Item  $downloadPath $destinationFilePath -Force
        WriteLog "Error copying file: $_"
        return $false
    return $true

function XymonDownloadFromURL([string]$downloadURL, [string]$destinationFilePath)
    $downloadURL = $downloadURL.Trim()
    WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromURL - Downloading $downloadURL to $destinationFilePath"
    $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        # for self-signed certificates, turn off cert validation
        # TODO: make this a config option
        # TODO: at some point, deprecate tls1.1 & 1.0
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
        if ($downloadURL -match '^https://')
                [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
                WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
                return $false

        try {
            $client.DownloadFile($downloadURL, $destinationFilePath)
            $e = $_.Exception
            WriteLog "Error during DownloadFile: $e.Message"
            return $false
        WriteLog "Error downloading: $_"
        return $false
    return $true

function XymonDownloadFromServer([string]$ServerPath, [string]$destinationFilePath)
    $ServerPath = $ServerPath.Trim()
    WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromServer - Downloading $ServerPath to $destinationFilePath"
    $message = "download $ServerPath"
        # should work transparently through any intermediate proxies
        $output = XymonSend $message $script:XymonSettings.serversList $destinationFilePath
        return $output
        WriteLog "Error downloading: $_"
        return $false
    return $true

function GetHashValueForFile([string] $filename, [string] $hashAlgorithm)
    $hash = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($hashAlgorithm)
    $stream = ([System.IO.StreamReader]$filename).BaseStream
    $fileHash = -join ($hash.ComputeHash($stream) | foreach { '{0:x2}' -f $_ } )
    return $fileHash

function XymonCheckUpdate
    WriteLog "Executing XymonCheckUpdate"
    $updates = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:' })

    if ($updates.length -gt 0)
        if ($updates.length -eq 1)
            WriteLog "Found 1 $($updates.length) clientversion lines:"
            WriteLog "Found $($updates.length) clientversion lines:"

        $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:(\d+\.\d+):(.+?)(?::(MD5|SHA1|SHA256):([0-9a-f]+))?$' } | foreach `
            # $matches[1] = the new version number
            # $matches[2] = the place to look for new version file
            # $matches[3] = (optional) hash type
            # $matches[4] = (optional) hash value

            if ($Version -lt $matches[1])
                WriteLog "Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]); attempting upgrade from $($matches[2])"

                # $matches[2] can be either a http[s] URL, bb fake URL or a file path
                $updatePath = $matches[2]
                $updateFile = "xymonclient_$($matches[1]).ps1"
                $hashAlgorithm = $matches[3]
                $hashRequired = $matches[4]
                $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile

                $result = $false
                if ($updatePath -match '^http')
                    $updateURL = $updatePath.Trim()
                    if ($updateURL -notmatch '/$')
                        $updateURL += '/'
                    $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $updateURL, $updateFile
                    $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
                    $result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URL $destination
                elseif ($updatePath -match '^bb' -or $updatePath -match '^xymon')
                    $ServerPath = $updatePath.Trim()
                    $ServerPath = $ServerPath -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
                    if ($ServerPath -notmatch '/$')
                        $ServerPath += '/'
                    $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $ServerPath, $updateFile
                    $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
                    $result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URL $destination
                    # not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
                    $updateSource = Join-Path $updatePath $updateFile
                    $result = XymonDownloadFromFile $updateSource $destination

                if ($result)
                    $newversion = Join-Path $xymondir $updateFile

                    $fileSize = (Get-Item $newversion).Length 

                    # Failed http download results in 1 byte file
                    if ( $fileSize -lt 2 )
                        WriteLog "Error: downloaded file is only $fileSize byte"
                        if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $hashAlgorithm -ne "")
                            WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing update file"
                            $fileHash = ''
                                $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $newversion -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
                                WriteLog "Update directive specifies hash, but error calculating hash: $_"
                                WriteLog "Update cancelled"
                                Remove-Item $newversion

                            if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
                                WriteLog "Update: update file hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
                                WriteLog "Update cancelled"
                                Remove-Item $newversion
                                WriteLog "Update file hash matches expected value, update can proceed"
                        WriteLog "Launching update"
                        ExecuteSelfUpdate $newversion
                WriteLog "Update: Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]) from $($matches[2]); doing nothing"
        WriteLog "Update: No clientversion directive in config, nothing to do"

function DownloadAndVerify([string] $URI, [string] $name, [string] $path, `
    [string] $hashAlgorithm, [string] $hashRequired)
    if (!(Test-Path $path))
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $path

    $tempName = "$($name)_new"
    $destination = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $tempName

    $result = $false
    if ($URI -match '^http')
        $result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URI $destination
    elseif ($URI -match '^bb' -or $URI -match '^xymon')
        $URI = $URI -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
        $result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URI $destination
        # not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
        $result = XymonDownloadFromFile $URI $destination

    if ($result -and $hashAlgorithm -and $hashAlgorithm -ne $null)
        WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing destination file"
        $fileHash = ''
            $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $destination -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
            WriteLog "Error calculating hash: $_"
            $result = $false

        if ($result)
            if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
                $result = $false
                WriteLog "File hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
                WriteLog "Downloaded file hash matches expected value, can proceed"
        if (!$result)
            WriteLog "Removing failed download $destination"
            Remove-Item $destination
    if ($result)
        if (Test-Path $destination)
            $originalFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $name
            if (Test-Path $originalFile)
                WriteLog "Deleting original file $originalFile"
                Remove-Item -Force $originalFile
            WriteLog "Renaming $destination to $originalFile"
            Move-Item -Force $destination $originalFile
            WriteLog "Error: new file $destination not found"
    return $result

function XymonManageConfigs
    WriteLog "Executing XymonManageConfigs"
    $Configs = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
        where { $_ -match '^config:' })

    foreach ($config in $Configs)

        if ($config -match '^config:(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?$')
            # $matches[1] = URL location
            # $matches[2] = optional hash type
            # $matches[3] = optional hash value

            ($ConfigURI, $ConfighashAlgorithm, $ConfighashRequired) = $matches[1..3]

            $ConfigName = $ConfigURI.SubString($ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)

            if ( $ConfigName -eq '$ClientName.ini' ) {
               $ConfigName = $script:clientname + ".ini"
               $ConfigBaseURI = $ConfigURI.SubString(0,$ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
               $ConfigURI = $ConfigBaseURI + $ConfigName
               WriteLog "Changing config file name to $ConfigName"

            $FullName = Join-Path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation $ConfigName

            $downloadFlag = $false

            WriteLog "Checking $FullName"

            # check to see if we have the matching version
            if (Test-Path $FullName)
                if ($ConfighashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $ConfighashRequired -ne $null)
                    WriteLog "Config file found, $ConfigName - testing against hash"
                        $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $FullName -hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm
                        WriteLog "Error calculating hash for file: $_"
                    if ($fileHash -ne $ConfighashRequired)
                        WriteLog "Existing script hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $ConfighashRequired)"
                        # hash mismatch, need to update via download 
                        $downloadFlag = $true
                } else {
                    WriteLog "Configuration file $ConfigName found, but no hash to check against so downloading again"
                    $downloadFlag = $true
                WriteLog "Configuration file $FullName not found"
                $downloadFlag = $true

            if ($downloadFlag)
                WriteLog "Configuration file script $ConfigName not found or requires update, downloading"
                    $result = DownloadAndVerify -URI $ConfigURI -name $ConfigName `
                        -path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation `
                        -hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm -hashRequired $ConfighashRequired
                    WriteLog "Error downloading $ConfigName, ignoring"
                    WriteLog "Error was: $_"
            WriteLog "Configuration directive does not match expected format: $config"
    } # foreach ... configs
    WriteLog 'XymonManageConfigs finished'

function XymonManageExternals
    WriteLog "Executing XymonManageExternals"
    $externalConfig = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
        where { $_ -match '^external:' })
    $script:externals = @()

    foreach ($external in $externalConfig)
        if ($external -match '^external:(?:(\d+):)?(slowscan|everyscan|scan\|\d+):(sync|async):(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?(?:\|(.+)\|(.+))?$')
            # $matches[1] = priority (optional) 0-99
            # $matches[2] = slowscan/everyscan
            # $matches[3] = sync/async
            # $matches[4] = URL / file location
            # $matches[5] = optional hash type
            # $matches[6] = optional hash value
            # $matches[7] = optional process
            # $matches[8] = optional arguments

            ($priority, $executionFrequency, $executionMethod, $externalURI, `
             $hashAlgorithm, $hashRequired, $process, $arguments) = $matches[1..8]

            if ($externalURI -match '^(http|bb|xymon)')
                $externalScriptName = $externalURI.SubString($externalURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                $externalScriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $externalURI
            $externalFullName = Join-Path $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation $externalScriptName
            if ($arguments -ne $null)
                $arguments = $arguments -replace '{script}', $externalFullName
                $arguments = $arguments -replace '{scriptdir}', $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation
            if ($priority -eq $null)
                $priority = 99
            if ($process -eq $null)
                $process = $externalFullName
            $externalInfo = @{ Fullname = $externalFullName; `
                ExecutionFrequency = $executionFrequency; `
                ExecutionMethod = $executionMethod; 
                ProcessName = $process; 
                Arguments = $arguments;
                Priority = $priority }
            $externalObj = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $externalInfo
            $downloadFlag = $false

            WriteLog "Checking $externalFullName"

            # check to see if we have the matching version
            if (Test-Path $externalFullName)
                WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName found"
                if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $hashRequired -ne $null)
                    WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName - testing against hash"
                        $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $externalFullName -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
                        WriteLog "Error calculating hash for external: $_"
                    if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
                        WriteLog "Existing script hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
                        # hash mismatch, need to update via download 
                        $downloadFlag = $true
                if (!$downloadFlag)
                    WriteLog "Success, adding/updating external $externalScriptName in execution plan"
                    $script:externals += $externalObj
                WriteLog "External $externalFullName not found"
                # external does not exist, need to download
                $downloadFlag = $true

            if ($downloadFlag)
                WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName not found or requires update, downloading from $externalURI"
                    $result = DownloadAndVerify -URI $externalURI -name $externalScriptName `
                        -path $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
                        -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm -hashRequired $hashRequired
                    if ($result)
                        WriteLog "Success, adding/updating external $externalScriptName in execution plan"
                        $script:externals += $externalObj
                    WriteLog "Error downloading $externalScriptName, ignoring (will not be executed)"
                    WriteLog "Error was: $_"
            WriteLog "external directive does not match expected format: $external"
    } # foreach ... externals
    WriteLog 'XymonManageExternals finished'

function XymonExecuteExternals ([boolean] $isSlowscan, [int] $loopcount)
    WriteLog 'Executing XymonExecuteExternals'
    $env:clientname = $script:clientname

    if (!(Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation))
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation

    $script:externals | Sort-Object Priority, ExecutionMethod | foreach {
        WriteLog "External: $($_.ExecutionFrequency) - $($_.FullName)"

        [bool] $execute = $true

        if (!$isSlowscan -and $_.ExecutionFrequency -eq 'slowscan')
            WriteLog 'Skipping execution, this is not a slow scan'
            $execute = $false

        if ($_.ExecutionFrequency -match '^scan\|(\d+)' ) {
            $rest = $loopcount % $Matches[1]
            if ( $loopcount % $Matches[1] -eq 0 )
               WriteLog "Execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
            } else {
               WriteLog "Skipping execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
               $execute = $false

        if ( $execute -eq $true) {
                $process = $_.ProcessName
                $arguments = $_.Arguments
                if ($arguments -ne $null)
                    WriteLog "Executing $process with arguments $arguments"
                    $extpid = Start-Process -PassThru `
                        -WindowStyle Hidden `
                        -WorkingDirectory $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
                        $process $arguments
                    WriteLog "Executing $process with no arguments"
                    $extpid = Start-Process -PassThru `
                        -WindowStyle Hidden `
                        -WorkingDirectory $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
                WriteLog "Process $($extpid.Id) started"

                if ($_.ExecutionMethod -eq 'sync')
                    WriteLog "Synchronous external: waiting for process $($extpid.Id) to complete"
                    $extpid | Wait-Process
                    WriteLog "Process $($extpid.Id) completed"
                    WriteLog "Asynchronous: not waiting for process $($extpid.Id)"
                WriteLog "Error executing: $_"

    WriteLog 'XymonExecuteExternals finished'

function WriteLog([string]$message)
    $datestamp = get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
    add-content -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile -Value "$datestamp  $message"
    Write-Host "$datestamp  $message"

function RotateLog([string]$logfile)
    $retain = $script:XymonSettings.clientlogretain
    if ($retain -gt 99)
        $retain = 99
    if ($retain -gt 0)
        WriteLog "Rotating logfile $logfile"
        if (Test-Path $logfile)
            $lastext = "{0:00}" -f $retain
            if (Test-Path "$logfile.$lastext")
                WriteLog "Removing $logfile.$lastext"
                Remove-Item -Force "$logfile.$lastext"

            (($retain - 1) .. 1) | foreach {
                # pad 1 -> 01 etc
                $ext = "{0:00}" -f $_
                if (Test-Path "$logfile.$ext")
                    # pad 1 -> 01, 2 -> 02 etc
                    $newext = "{0:00}" -f ($_ + 1)
                    WriteLog "Renaming $logfile.$ext to $logfile.$newext"
                    Move-Item -Force "$logfile.$ext" "$logfile.$newext"

            if (Test-Path $logfile)
                WriteLog "Finally: Renaming $logfile to $logfile.01"
                Move-Item -Force $logfile "$logfile.01"

function RepeatTests([string] $content)
    if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'repeattest*').Length -eq 0)
        WriteLog "RepeatTests: nothing to do!"

    WriteLog 'Executing RepeatTests'

    $lines = $content -split [environment]::newline
    $capturelines = $false
    $capturedSection = ''

    foreach ($line in $lines)
        if ($line -match '^\[([^\]]+)\]$')
            $currentSection = $matches[1]
            # found a new section - if we were previously capturing lines from the 
            # previous section, write out any repeat sections and reset
            if ($capturelines)
                $capturelines = $false
                # we were capturing lines - check for alerts and send to Xymon
                $regex = "^repeattest:$($capturedSection):(.+)"
                $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match $regex } | foreach {
                    $newsection = $matches[1]
                    $outputHeader = @()
                    $outputHeader += (get-date -format G) + "<br><h2>$newsection</h2>"                
                    $groupcolour = 'green'
                    # check for triggers
                    if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$_] -ne $null)
                        foreach ($trigger in $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$_])
                            $alertcolour = 'green'
                            $alertLines = @()
                            if ($trigger -match '^trigger:([a-z]+):(.+)$')
                                $triggerAlertcolour = $Matches[1]
                                $triggerRegex = $Matches[2]
                                foreach ($line in $capturedlines)
                                    if ($line -match $triggerRegex)
                                        $alertcolour = $triggerAlertcolour
                                        $alertLines += "matches `"$line`""
                                if ($alertLines.Length -eq 0)
                                    $alertLine = 'no match'
                                    $alertLine = $alertLines -join '<br>'
                                $outputHeader += ('<img src="{3}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0"> {1} {2}<br>' `
                                    -f $alertcolour, $trigger, $alertLine, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
                                if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
                                    $groupcolour = 'yellow'
                                elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
                                    $groupcolour = 'red'

                    $outputHeader += '<br>'
                    $output = ($outputHeader -join "`n")
                    $output += ($capturedlines -join '<br>')
                    # repeat the test by sending to Xymon
                    WriteLog "Sending repeated test: $newsection"
                    $outputXymon = ('status {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $script:clientname, $newsection, $groupcolour, $output)
                    XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList
            $capturedlines = @()
            $capturedSection = $currentSection -replace '\\', '\\'
            $regex = "^repeattest:$($capturedSection):(.+)"
            # check to see if the new section is one we want to repeat
            $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match $regex } | foreach {
                $capturelines = $true
        elseif ($capturelines)
            $capturedlines += $line
    WriteLog 'RepeatTests finished'

function XymonLogSend()
    if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -gt 1)
        WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: disabling, more than one xymonlogarchive directive in config"
    elseif (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -eq 0)
        WriteLog 'XymonLogArchive: disabling, no entry found in config file'
        # Keeping older logs in directory $OldSubDirectory for $RententionInDays days
        # Default values:
        $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys | where { $_ -match '^xymonlogarchive:(.*):(.*)$' } | foreach {
            $OldSubDirectory  = $Matches[1]
            $RententionInDays = $Matches[2]

        if ( $OldSubDirectory -ne $null -and $RententionInDays -ne $null ) {
            WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: $RententionInDays days @ directory $OldSubDirectory"

            # Format of the old logfile
            $DateTimeFormat   = "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss"

            $S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile

            # Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
            $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
            If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
               $Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force

            # Copy logfile
            $Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
            Copy-Item -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile -Destination $Destination -Force

            # Cleanup old files
            Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            $S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:lastcollectfile

            # Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
            $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
            If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
               $Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force

            # Copy logfile
            $Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
            Copy-Item -Path $script:lastcollectfile -Destination $Destination -Force

            # Cleanup old files
            Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        } else {
            WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: error in format of setting!"

    # special handling for xymonlog
    $markslowscan = 'green'
    if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogsend*').Length -gt 1)
        WriteLog "XymonLogSend: more than one xymonlogsend directive in config!"
        $markslowscan = 'yellow'
    elseif (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogsend*').Length -eq 0)
        WriteLog 'XymonLogSend: nothing to do!'
        $XymonLogSendConfig = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys | where { $_ -match '^xymonlogsend:(.*)$' })

        # parameter should be 'xymonlogsend:<slow colour>:<restart colour>'
        # <restart colour> not mandatory
        $checkparams = $XymonLogSendConfig -split ':'
        # should maybe check these are valid xymon colours red, yellow, clear

        if ($($script:collectionnumber) -eq 1 )
            if ($checkparams.length -ge 3)
                $markslowscan = $checkparams[2]
        elseif ($($script:loopcount) -eq 0)
            if ($checkparams.length -ge 2)
                $markslowscan = $checkparams[1]

    WriteLog 'XymonLogSend - sending log'

    $log = ((get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile) -join "`n")
    $log = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($log)

    $output = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Xymon client log</h2><pre>' 
    $output += $log
    $output += '</pre>'

    $outputXymon = ('status {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $script:clientname, 'xymonlog', $markslowscan, $output)
    XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList

    WriteLog 'XymonLogSend - finished'

##### Main code #####
$script:thisXymonProcess = get-process -id $PID
$script:thisXymonProcess.PriorityClass = "High"
$hasargs = $false
if ($args -ne $null)
    $hasargs = $true
XymonConfig $hasargs
$ret = 0
# check for install/set/unset/config/start/stop for service management
if($args -eq "Install") {
    XymonClientInstall $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
if ($args -eq "uninstall")
if($args[0] -eq "config") {
    "XymonPSClient config:`n"
    "Settable Params and values:"
    foreach($param in $script:XymonSettings | gm -memberType NoteProperty,Property) {
        if($param.Name -notlike "PS*") {
            $val = $script:XymonSettings.($param.Name)
            if($val -is [Array]) {
                $out = [string]::join(" ",$val)
            } else {
                $out = $val.ToString()
            "    {0}={1}" -f $param.Name,$out
if($args -eq "Start") {
    if((get-service $xymonsvcname).Status -ne "Running") { start-service $xymonsvcname }
if($args -eq "Stop") {
    if((get-service $xymonsvcname).Status -eq "Running") { stop-service $xymonsvcname }
if($args -eq "ping") {
    $output = XymonSend "ping" $script:XymonSettings.serversList
if($ret) {return}
if($args -ne $null) {
    "Usage: "+ $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition +" install | uninstall | start | stop | config "

# assume no other args, so run as normal

# elevate our priority to configured setting
$script:thisXymonProcess.PriorityClass = $script:XymonSettings.ClientProcessPriority

# ZB: read any cached client config
if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile)
    $cfglines = (get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile) -join "`n"
    XymonClientConfig $cfglines

$script:lastcollectfile = join-path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogpath 'xymon-lastcollect.txt'
$running = $true
$script:collectionnumber = (0 -as [long])

if ( $script:slowscanrate -gt 0 ) {
    $loopcount = Get-Random -Maximum ($script:slowscanrate)
} else {
    $loopcount = 0


while ($running -eq $true) {
    # log file setup/maintenance
    RotateLog $script:lastcollectfile
    RotateLog $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
    Set-Content -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile `
        -Value "$clientname - $XymonClientVersion"

    $UTCstr = get-date -Date ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()) -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    WriteLog "UTC date/time: $UTCstr"
    WriteLog "This is collection number $($script:collectionnumber), loopcount $loopcount"
    WriteLog "Next 'slow scan' is when loopcount reaches $($script:slowscanrate)"
    if ($script:maxloop -gt 0)
        WriteLog "XymonPSClient service will restart when loopcount greater than $($script:maxloop)"
        WriteLog 'XymonPSClient is configured to never automatically restart'

    $starttime = Get-Date
    $slowscan = $false

    if ($loopcount -eq $script:slowscanrate) { 
        WriteLog "Doing slow scan tasks: $loopcount -eq $($script:slowscanrate)"

        $loopcount = 0
        $slowscan = $true
        WriteLog "Executing XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering"
        $XymonWMIQuickFixEngineeringCache = XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering
        WriteLog "Executing XymonWMIProduct"
        $XymonWMIProductCache = XymonWMIProduct
        WriteLog "Executing XymonIISSites"
        $XymonIISSitesCache = XymonIISSites
        if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableDiskPart -eq 1 `
            -or $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('enablediskpart'))
            $script:diskpartData = XymonDiskPart
            $script:diskpartData = ''

        WriteLog "Slow scan tasks completed."

    XymonCollectInfo $slowscan
    WriteLog "Performing main and optional tests and building output..."
    $clout = "client $($clientname).$($script:XymonSettings.clientsoftware) $($script:XymonSettings.clientclass) XymonPS" | 
    $clsecs = XymonClientSections $slowscan | Out-String
    $localdatetime = Get-Date
    $clout += XymonDate | Out-String
    $clout += XymonClock | Out-String
    $clout +=  $clsecs
    #XymonReportConfig >> $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
    WriteLog "Main and optional tests finished."
    WriteLog "Sending to server"
    Set-Content -path $script:lastcollectfile -value $clout
    $newconfig = XymonSend $clout $script:XymonSettings.serversList

    RepeatTests $clout

    XymonClientConfig $newconfig
    [GC]::Collect() # run every time to avoid memory bloat
    #maybe check for update - only happens after a slow scan, when loopcount = 0
    if ($slowscan)

    $delay = ($script:XymonSettings.loopinterval - (Get-Date).Subtract($starttime).TotalSeconds)
    if ($script:collectionnumber -eq 1)
        # if this is the very first collection, make the second collection happen sooner
        # than the normal delay - this is because CPU usage is not collected on the 
        # first run
        $delay = 30
    WriteLog "Status: maxloop: $($script:maxloop) collection number: $($script:collectionnumber)"
    if ($script:maxloop -gt 0 -and $script:collectionnumber -gt $script:maxloop)
        # restart service by exiting, NSSM will restart it
        WriteLog "Maximum collections reached: collection $($script:collectionnumber), maxloop $($script:maxloop): restarting service..."
    WriteLog "Delaying until next run: $delay seconds"
    if ($delay -gt 0) { sleep $delay }

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