[Xymon] [External] Powershell client maintainer
Stef Coene
stef.coene at docum.org
Wed Dec 20 12:02:52 CET 2023
I have a new version available with additional bug fixes and enhancements.
See attached files.
Additional changes:
Return $false if XymonSendViaHttp has an error
If DecryptHttpServerPassword returns an error, returns $null and abort
Catch error in DownloadFile and write error to the log
Also return $false
Use output from XymonSend as return value in XymonDownloadFromServer
This can be $false if there is an error in XymonSend
Allow multiple clientversion download lines in configuration file
Test if the file exist when downloading a file before overwriting the
old file
On 2023-12-15 13:31, Stef Coene wrote:
> Hi,
> I cleaned up the code, see the attached patch.
> Some bugs:
> Remove `r from message
> -> This corrupts the procs check
> Use [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes to encode the data stream
> -> On some server sometimes the original code gives 0 bytes. I never
> found out in the orignal datastream what was the reason. The option
> xymonlogarchive was used to keep the logfiles and the collected data but
> we never found a difference.
> Allow to download a file when serverUrl is used via the bb: syntax
> Other changes:
> Option ping to test connection to the xymon server
> - Test the new version with the 'ping' option to make sure it works
> Environment variable YMONCLIENTCFG can be used to point to an
> alternatieve xymonclient_config.xml configuration file
> -> We use this in combination with the 'ping' option to test a new XML
> configuration file with an external script
> Download configuration files from xymon server to etc directory
> - Add config option to the clientconfigfile to download configuration
> files to the etc directory
> - Add function XymonManageConfigs to download configuration files to
> the etc directory
> -> We use this to distribute configuration file for external scripts
> to the servers. One of the scripts is used to generate a new xml
> configuration file.
> Allow to send something via the 'usermsg' channel
> -> We use this to send inventory data collected by an external script
> to the xymon server. Of course, you need a scripts on the xymon server
> to process this data.
> Allow multiple serverUrl that will receiving the same data, separated
> with space
> - Same serverHttpUsername/serverHttpPassword !
> -> We have used this to migrate to a new xymon server so both receive
> all data.
> Disable server certification validation when sending data to a https server
> -> This was needed for a Xymon server with https with self signed
> certificates. Maybe do this via an option?
> Add xymonlogarchive to the clientconfigfile to copy the logfiles and
> send data to an alternative directory
> - Usefull for debugging
> - Also some changes in XymonLogSend
> Add slowscanrate option to the clientconfigfile to overrule the default
> slowscanrate setting of 72
> Duplicate bb to xymon in the clientconfigfile
> Add scan|<number> to the clientconfigfile so you can run an external
> script every <number> run
> - Also some changes in XymonExecuteExternals
> Make slowscanrate a random number during startup
> Stef
> _______________________________________________
> Xymon mailing list
> Xymon at xymon.com
> http://lists.xymon.com/mailman/listinfo/xymon
-------------- next part --------------
< # ###################################################################################
> # ###################################################################################
> # Copyright (c) 2023 Stef Coene
> # Changelog Stef Coene:
> # Remove `r from message
> # -> This corrupts the procs check
> #
> # Use [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes to encode the data stream
> # -> On some server sometimes the original code gives 0 bytes. I never found out in the orignal datastream what was the reason. The option xymonlogarchive was used to keep the logfiles and the collected data but we never found a difference.
> #
> # Allow to download a file when serverUrl is used via the bb: syntax
> #
> # Option ping to test connection to the xymon server
> # - Test the new version with the 'ping' option to make sure it works
> #
> # Environment variable YMONCLIENTCFG can be used to point to an alternatieve xymonclient_config.xml configuration file
> # -> We use this in combination with the 'ping' option to test a new XML configuration file with an external script
> #
> # Download configuration files from xymon server to etc directory
> # - Add config option to the clientconfigfile to download configuration files to the etc directory
> # - Add function XymonManageConfigs to download configuration files to the etc directory
> # -> We use this to distribute configuration file for external scripts to the servers. One of the scripts is used to generate a new xml configuration file.
> #
> # Allow to send something via the 'usermsg' channel
> # -> We use this to send inventory data collected by an external script to the xymon server. Of course, you need a scripts on the xymon server to process this data.
> #
> # Allow multiple serverUrl that will receiving the same data, separated with space
> # - Same serverHttpUsername/serverHttpPassword !
> # -> We have used this to migrate to a new xymon server so both receive all data.
> #
> # Disable server certification validation when sending data to a https server
> # -> This was needed for a Xymon server with https with self signed certificates. Maybe do this via an option?
> #
> # Add xymonlogarchive to the clientconfigfile to copy the logfiles and send data to an alternative directory
> # - Usefull for debugging
> # - Also some changes in XymonLogSend
> #
> # Add slowscanrate option to the clientconfigfile to overrule the default slowscanrate setting of 72
> #
> # Duplicate bb to xymon in the clientconfigfile
> #
> # Add scan|<number> to the clientconfigfile so you can run an external script every <number> run
> # - Also some changes in XymonExecuteExternals
> #
> # If DecryptHttpServerPassword returns an error, returns $null and abort XymonSendViaHttp
> #
> # Return $false if XymonSendViaHttp has an error
> #
> # Catch error in DownloadFile and write error to the log
> # Als return $false
> #
> # Make slowscanrate a random number during startup
> #
> # Use output from XymonSend as return value in XymonDownloadFromServer
> # This can be $false if there is an error in XymonSend
> #
> # Allow multiple clientversion download lines in configuration file
> #
> # Test if the file exist when downloading a file before overwriting the old file
< $Version = '2.42'
> $Version = '2.437'
< $XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir 'xymonclient_config.xml'
> if ( -not $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG ) {
> $XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir 'xymonclient_config.xml'
> } else {
> $XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG
> }
< SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings slowscanrate 72 # repeats of main loop before collecting slowly changing information again
> $configdir = Join-Path $xymondir 'etc'
> SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings configlocation $configdir
< WriteLog "Sending Xymon message for file $($f.Name) - test $($testName), host $($hostName): $msg"
> WriteLog "Sending Xymon message for file $($f.Name) - test $($testName), host $($hostName)"
> XymonSend $msg $script:XymonSettings.serversList
> }
> elseif ($statusFileContent -match '^usermsg ')
> {
> $msg = $statusFileContent
> WriteLog "Sending Xymon usermsg"
< $serverPassword = ''
> $serverPassword = $null
< function XymonSendViaHttp($msg)
> function XymonSendViaHttp($msg, $filePath)
< $url = $script:XymonSettings.serverUrl
< if ($url -notmatch '^https?://')
< {
< WriteLog " ERROR: invalid server Url, check config: $url"
< return ''
< }
> $script:XymonSettings.serverUrl.Split(" ") | ForEach {
> $url = $_
> if ($url -notmatch '^https?://')
> {
> WriteLog " ERROR: invalid server Url, check config: $url"
> WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
> return $false
> }
< WriteLog " Using url $url"
< $encodedAuth = ''
< if ($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername -ne '')
< {
< $serverHttpPassword = DecryptHttpServerPassword
< $authString = ('{0}:{1}' -f $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername, `
< $serverHttpPassword)
> WriteLog " Using url $url"
> $encodedAuth = ''
> if ($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername -ne '')
> {
> $serverHttpPassword = DecryptHttpServerPassword
> if ( $serverHttpPassword -eq $null )
> {
> WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
> return $false
> }
> else
> {
> $authString = ('{0}:{1}' -f $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername, `
> $serverHttpPassword)
< $encodedAuth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(`
< [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('ISO-8859-1').GetBytes($authString))
> $encodedAuth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(`
> [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('ISO-8859-1').GetBytes($authString))
> WriteLog " Using username $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername)"
> }
> }
< WriteLog " Using username $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername)"
< }
> if ($url -match '^https://')
> {
> [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
> try
> {
> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
> }
> catch
> {
> WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
> WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
> return $false
> }
> }
< if ($url -match '^https://')
< {
> # AXI: verwijderen van ^M, dit stuurt de procs check volledig in de war
> $msg = $msg.Replace("`r","")
> # no Invoke-RestMethod before Powershell 3.0
> $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
> $request.Method = 'POST'
> $request.Timeout = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs
> if ($encodedAuth -ne '')
> {
> $request.Headers.Add('Authorization', "Basic $encodedAuth")
> }
> # $body = [byte[]][char[]]$msg
> $body = [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes($msg)
> $bodyStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
> $bodyStream.Write($body, 0, $body.Length)
> WriteLog " Connecting to $($url), body length $($body.Length), timeout $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs)ms"
< [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
> $response = $request.GetResponse()
< WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
> WriteLog " Exception connecting to $($url):`n$($_)"
> WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
< }
< # no Invoke-RestMethod before Powershell 3.0
< $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
< $request.Method = 'POST'
< $request.Timeout = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs
< if ($encodedAuth -ne '')
< {
< $request.Headers.Add('Authorization', "Basic $encodedAuth")
< }
< $body = [byte[]][char[]]$msg
< $bodyStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
< $bodyStream.Write($body, 0, $body.Length)
< WriteLog " Connecting to $($url), body length $($body.Length), timeout $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs)ms"
< try
< {
< $response = $request.GetResponse()
< }
< catch
< {
< WriteLog " Exception connecting to $($url):`n$($_)"
< return ''
< }
< $statusCode = [int]($response.StatusCode)
< if ($response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)
< {
< WriteLog " FAILED, HTTP response code: $($response.StatusCode) ($statusCode)"
< return ''
< }
> $statusCode = [int]($response.StatusCode)
> if ($response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)
> {
> WriteLog " FAILED, HTTP response code: $($response.StatusCode) ($statusCode)"
> WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
> return $false
> }
< $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
< $readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream
< $output = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
< WriteLog " Received $($output.Length) bytes from server"
< $script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'HTTP'
> $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
> $readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream
> $output = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
> WriteLog " Received $($output.Length) bytes from server"
> $script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'HTTP'
> }
< $outputbuffer = ""
> $outputBuffer = ""
< $outputBuffer = XymonSendViaHttp $msg
> $outputBuffer = XymonSendViaHttp $msg $filePath
> if ( $outputBuffer -ne $false)
> {
> $line = ($msg -split [environment]::newline)[0]
> $line = $line -replace '[\t|\s]+', ' '
> if ($line -match '(download) (.*$)' )
> {
> if ($filePath -eq $null -or $filePath -eq "")
> {
> # save it locally with the same name
> $filePath = split-path -leaf $matches[2]
> }
> # Save in unix format so the hash is the same as on the (Linux) xymon server
> Set-Content $filePath ([byte[]][char[]] "$outputBuffer") -Encoding Byte -NoNewLine
> }
> }
< $outputbuffer
> $outputBuffer
> -or $l -match '^xymonlogarchive' `
> -or $l -match '^slowscanrate' `
> -or $l -match '^config' `
> # parse slowscanrate if it's there (add if not)
> $slowscanrate = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
> where { $_ -match '^slowscanrate:([0-9]+)$' })
> if ($slowscanrate.length -gt 1)
> {
> WriteLog 'ERROR: more than one slowscanrate directive in config!'
> }
> elseif ($slowscanrate.Length -eq 1)
> {
> $script:slowscanrate = [int]$matches[1]
> }
> else
> {
> $script:slowscanrate = 72
> }
> XymonManageConfigs
< XymonExecuteExternals $isSlowScan
> XymonExecuteExternals $isSlowScan $loopcount
> # test newversion
> # copy oldversion as backup
< # re-start service - by exiting, NSSM will notice the process has ended and will
< # automatically restart it
> # re-start service - by exiting, NSSM will notice the process has ended and will automatically restart it
> $Process = powershell.exe -File $newversion ping | Out-String
< copy-item "$newversion" "$oldversion" -force
< remove-item "$newversion"
> if ( $Process -like "*xymond *" ) {
> WriteLog "New version is working"
< WriteLog "Sending final log and restarting service..."
< XymonLogSend
< exit
> # Make backup of old script
> copy-item "$oldversion" "$oldversion$version" -force
> copy-item "$newversion" "$oldversion" -force
> remove-item "$newversion"
> WriteLog "Sending final log and restarting service..."
> XymonLogSend
> exit
> } else {
> WriteLog "ERROR! New version is not working"
> WriteLog $Process
> }
< $client.DownloadFile($downloadURL, $destinationFilePath)
> try {
> $client.DownloadFile($downloadURL, $destinationFilePath)
> }
> catch
> {
> $e = $_.Exception
> WriteLog "Error during DownloadFile: $e.Message"
> return $false
> }
< XymonSend $message $script:XymonSettings.serversList $destinationFilePath
> $output = XymonSend $message $script:XymonSettings.serversList $destinationFilePath
> return $output
< $updates = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
< where { $_ -match '^clientversion:(\d+\.\d+):(.+?)(?::(MD5|SHA1|SHA256):([0-9a-f]+))?$' })
< if ($updates.length -gt 1)
< {
< WriteLog "ERROR: more than one clientversion directive in config!"
< }
< elseif ($updates.length -eq 1)
< {
< # $matches[1] = the new version number
< # $matches[2] = the place to look for new version file
< # $matches[3] = (optional) hash type
< # $matches[4] = (optional) hash value
> $updates = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:' })
< if ($Version -lt $matches[1])
> if ($updates.length -gt 0)
> {
> if ($updates.length -eq 1)
< WriteLog "Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]); attempting upgrade"
> WriteLog "Found 1 $($updates.length) clientversion lines:"
> }
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Found $($updates.length) clientversion liness:"
> }
< # $matches[2] can be either a http[s] URL, bb fake URL or a file path
< $updatePath = $matches[2]
< $updateFile = "xymonclient_$($matches[1]).ps1"
< $hashAlgorithm = $matches[3]
< $hashRequired = $matches[4]
< $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
> $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:(\d+\.\d+):(.+?)(?::(MD5|SHA1|SHA256):([0-9a-f]+))?$' } | foreach `
> {
> # $matches[1] = the new version number
> # $matches[2] = the place to look for new version file
> # $matches[3] = (optional) hash type
> # $matches[4] = (optional) hash value
< $result = $false
< if ($updatePath -match '^http')
> if ($Version -lt $matches[1])
< $updateURL = $updatePath.Trim()
< if ($updateURL -notmatch '/$')
< {
< $updateURL += '/'
< }
< $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $updateURL, $updateFile
< $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
< $result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URL $destination
< }
< elseif ($updatePath -match '^bb')
< {
< $ServerPath = $updatePath.Trim()
< $ServerPath = $ServerPath -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
< if ($ServerPath -notmatch '/$')
< {
< $ServerPath += '/'
< }
< $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $ServerPath, $updateFile
> WriteLog "Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]); attempting upgrade from $($matches[2])"
> # $matches[2] can be either a http[s] URL, bb fake URL or a file path
> $updatePath = $matches[2]
> $updateFile = "xymonclient_$($matches[1]).ps1"
> $hashAlgorithm = $matches[3]
> $hashRequired = $matches[4]
< $result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URL $destination
< }
< else
< {
< # not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
< $updateSource = Join-Path $updatePath $updateFile
< $result = XymonDownloadFromFile $updateSource $destination
< }
< if ($result)
< {
< $newversion = Join-Path $xymondir $updateFile
< if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null)
> $result = $false
> if ($updatePath -match '^http')
< WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing update file"
< $fileHash = ''
< try
> $updateURL = $updatePath.Trim()
> if ($updateURL -notmatch '/$')
< $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $newversion -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
> $updateURL += '/'
< catch
> $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $updateURL, $updateFile
> $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
> $result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URL $destination
> }
> elseif ($updatePath -match '^bb' -or $updatePath -match '^xymon')
> {
> $ServerPath = $updatePath.Trim()
> $ServerPath = $ServerPath -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
> if ($ServerPath -notmatch '/$')
< WriteLog "Update directive specifies hash, but error calculating hash: $_"
< WriteLog "Update cancelled"
< Remove-Item $newversion
< return
> $ServerPath += '/'
> $URL = "{0}{1}" -f $ServerPath, $updateFile
> $destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
> $result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URL $destination
> }
> else
> {
> # not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
> $updateSource = Join-Path $updatePath $updateFile
> $result = XymonDownloadFromFile $updateSource $destination
> }
< if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
> if ($result)
> {
> $newversion = Join-Path $xymondir $updateFile
> $fileSize = (Get-Item $newversion).Length
> # Failed http download results in 1 byte file
> if ( $fileSize -lt 2 )
< WriteLog "Update: update file hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
< WriteLog "Update cancelled"
< Remove-Item $newversion
< return
> WriteLog "Error: downloaded file is only $fileSize byte"
> exit
< WriteLog "Update file hash matches expected value, update can proceed"
> if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $hashAlgorithm -ne "")
> {
> WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing update file"
> $fileHash = ''
> try
> {
> $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $newversion -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
> }
> catch
> {
> WriteLog "Update directive specifies hash, but error calculating hash: $_"
> WriteLog "Update cancelled"
> Remove-Item $newversion
> return
> }
> if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
> {
> WriteLog "Update: update file hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
> WriteLog "Update cancelled"
> Remove-Item $newversion
> return
> }
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Update file hash matches expected value, update can proceed"
> }
> }
> WriteLog "Launching update"
> ExecuteSelfUpdate $newversion
< WriteLog "Launching update"
< ExecuteSelfUpdate $newversion
< }
< else
< {
< WriteLog "Update: Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]); doing nothing"
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Update: Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]) from $($matches[2]); doing nothing"
> }
< # no clientversion directive
< elseif ($URI -match '^bb')
> elseif ($URI -match '^bb' -or $URI -match '^xymon')
< if ($result -and $hashAlgorithm -ne $null)
> if ($result -and $hashAlgorithm -and $hashAlgorithm -ne $null)
< $originalFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $name
< if (Test-Path $originalFile)
> if (Test-Path $destination)
< WriteLog "Deleting original file $originalFile"
< Remove-Item -Force $originalFile
> $originalFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $name
> if (Test-Path $originalFile)
> {
> WriteLog "Deleting original file $originalFile"
> Remove-Item -Force $originalFile
> }
> WriteLog "Renaming $destination to $originalFile"
> Move-Item -Force $destination $originalFile
> }
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Error: new file $destination not found"
< WriteLog "Renaming $destination to $originalFile"
< Move-Item -Force $destination $originalFile
> function XymonManageConfigs
> {
> WriteLog "Executing XymonManageConfigs"
> $Configs = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
> where { $_ -match '^config:' })
> foreach ($config in $Configs)
> {
> if ($config -match '^config:(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?$')
> {
> # $matches[1] = URL location
> # $matches[2] = optional hash type
> # $matches[3] = optional hash value
> ($ConfigURI, $ConfighashAlgorithm, $ConfighashRequired) = $matches[1..3]
> $ConfigName = $ConfigURI.SubString($ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
> if ( $ConfigName -eq '$ClientName.ini' ) {
> $ConfigName = $script:clientname + ".ini"
> $ConfigBaseURI = $ConfigURI.SubString(0,$ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
> $ConfigURI = $ConfigBaseURI + $ConfigName
> WriteLog "Changing config file name to $ConfigName"
> }
> $FullName = Join-Path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation $ConfigName
> $downloadFlag = $false
> WriteLog "Checking $FullName"
> # check to see if we have the matching version
> if (Test-Path $FullName)
> {
> if ($ConfighashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $ConfighashRequired -ne $null)
> {
> WriteLog "Config file found, $ConfigName - testing against hash"
> try
> {
> $fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $FullName -hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm
> }
> catch
> {
> WriteLog "Error calculating hash for file: $_"
> }
> if ($fileHash -ne $ConfighashRequired)
> {
> WriteLog "Existing script hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $ConfighashRequired)"
> # hash mismatch, need to update via download
> $downloadFlag = $true
> }
> } else {
> WriteLog "Configuration file $ConfigName found, but no hash to check against so downloading again"
> $downloadFlag = $true
> }
> }
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Configuration file $FullName not found"
> $downloadFlag = $true
> }
> if ($downloadFlag)
> {
> WriteLog "Configuration file script $ConfigName not found or requires update, downloading"
> try
> {
> $result = DownloadAndVerify -URI $ConfigURI -name $ConfigName `
> -path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation `
> -hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm -hashRequired $ConfighashRequired
> }
> catch
> {
> WriteLog "Error downloading $ConfigName, ignoring"
> WriteLog "Error was: $_"
> }
> }
> }
> else
> {
> WriteLog "Configuration directive does not match expected format: $config"
> }
> } # foreach ... configs
> WriteLog 'XymonManageConfigs finished'
> }
< if ($external -match '^external:(?:(\d+):)?(slowscan|everyscan):(sync|async):(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?(?:\|(.+)\|(.+))?$')
> if ($external -match '^external:(?:(\d+):)?(slowscan|everyscan|scan\|\d+):(sync|async):(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?(?:\|(.+)\|(.+))?$')
< if ($externalURI -match '^(http|bb)')
> if ($externalURI -match '^(http|bb|xymon)')
< WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName not found or requires update, downloading"
> WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName not found or requires update, downloading from $externalURI"
< function XymonExecuteExternals([boolean] $isSlowscan)
> function XymonExecuteExternals ([boolean] $isSlowscan, [int] $loopcount)
> $env:clientname = $script:clientname
> [bool] $execute = $true
> $execute = $false
< else
< {
> if ($_.ExecutionFrequency -match '^scan\|(\d+)' ) {
> $rest = $loopcount % $Matches[1]
> if ( $loopcount % $Matches[1] -eq 0 )
> {
> WriteLog "Execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
> } else {
> WriteLog "Skipping execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
> $execute = $false
> }
> }
> if ( $execute -eq $true) {
> if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -gt 1)
> {
> WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: disabling, more than one xymonlogarchive directive in config"
> }
> elseif (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -eq 0)
> {
> WriteLog 'XymonLogArchive: disabling, no entry found in config file'
> }
> else
> {
> # Keeping older logs in directory $OldSubDirectory for $RententionInDays days
> # Default values:
> $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys | where { $_ -match '^xymonlogarchive:(.*):(.*)$' } | foreach {
> $OldSubDirectory = $Matches[1]
> $RententionInDays = $Matches[2]
> }
> if ( $OldSubDirectory -ne $null -and $RententionInDays -ne $null ) {
> WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: $RententionInDays days @ directory $OldSubDirectory"
> # Format of the old logfile
> $DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss"
> $S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
> # Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
> $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
> If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
> $Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force
> }
> # Copy logfile
> $Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
> Copy-Item -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile -Destination $Destination -Force
> # Cleanup old files
> Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
> $S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:lastcollectfile
> # Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
> $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
> If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
> $Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force
> }
> # Copy logfile
> $Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
> Copy-Item -Path $script:lastcollectfile -Destination $Destination -Force
> # Cleanup old files
> Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
> } else {
> WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: error in format of setting!"
> }
> }
> if($args -eq "ping") {
> $output = XymonSend "ping" $script:XymonSettings.serversList
> $output
> return
> }
< $lastcollectfile = join-path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogpath 'xymon-lastcollect.txt'
> $script:lastcollectfile = join-path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogpath 'xymon-lastcollect.txt'
< $loopcount = ($script:XymonSettings.slowscanrate - 1)
> if ( $script:slowscanrate -gt 0 ) {
> $loopcount = Get-Random -Maximum ($script:slowscanrate)
> } else {
> $loopcount = 0
> }
< RotateLog $lastcollectfile
> RotateLog $script:lastcollectfile
< WriteLog "This is collection number $($script:collectionnumber), loop count $loopcount"
< WriteLog "Next 'slow scan' is when loopcount reaches $($script:XymonSettings.slowscanrate)"
> WriteLog "This is collection number $($script:collectionnumber), loopcount $loopcount"
> WriteLog "Next 'slow scan' is when loopcount reaches $($script:slowscanrate)"
< if ($loopcount -eq $script:XymonSettings.slowscanrate) {
> if ($loopcount -eq $script:slowscanrate) {
> WriteLog "Doing slow scan tasks: $loopcount -eq $($script:slowscanrate)"
< WriteLog "Doing slow scan tasks"
< Set-Content -path $lastcollectfile -value $clout
> Set-Content -path $script:lastcollectfile -value $clout
-------------- next part --------------
# ###################################################################################
# Xymon client for Windows
# This is a client implementation for Windows systems that support the
# Powershell scripting language.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Henrik Storner <henrik at hswn.dk>
# Copyright (C) 2010 David Baldwin
# Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Accenture (zak.beck at accenture.com)
# Copyright (c) 2023 Stef Coene
# Contributions to this project were made by Accenture starting from June 2014.
# For a list of modifications, please see the SVN change log.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# ###################################################################################
# Changelog Stef Coene:
# Remove `r from message
# -> This corrupts the procs check
# Use [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes to encode the data stream
# -> On some server sometimes the original code gives 0 bytes. I never found out in the orignal datastream what was the reason. The option xymonlogarchive was used to keep the logfiles and the collected data but we never found a difference.
# Allow to download a file when serverUrl is used via the bb: syntax
# Option ping to test connection to the xymon server
# - Test the new version with the 'ping' option to make sure it works
# Environment variable YMONCLIENTCFG can be used to point to an alternatieve xymonclient_config.xml configuration file
# -> We use this in combination with the 'ping' option to test a new XML configuration file with an external script
# Download configuration files from xymon server to etc directory
# - Add config option to the clientconfigfile to download configuration files to the etc directory
# - Add function XymonManageConfigs to download configuration files to the etc directory
# -> We use this to distribute configuration file for external scripts to the servers. One of the scripts is used to generate a new xml configuration file.
# Allow to send something via the 'usermsg' channel
# -> We use this to send inventory data collected by an external script to the xymon server. Of course, you need a scripts on the xymon server to process this data.
# Allow multiple serverUrl that will receiving the same data, separated with space
# - Same serverHttpUsername/serverHttpPassword !
# -> We have used this to migrate to a new xymon server so both receive all data.
# Disable server certification validation when sending data to a https server
# -> This was needed for a Xymon server with https with self signed certificates. Maybe do this via an option?
# Add xymonlogarchive to the clientconfigfile to copy the logfiles and send data to an alternative directory
# - Usefull for debugging
# - Also some changes in XymonLogSend
# Add slowscanrate option to the clientconfigfile to overrule the default slowscanrate setting of 72
# Duplicate bb to xymon in the clientconfigfile
# Add scan|<number> to the clientconfigfile so you can run an external script every <number> run
# - Also some changes in XymonExecuteExternals
# Make slowscanrate a random number during startup
# Changes for 2.437:
# Return $false if XymonSendViaHttp has an error
# If DecryptHttpServerPassword returns an error, returns $null and abort XymonSendViaHttp
# Catch error in DownloadFile and write error to the log
# Also return $false
# Use output from XymonSend as return value in XymonDownloadFromServer
# This can be $false if there is an error in XymonSend
# Allow multiple clientversion download lines in configuration file
# Test if the file exist when downloading a file before overwriting the old file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User configurable settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$xymonservers = @( "xymonhost" ) # List your Xymon servers here
# $clientname = "winxptest" # Define this to override the default client hostname
$xymonsvcname = "XymonPSClient"
$xymondir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$Version = '2.437'
$XymonClientVersion = "${Id}: xymonclient.ps1 $Version 2019-03-11 zak.beck at accenture.com"
# detect if we're running as 64 or 32 bit
$XymonRegKey = $(if([System.IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) { "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\XymonPSClient" } else { "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\XymonPSClient" })
if ( -not $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG ) {
$XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir 'xymonclient_config.xml'
} else {
$XymonClientCfg = join-path $xymondir $env:XYMONCLIENTCFG
$ServiceChecks = @{}
$MaintChecks = @{}
$UnixEpochOriginUTC = New-Object DateTime 1970,1,1,0,0,0,([DateTimeKind]::Utc)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
#region dotNETHelperTypes
function AddHelperTypes
$getprocessowner = @'
// see: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14828/How-To-Get-Process-Owner-ID-and-Current-User-SID
// adapted slightly and bugs fixed
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class GetProcessOwner
public const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0X00000008;
const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
TokenUser = 1,
public struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
public IntPtr Sid;
public int Attributes;
static extern bool OpenProcessToken(
IntPtr ProcessHandle, // handle to process
int DesiredAccess, // desired access to process
ref IntPtr TokenHandle // handle to open access token
static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();
[DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool GetTokenInformation(
IntPtr hToken,
IntPtr TokenInformation,
int tokeInfoLength,
ref int reqLength
static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool ConvertSidToStringSid(
IntPtr pSID,
[In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] ref string pStringSid
[DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool ConvertStringSidToSid(
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string pStringSid,
ref IntPtr pSID
/// <span class="code-SummaryComment"><summary></span>
/// Collect User Info
/// <span class="code-SummaryComment"></summary></span>
/// <span class="code-SummaryComment"><param name="pToken">Process Handle</param></span>
public static bool DumpUserInfo(IntPtr pToken, out IntPtr SID)
int Access = TOKEN_QUERY;
IntPtr procToken = IntPtr.Zero;
bool ret = false;
SID = IntPtr.Zero;
if (OpenProcessToken(pToken, Access, ref procToken))
ret = ProcessTokenToSid(procToken, out SID);
return ret;
catch //(Exception err)
return false;
private static bool ProcessTokenToSid(IntPtr token, out IntPtr SID)
const int bufLength = 256;
IntPtr tu = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufLength);
bool ret = false;
SID = IntPtr.Zero;
int cb = bufLength;
ret = GetTokenInformation(token,
TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, tu, cb, ref cb);
if (ret)
tokUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tu, typeof(TOKEN_USER));
SID = tokUser.User.Sid;
return ret;
catch //(Exception err)
return false;
public static string GetProcessOwnerByPId(int PID)
IntPtr _SID = IntPtr.Zero;
string SID = String.Empty;
Process process = Process.GetProcessById(PID);
if (DumpUserInfo(process.Handle, out _SID))
ConvertSidToStringSid(_SID, ref SID);
// convert SID to username
string account = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(SID).Translate(typeof(System.Security.Principal.NTAccount)).ToString();
return account;
return "Unknown";
$type = Add-Type $getprocessowner
$getprocesscmdline = @'
// ZB adapted from ProcessHacker (http://processhacker.sf.net)
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class ProcessInformation
internal static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(
[In] IntPtr ProcessHandle,
[In] int ProcessInformationClass,
[Out] out ProcessBasicInformation ProcessInformation,
[In] int ProcessInformationLength,
[Out] [Optional] out int ReturnLength
public static extern int NtReadVirtualMemory(
[In] IntPtr processHandle,
[In] [Optional] IntPtr baseAddress,
[In] IntPtr buffer,
[In] IntPtr bufferSize,
[Out] [Optional] out IntPtr returnLength
private const int FLS_MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE = 128;
//private const int GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 34;
private const int GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 60;
private enum PebOffset
public enum RtlUserProcessFlags : uint
ParamsNormalized = 0x00000001,
ProfileUser = 0x00000002,
ProfileKernel = 0x00000004,
ProfileServer = 0x00000008,
Reserve1Mb = 0x00000020,
Reserve16Mb = 0x00000040,
CaseSensitive = 0x00000080,
DisableHeapDecommit = 0x00000100,
DllRedirectionLocal = 0x00001000,
AppManifestPresent = 0x00002000,
ImageKeyMissing = 0x00004000,
OptInProcess = 0x00020000
public enum StartupFlags : uint
UseShowWindow = 0x1,
UseSize = 0x2,
UsePosition = 0x4,
UseCountChars = 0x8,
UseFillAttribute = 0x10,
RunFullScreen = 0x20,
ForceOnFeedback = 0x40,
ForceOffFeedback = 0x80,
UseStdHandles = 0x100,
UseHotkey = 0x200
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct UnicodeString
public ushort Length;
public ushort MaximumLength;
public IntPtr Buffer;
public struct ListEntry
public IntPtr Flink;
public IntPtr Blink;
public unsafe struct Peb
public static readonly int ImageSubsystemOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ImageSubsystem").ToInt32();
public static readonly int LdrOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "Ldr").ToInt32();
public static readonly int ProcessHeapOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ProcessHeap").ToInt32();
public static readonly int ProcessParametersOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Peb), "ProcessParameters").ToInt32();
public bool InheritedAddressSpace;
public bool ReadImageFileExecOptions;
public bool BeingDebugged;
public bool BitField;
public IntPtr Mutant;
public IntPtr ImageBaseAddress;
public IntPtr Ldr; // PebLdrData*
public IntPtr ProcessParameters; // RtlUserProcessParameters*
public IntPtr SubSystemData;
public IntPtr ProcessHeap;
public IntPtr FastPebLock;
public IntPtr AtlThunkSListPtr;
public IntPtr SparePrt2;
public int EnvironmentUpdateCount;
public IntPtr KernelCallbackTable;
public int SystemReserved;
public int SpareUlong;
public IntPtr FreeList;
public int TlsExpansionCounter;
public IntPtr TlsBitmap;
public unsafe fixed int TlsBitmapBits[2];
public IntPtr ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
public IntPtr ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
public IntPtr ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
public IntPtr AnsiCodePageData;
public IntPtr OemCodePageData;
public IntPtr UnicodeCaseTableData;
public int NumberOfProcessors;
public int NtGlobalFlag;
public long CriticalSectionTimeout;
public IntPtr HeapSegmentReserve;
public IntPtr HeapSegmentCommit;
public IntPtr HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
public IntPtr HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
public int NumberOfHeaps;
public int MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
public IntPtr ProcessHeaps;
public IntPtr GdiSharedHandleTable;
public IntPtr ProcessStarterHelper;
public int GdiDCAttributeList;
public IntPtr LoaderLock;
public int OSMajorVersion;
public int OSMinorVersion;
public short OSBuildNumber;
public short OSCSDVersion;
public int OSPlatformId;
public int ImageSubsystem;
public int ImageSubsystemMajorVersion;
public int ImageSubsystemMinorVersion;
public IntPtr ImageProcessAffinityMask;
public unsafe fixed byte GdiHandleBuffer[GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE];
public IntPtr PostProcessInitRoutine;
public IntPtr TlsExpansionBitmap;
public unsafe fixed int TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32];
public int SessionId;
public long AppCompatFlags;
public long AppCompatFlagsUser;
public IntPtr pShimData;
public IntPtr AppCompatInfo;
public UnicodeString CSDVersion;
public IntPtr ActivationContextData;
public IntPtr ProcessAssemblyStorageMap;
public IntPtr SystemDefaultActivationContextData;
public IntPtr SystemAssemblyStorageMap;
public IntPtr MinimumStackCommit;
public IntPtr FlsCallback;
public ListEntry FlsListHead;
public IntPtr FlsBitmap;
public unsafe fixed int FlsBitmapBits[FLS_MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE / (sizeof(int) * 8)];
public int FlsHighIndex;
public struct RtlUserProcessParameters
public static readonly int CurrentDirectoryOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CurrentDirectory").ToInt32();
public static readonly int DllPathOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "DllPath").ToInt32();
public static readonly int ImagePathNameOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "ImagePathName").ToInt32();
public static readonly int CommandLineOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CommandLine").ToInt32();
public static readonly int EnvironmentOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "Environment").ToInt32();
public static readonly int WindowTitleOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "WindowTitle").ToInt32();
public static readonly int DesktopInfoOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "DesktopInfo").ToInt32();
public static readonly int ShellInfoOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "ShellInfo").ToInt32();
public static readonly int RuntimeDataOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "RuntimeData").ToInt32();
public static readonly int CurrentDirectoriesOffset =
Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(RtlUserProcessParameters), "CurrentDirectories").ToInt32();
public struct CurDir
public UnicodeString DosPath;
public IntPtr Handle;
public struct RtlDriveLetterCurDir
public ushort Flags;
public ushort Length;
public uint TimeStamp;
public IntPtr DosPath;
public int MaximumLength;
public int Length;
public RtlUserProcessFlags Flags;
public int DebugFlags;
public IntPtr ConsoleHandle;
public int ConsoleFlags;
public IntPtr StandardInput;
public IntPtr StandardOutput;
public IntPtr StandardError;
public CurDir CurrentDirectory;
public UnicodeString DllPath;
public UnicodeString ImagePathName;
public UnicodeString CommandLine;
public IntPtr Environment;
public int StartingX;
public int StartingY;
public int CountX;
public int CountY;
public int CountCharsX;
public int CountCharsY;
public int FillAttribute;
public StartupFlags WindowFlags;
public int ShowWindowFlags;
public UnicodeString WindowTitle;
public UnicodeString DesktopInfo;
public UnicodeString ShellInfo;
public UnicodeString RuntimeData;
public RtlDriveLetterCurDir CurrentDirectories;
public struct ProcessBasicInformation
public int ExitStatus;
public IntPtr PebBaseAddress;
public IntPtr AffinityMask;
public int BasePriority;
public IntPtr UniqueProcessId;
public IntPtr InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
private static string GetProcessCommandLine(IntPtr handle)
ProcessBasicInformation pbi;
int returnLength;
int status = NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, 0, out pbi, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ProcessBasicInformation)), out returnLength);
if (status != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));
string result = GetPebString(PebOffset.CommandLine, pbi.PebBaseAddress, handle);
return result;
private static string GetProcessImagePath(IntPtr handle)
ProcessBasicInformation pbi;
int returnLength;
int status = NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, 0, out pbi, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ProcessBasicInformation)), out returnLength);
if (status != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));
string result = GetPebString(PebOffset.ImagePathName, pbi.PebBaseAddress, handle);
return result;
private static IntPtr IncrementPtr(IntPtr ptr, int value)
return IntPtr.Size == sizeof(Int32) ? new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt32() + value) : new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + value);
private static unsafe string GetPebString(PebOffset offset, IntPtr pebBaseAddress, IntPtr handle)
byte* buffer = stackalloc byte[IntPtr.Size];
ReadMemory(IncrementPtr(pebBaseAddress, Peb.ProcessParametersOffset), buffer, IntPtr.Size, handle);
IntPtr processParameters = *(IntPtr*)buffer;
int realOffset = GetPebOffset(offset);
UnicodeString pebStr;
ReadMemory(IncrementPtr(processParameters, realOffset), &pebStr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UnicodeString)), handle);
string str = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ReadMemory(pebStr.Buffer, pebStr.Length, handle), 0, pebStr.Length);
return str;
private static int GetPebOffset(PebOffset offset)
switch (offset)
case PebOffset.CommandLine:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.CommandLineOffset;
case PebOffset.CurrentDirectoryPath:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.CurrentDirectoryOffset;
case PebOffset.DesktopName:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.DesktopInfoOffset;
case PebOffset.DllPath:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.DllPathOffset;
case PebOffset.ImagePathName:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.ImagePathNameOffset;
case PebOffset.RuntimeData:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.RuntimeDataOffset;
case PebOffset.ShellInfo:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.ShellInfoOffset;
case PebOffset.WindowTitle:
return RtlUserProcessParameters.WindowTitleOffset;
throw new ArgumentException("offset");
private static byte[] ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, int length, IntPtr handle)
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
ReadMemory(baseAddress, buffer, length, handle);
return buffer;
private static unsafe int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, byte[] buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
fixed (byte* bufferPtr = buffer) return ReadMemory(baseAddress, bufferPtr, length, handle);
private static unsafe int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, void* buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
return ReadMemory(baseAddress, new IntPtr(buffer), length, handle);
private static int ReadMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, int length, IntPtr handle)
int status;
IntPtr retLengthIntPtr;
if ((status = NtReadVirtualMemory(handle, baseAddress, buffer, new IntPtr(length), out retLengthIntPtr)) > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception: status = {0}, expecting 0", status));
return retLengthIntPtr.ToInt32();
public static string GetCommandLineByProcessId(int PID)
string commandLine = "";
Process process = Process.GetProcessById(PID);
commandLine = GetProcessCommandLine(process.Handle);
commandLine = commandLine.Replace((char)0, ' ');
return commandLine;
$cp = new-object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
$cp.CompilerOptions = "/unsafe"
$dummy = $cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.dll')
$type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $getprocesscmdline -CompilerParameters $cp
$volumeinfo = @'
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
public class VolumeInfo
public static extern DriveType GetDriveType([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lpRootPathName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
out ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private extern static bool GetVolumeInformation(
string RootPathName,
StringBuilder VolumeNameBuffer,
int VolumeNameSize,
out uint VolumeSerialNumber,
out uint MaximumComponentLength,
out uint FileSystemFlags, // FileSystemFeature
StringBuilder FileSystemNameBuffer,
int nFileSystemNameSize);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(
string lpszVolumeName,
string lpszVolumePathNames,
uint cchBuferLength,
ref UInt32 lpcchReturnLength);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern FindVolumeSafeHandle FindFirstVolume([Out] StringBuilder lpszVolumeName, uint cchBufferLength);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool FindNextVolume(FindVolumeSafeHandle hFindVolume, [Out] StringBuilder lpszVolumeName, uint cchBufferLength);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool FindVolumeClose(IntPtr hFindVolume);
private static readonly ulong KB = 1024;
public enum DriveType : uint
Unknown = 0, //DRIVE_UNKNOWN
Error = 1, //DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR
Removable = 2, //DRIVE_REMOVABLE
Fixed = 3, //DRIVE_FIXED
Remote = 4, //DRIVE_REMOTE
private class FindVolumeSafeHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
private FindVolumeSafeHandle()
: base(true)
public FindVolumeSafeHandle(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle)
: base(ownsHandle)
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return FindVolumeClose(handle);
public class Volume
public string VolumeGUID;
public string FileSys;
public DriveType DriveType;
public uint DriveTypeId;
public string MountPoint;
public string FileSystemName;
public string VolumeName;
public ulong TotalBytes;
public ulong FreeBytes;
public ulong UsedBytes;
public int UsedPercent;
public ulong TotalBytesKB;
public ulong FreeBytesKB;
public ulong UsedBytesKB;
public uint SerialNumber;
private static void GetVolumeDetails(string drive, Volume v)
ulong FreeBytesToCallerDummy;
if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive, out FreeBytesToCallerDummy, out v.TotalBytes, out v.FreeBytes))
StringBuilder volname = new StringBuilder(261);
StringBuilder fsname = new StringBuilder(261);
uint flagsDummy, maxlenDummy;
GetVolumeInformation(drive, volname, volname.Capacity,
out v.SerialNumber, out maxlenDummy, out flagsDummy, fsname, fsname.Capacity);
v.FileSystemName = fsname.ToString();
v.VolumeName = volname.ToString();
if (v.TotalBytes > 0)
double used = ((double)(v.TotalBytes - v.FreeBytes) / (double)v.TotalBytes);
v.UsedPercent = (int)Math.Round(used * 100.0);
v.UsedBytes = v.TotalBytes - v.FreeBytes;
v.TotalBytesKB = v.TotalBytes / KB;
v.FreeBytesKB = v.FreeBytes / KB;
v.UsedBytesKB = v.UsedBytes / KB;
private static void GetVolumeMountPoints(string volumeDeviceName, ArrayList volumes)
string buffer = "";
uint lpcchReturnLength = 0;
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(volumeDeviceName, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, ref lpcchReturnLength);
if (lpcchReturnLength == 0)
buffer = new string(new char[lpcchReturnLength]);
if (!GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(volumeDeviceName, buffer, lpcchReturnLength, ref lpcchReturnLength))
throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
string[] mounts = buffer.Split('\0');
if (buffer.Length > 1)
foreach (string mount in mounts)
if (mount.Length > 0)
Volume v = new Volume();
v.VolumeGUID = volumeDeviceName;
v.MountPoint = mount;
v.DriveType = GetDriveType(mount);
v.DriveTypeId = (uint)v.DriveType;
if (mount[0] >= 'A' && mount[0] <= 'Z')
v.FileSys = mount[0].ToString();
if (mount.Length > 3)
// per BBWin, replace spaces with underscore in mountpoint name
v.FileSys = mount.Substring(3, mount.LastIndexOf('\\') - 3).Replace(' ', '_');
GetVolumeDetails(mount, v);
// unmounted volume - only add details once
Volume v = new Volume();
v.VolumeGUID = volumeDeviceName;
v.MountPoint = "";
v.DriveType = GetDriveType(volumeDeviceName);
v.DriveTypeId = 99; // special value for unmounted
v.FileSys = "unmounted";
GetVolumeDetails(volumeDeviceName, v);
public static Volume[] GetVolumes()
const uint bufferLength = 1024;
StringBuilder volume = new StringBuilder((int)bufferLength, (int)bufferLength);
ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
using (FindVolumeSafeHandle volumeHandle = FindFirstVolume(volume, bufferLength))
if (volumeHandle.IsInvalid)
throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
GetVolumeMountPoints(volume.ToString(), ret);
} while (FindNextVolume(volumeHandle, volume, bufferLength));
return (Volume[])ret.ToArray(typeof(Volume));
$type = Add-Type $volumeinfo
$getsysteminfoType = @'
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class ProcessorInformation
public struct SystemInfo
public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; // WORD
public uint PageSize; // DWORD
public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; // (long)void*
public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; // (long)void*
public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; // DWORD*
public uint NumberOfProcessors; // DWORD
public uint ProcessorType; // DWORD
public uint AllocationGranularity; // DWORD
public ushort ProcessorLevel; // WORD
public ushort ProcessorRevision; // WORD
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(out SystemInfo Info);
public static SystemInfo GetSystemInfo()
SystemInfo info;
GetNativeSystemInfo(out info);
return info;
$type = Add-Type $getsysteminfoType
function SetIfNot($obj,$key,$value)
if($obj.$key -eq $null) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name $key -Value $value }
function XymonConfig($startedWithArgs)
if (Test-Path $XymonClientCfg)
XymonInitXML $startedWithArgs
$script:XymonCfgLocation = "XML: $XymonClientCfg"
$script:XymonCfgLocation = "Registry"
function XymonInitXML($startedWithArgs)
$xmlconfig = [xml](Get-Content $XymonClientCfg)
$script:XymonSettings = $xmlconfig.XymonSettings
# if serverhttppassword is populated and not encrypted, encrypt it
# only if we were started without arguments - so don't do it for
# service installation mode
if ($startedWithArgs -eq $false -and
$xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -ne $null -and
$xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -ne '' -and
$xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword -notlike '{SecureString}*')
WriteLog 'Attempting to encrypt password in config file'
$securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword
$encryptedPass = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $securePass
$xmlSecPass = "{SecureString}$($encryptedPass)"
$xmlconfig.XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword = $xmlSecPass
WriteLog "Exception encrypting config file password: $_"
function XymonInitRegistry
$script:XymonSettings = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue $XymonRegKey
function XymonInit
if($script:XymonSettings -eq $null) {
$script:XymonSettings = New-Object Object
$servers = $script:XymonSettings.servers
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serversList $servers
if ($script:XymonSettings.servers -match " ")
$script:XymonSettings.serversList = $script:XymonSettings.servers.Split(" ")
if ($script:XymonSettings.serversList -eq $null)
$script:XymonSettings.serversList = $xymonservers
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverUrl ''
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpUsername ''
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpPassword ''
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings serverHttpTimeoutMs 100000
$wanteddisks = $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings wanteddisksList $wanteddisks
if ($script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks -match " ")
$script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList = $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisks.Split(" ")
if ($script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList -eq $null)
$script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList = @( 3 ) # 3=Local disks, 4=Network shares, 2=USB, 5=CD
# Params for default clientname
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientfqdn 1 # 0 = unqualified, 1 = fully-qualified
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlower 1 # 0 = unqualified, 1 = fully-qualified
if ($script:XymonSettings.clientname -eq $null -or $script:XymonSettings.clientname -eq "")
# set name based on rules; first try IP properties
$ipProperties = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()
$clname = $ipProperties.HostName
if ($clname -ne '' -and $script:XymonSettings.clientfqdn -eq 1 -and ($ipProperties.DomainName -ne $null))
$clname += "." + $ipProperties.DomainName
if ($clname -eq '')
# try environment
$clname = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
if ($clname -ne '' -and $script:XymonSettings.clientfqdn -eq 1 -and ($Env:USERDNSDOMAIN -ne $null))
$clname += '.' + $Env:USERDNSDOMAIN
if ($script:XymonSettings.clientlower -eq 1) { $clname = $clname.ToLower() }
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientname $clname
$script:clientname = $clname
$script:clientname = $script:XymonSettings.clientname
# Params for various client options
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientbbwinmembug 1 # 0 = report correctly, 1 = page and virtual switched
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientremotecfgexec 0 # 0 = don't run remote config, 1 = run remote config
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientconfigfile "$env:TEMP\xymonconfig.cfg" # path for saved client-local.cfg section from server
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogfile "$env:TEMP\xymonclient.log" # path for logfile
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientsoftware "powershell" # powershell / bbwin
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientclass "powershell" # 'class' value (default powershell)
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings loopinterval 300 # seconds to repeat client reporting loop
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings maxlogage 60 # minutes age for event log reporting
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings MaxEvents 5000 # maximum number of events per event log
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings reportevt 1 # scan eventlog and report (can be very slow)
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWin32_Product 0 # 0 = do not use Win32_product, 1 = do
# see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/974524 for reasons why Win32_Product is not recommended!
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering 0 # 0 = do not use Win32_QuickFixEngineering, 1 = do
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableWMISections 0 # 0 = do not produce [WMI: sections (OS, BIOS, Processor, Memory, Disk), 1 = do
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableIISSection 1 # 0 = do not produce iis_sites section, 1 = do
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings EnableDiskPart 0 # 0 = do not collect diskpart data, 1 = do
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings ClientProcessPriority 'Normal' # possible values Normal, Idle, High, RealTime, BelowNormal, AboveNormal
$clientlogpath = Split-Path -Parent $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogpath $clientlogpath
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings clientlogretain 0
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings XymonAcceptUTF8 0 # messages sent to Xymon 0 = use "original" ASCII, 1 = convert to UTF8, 2 = use "pure" ASCII
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings GetProcessInfoCommandLine 1 # get process command line 1 = yes, 0 = no
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings GetProcessInfoOwner 1 # get process owner 1 = yes, 0 = no
$configdir = Join-Path $xymondir 'etc'
$extscript = Join-Path $xymondir 'ext'
$extdata = Join-Path $xymondir 'tmp'
$localdata = Join-Path $xymondir 'local'
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings configlocation $configdir
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings externalscriptlocation $extscript
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings externaldatalocation $extdata
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings localdatalocation $localdata
SetIfNot $script:XymonSettings servergiflocation '/xymon/gifs/'
$script:clientlocalcfg = ""
$script:logfilepos = @{}
$script:externals = @{}
$script:diskpartData = ''
$script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'Unknown'
$script:HaveCmd = @{}
foreach($cmd in "query","qwinsta") {
$script:HaveCmd.$cmd = (get-command -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue $cmd) -ne $null
"XymonProcsCpu","XymonProcsCpuTStart","XymonProcsCpuElapsed") `
| %{ if (get-variable -erroraction SilentlyContinue $_) { Remove-Variable $_ }}
function XymonProcsCPUUtilisation
# XymonProcsCpu is a table with 6 elements:
# 0 = process object
# 1 = last tick value
# 2 = ticks used since last poll
# 3 = activeflag
# 4 = command line
# 5 = owner
# ZB - got a feeling XymonProcsCpuElapsed should be multiplied by number of cores
if ((get-variable -erroraction SilentlyContinue "XymonProcsCpu") -eq $null) {
$script:XymonProcsCpu = @{ 0 = ( $null, 0, 0, $false) }
$script:XymonProcsCpuTStart = (Get-Date).ticks
$script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed = 0
else {
$script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed = (Get-Date).ticks - $script:XymonProcsCpuTStart
$script:XymonProcsCpuTStart = (Get-Date).Ticks
$script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed *= $script:numcores
foreach ($p in $script:procs) {
# store the process name in XymonProcsCpu
# and if $p.name differs but id matches, need to pick up new command line etc and zero counters
# - this covers the case where a process id is reused
$thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]
if ($p.Id -ne 0 -and ($thisp -eq $null -or $thisp[0].Name -ne $p.Name))
# either we have not seen this process before ($thisp -eq $null)
# OR
# the name of the process for ID x does not equal the cached process name
if ($thisp -eq $null)
WriteLog "New process $($p.Id) detected: $($p.Name)"
WriteLog "Process $($p.Id) appears to have changed from $($thisp[0].Name) to $($p.Name)"
$cmdline = ''
$owner = ''
if ($script:XymonSettings.GetProcessInfoCommandLine -eq 1)
$cmdline = [ProcessInformation]::GetCommandLineByProcessId($p.Id)
if ($script:XymonSettings.GetProcessInfoOwner -eq 1)
$owner = [GetProcessOwner]::GetProcessOwnerByPId($p.Id)
if ($owner.length -gt 32) { $owner = $owner.substring(0, 32) }
# New process - create an entry in the curprocs table
# We use static values here, because some get-process entries have null values
# for the tick-count (The "SYSTEM" and "Idle" processes).
$script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id] = @($null, 0, 0, $false, $cmdline, $owner)
$thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]
$thisp[3] = $true
$thisp[2] = $p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks - $thisp[1]
$thisp[1] = $p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks
$thisp[0] = $p
function UserSessionCount
if ($HaveCmd.qwinsta)
$script:usersessions = qwinsta /counter
($script:usersessions -match ' Active ').Length
$q = get-wmiobject win32_logonsession | %{ $_.logonid}
$service = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$xymonsvc'"
$s = 0
get-wmiobject win32_session | ?{ 2,10 -eq $_.LogonType} | ?{$q -eq $_.logonid} | %{
$z = $_.logonid
get-wmiobject win32_sessionprocess | ?{ $_.Antecedent -like "*LogonId=`"$z`"*" } | %{
if($_.Dependent -match "Handle=`"(\d+)`"") {
get-wmiobject win32_process -filter "processid='$($matches[1])'" }
} | select -first 1 | %{ $s++ }
function XymonCollectInfo([boolean] $isSlowScan)
WriteLog "Executing XymonCollectInfo"
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Process info"
$script:procs = Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property Id
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: CPU info"
$script:cpuinfo = [ProcessorInformation]::GetSystemInfo()
$script:numcores = $cpuinfo.NumberOfProcessors
WriteLog "Found $($script:numcores) cores"
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: calling XymonProcsCPUUtilisation"
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: OS info (including memory) (WMI)"
$script:osinfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Service info (WMI)"
$script:svcs = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Sort-Object -Property Name
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Disk info"
$mydisks = @()
$volumes = [VolumeInfo]::GetVolumes()
foreach ($disktype in $script:XymonSettings.wanteddisksList) {
$mydisks += @( ($volumes | where { $_.DriveTypeId -eq $disktype } ))
$volumes = @()
WriteLog "Error getting volume information: $_"
$script:disks = $mydisks | Sort-Object FileSys
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Building table of service processes (uses WMI data)"
$script:svcprocs = @{([int]-1) = ""}
foreach ($s in $svcs) {
if ($s.State -eq "Running") {
if ($svcprocs[([int]$s.ProcessId)] -eq $null) {
$script:svcprocs += @{ ([int]$s.ProcessId) = $s.Name }
else {
$script:svcprocs[([int]$s.ProcessId)] += ("/" + $s.Name)
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Date processing (uses WMI data)"
$script:localdatetime = $osinfo.ConvertToDateTime($osinfo.LocalDateTime)
$script:uptime = $localdatetime - $osinfo.ConvertToDateTime($osinfo.LastBootUpTime)
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: Adding CPU usage etc to main process data"
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo: calling UserSessionCount"
$script:usercount = UserSessionCount
WriteLog "XymonCollectInfo finished"
function WMIProp($class)
$wmidata = Get-WmiObject -Class $class
$props = ($wmidata | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Sort-Object -Property Name | where { $_.Name -notlike "__*" })
foreach ($p in $props) {
$p.Name + " : " + $wmidata.($p.Name)
function UnixDate([System.DateTime] $t)
$t.ToString("ddd dd MMM HH:mm:ss yyyy")
function epochTimeUtc([System.DateTime] $t)
[int64]($t.ToUniversalTime() - $UnixEpochOriginUTC).TotalSeconds
function filesize($file,$clsize=4KB)
return [math]::floor((($_.Length -1)/$clsize + 1) * $clsize/1KB)
function du([string]$dir,[int]$clsize=0)
if($clsize -eq 0) {
$drive = "{0}:" -f [string](get-item $dir | %{ $_.psdrive })
$clsize = [int](Get-WmiObject win32_Volume | ? { $_.DriveLetter -eq $drive }).BlockSize
if($clsize -eq 0 -or $clsize -eq $null) { $clsize = 4096 } # default in case not found
$sum = 0
$dulist = ""
get-childitem $dir -Force | % {
if( $_.Attributes -like "*Directory*" ) {
$dulist += du ("{0}\{1}" -f [string]$dir,$_.Name) $clsize | out-string
$sum += $dulist.Split("`n")[-2].Split("`t")[0] # get size for subdir
} else {
$sum += filesize $_ $clsize
function XymonPrintProcess($pobj, $name, $pct)
$pcpu = (("{0:F1}" -f $pct) + "`%").PadRight(8)
$ppid = ([string]($pobj.Id)).PadRight(9)
if ($name.length -gt 30) { $name = $name.substring(0, 30) }
$pname = $name.PadRight(32)
$pprio = ([string]$pobj.BasePriority).PadRight(5)
$ptime = (([string]($pobj.TotalProcessorTime)).Split(".")[0]).PadRight(9)
$pmem = ([string]($pobj.WorkingSet64 / 1KB)) + "k"
$pcpu + $ppid + $pname + $pprio + $ptime + $pmem
function XymonDate
UnixDate $localdatetime
function XymonClock
$epoch = epochTimeUtc $localdatetime
"epoch: " + $epoch
"local: " + (UnixDate $localdatetime)
"UTC: " + (UnixDate $localdatetime.ToUniversalTime())
$timesource = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters').Type
"Time Synchronisation type: " + $timesource
if ($timesource -eq "NTP") {
"NTP server: " + (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters').NtpServer
$w32qs = w32tm /query /status # will not run on 2003, XP or earlier
if($?) { $w32qs }
function XymonUptime
"sec: " + [string] ([int]($uptime.Ticks / 10000000))
([string]$uptime.Days) + " days " + ([string]$uptime.Hours) + " hours " + ([string]$uptime.Minutes) + " minutes " + ([string]$uptime.Seconds) + " seconds"
"Bootup: " + $osinfo.LastBootUpTime
function XymonUname
$osinfo.Caption + " " + $osinfo.CSDVersion + " (build " + $osinfo.BuildNumber + ")"
function XymonClientVersion
function XymonProcesses
# gather process and timing information and add this to $script:procs
# variable
# XymonCpu and XymonProcs use this information to output
WriteLog "XymonProcesses start"
foreach ($p in $script:procs)
if ($svcprocs[($p.Id)] -ne $null) {
$procname = "SVC:" + $svcprocs[($p.Id)]
else {
$procname = $p.Name
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name XymonProcessName -Value $procname `
-InputObject $p
$thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p.Id]
if ($thisp -ne $null -and $thisp[3] -eq $true)
if ($script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed -gt 0)
$usedpct = ([int](10000*($thisp[2] / $script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed))) / 100
$usedpct = 0
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name CommandLine -Value $thisp[4] `
-InputObject $p
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name Owner -Value $thisp[5] `
-InputObject $p
$usedpct = 0
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name CPUPercent -Value $usedpct `
-InputObject $p
$elapsedRuntime = 0
if ($p.StartTime -ne $null)
$elapsedRuntime = ($script:localdatetime - $p.StartTime).TotalMinutes
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name ElapsedSinceStart -Value $elapsedRuntime `
-InputObject $p
$pws = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.WorkingSet64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1KB)
$pvmem = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.VirtualMemorySize64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakVirtualMemorySize64 / 1KB)
$ppgmem = "{0,8:F0}/{1,-8:F0}" -f ($p.PagedMemorySize64 / 1KB), ($p.PeakPagedMemorySize64 / 1KB)
$pnpgmem = "{0,8:F0}" -f ($p.NonPagedSystemMemorySize64 / 1KB)
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name XymonPeakWorkingSet -Value $pws `
-InputObject $p
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name XymonPeakVirtualMem -Value $pvmem `
-InputObject $p
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name XymonPeakPagedMem -Value $ppgmem `
-InputObject $p
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name XymonNonPagedSystemMem -Value $pnpgmem `
-InputObject $p
WriteLog "XymonProcesses finished."
function XymonCpu
WriteLog "XymonCpu start"
$totalcpu = ($script:procs | Measure-Object -Sum -Property CPUPercent | Select -ExpandProperty Sum)
$totalcpu = [Math]::Round($totalcpu, 2)
"up: {0} days, {1} users, {2} procs, load={3}%" -f [string]$uptime.Days, $usercount, $procs.count, [string]$totalcpu
"CPU states:"
"`ttotal`t{0}`%" -f [string]$totalcpu
"`tcores: {0}" -f [string]$script:numcores
if ($script:XymonProcsCpuElapsed -gt 0) {
"CPU".PadRight(9) + "PID".PadRight(8) + "Image Name".PadRight(32) + "Pri".PadRight(5) + "Time".PadRight(9) + "MemUsage"
$script:procs | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.CPUPercent } `
| foreach `
$skipFlag = $false
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('processes'))
# skip this process if we are in slimmode and this process is not one of the
# requested processes
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.processes -notcontains $_.XymonProcessName)
$skipFlag = $true
if (!$skipFlag)
XymonPrintProcess $_ $_.XymonProcessName $_.CPUPercent
WriteLog "XymonCpu finished."
function XymonDisk
$MountpointWidth = 10
$LabelWidth = 10
$FilesysWidth = 10
# work out column widths
foreach ($d in $script:disks)
$mplength = "/FIXED/$($d.MountPoint)".Length
if ($mplength -gt $MountpointWidth)
$MountpointWidth = $mplength
if ($d.FileSys.Length -gt $FilesysWidth)
$FilesysWidth = $d.FileSys.Length
if ($d.VolumeName.Length -gt $LabelWidth)
$LabelWidth = $d.VolumeName.Length
WriteLog "XymonDisk start"
"{0,-$FilesysWidth} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,9} {5,-$MountpointWidth} {6,-$LabelWidth} {7}" -f `
"Filesystem", `
"1K-blocks", `
"Used", `
"Avail", `
"Capacity", `
"Mounted", `
"Label", `
"Summary(Total\Avail GB)"
foreach ($d in $script:disks) {
$diskusedKB = $d.UsedBytesKB
$disksizeKB = $d.TotalBytesKB
$dsKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($d.TotalBytes / 1KB); $dsGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($d.TotalBytes / 1GB)
$duKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($diskusedKB); $duGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($diskusedKB / 1KB);
$dfKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($d.FreeBytes / 1KB); $dfGB = "{0:F2}" -f ($d.FreeBytes / 1GB)
$mountpoint = "/FIXED/$($d.MountPoint)"
"{0,-$FilesysWidth} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,9:0}% {5,-$MountpointWidth} {6,-$LabelWidth} {7}" -f `
$d.FileSys, `
$dsKB, `
$duKB, `
$dfKB, `
$d.UsedPercent, `
$mountpoint, `
$d.VolumeName, `
$dsGB + "\" + $dfGB
WriteLog "XymonDisk finished."
function XymonMemory
WriteLog "XymonMemory start"
$physused = [int](($osinfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $osinfo.FreePhysicalMemory)/1KB)
$phystotal = [int]($osinfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1KB)
$pageused = [int](($osinfo.SizeStoredInPagingFiles - $osinfo.FreeSpaceInPagingFiles) / 1KB)
$pagetotal = [int]($osinfo.SizeStoredInPagingFiles / 1KB)
$virtused = [int](($osinfo.TotalVirtualMemorySize - $osinfo.FreeVirtualMemory) / 1KB)
$virttotal = [int]($osinfo.TotalVirtualMemorySize / 1KB)
"memory Total Used"
"physical: $phystotal $physused"
if($script:XymonSettings.clientbbwinmembug -eq 0) { # 0 = report correctly, 1 = page and virtual switched
"virtual: $virttotal $virtused"
"page: $pagetotal $pageused"
} else {
"virtual: $pagetotal $pageused"
"page: $virttotal $virtused"
WriteLog "XymonMemory finished."
# ContainsLike - whether or not $compare matches
# one of the entries in $arrayOfLikes using the -like operator
# returns $null (no match) or the matching entry from $arrayOfLikes
function ContainsLike([string[]] $ArrayOfLikes, [string] $Compare)
foreach ($l in $ArrayOfLikes)
if ($Compare -like $l)
return $l
return $null
function XymonMsgs
if ($script:XymonSettings.reportevt -eq 0) {return}
$sinceMs = (New-Timespan -Minutes $script:XymonSettings.maxlogage).TotalMilliseconds
# xml template
# {0} = log name e.g. Application
# {1} = milliseconds - how far back in time to go
$filterXMLTemplate = `
<Query Id="0" Path="{0}">
<Select Path="{0}">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= {1}] and ({2})]]</Select>
$eventLevels = @{
'0' = 'Information';
'1' = 'Critical';
'2' = 'Error';
'3' = 'Warning';
'4' = 'Information';
'5' = 'Verbose';
# default logs - may be overridden by config
$wantedlogs = "Application", "System", "Security"
$wantedLevels = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose')
$maxpayloadlength = 1024
$payload = ''
# $wantedEventLogs
# each key is an event log name
# each value is an array of wanted levels
# defaults set below
# can be overridden by eventlogswanted config
$wantedEventLogs = `
@{ `
'Application' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
'System' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
'Security' = @('Critical', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', 'Verbose'); `
# any config from server should override this default config
$wantedEventLogsPriority = -1
# this function no longer uses $script:XymonSettings.wantedlogs
# - it now uses eventlogswanted from the remote config
# eventlogswanted:[optional priority]:<logs/levels>:max payload:[optional default levels]
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^eventlogswanted:(?:(\d+):)?(.+):(\d+):?(.+)?$' } | foreach `
$thisSectionPriority = 0
WriteLog "Processing eventlogswanted config: $($matches[0])"
# config priority (if present)
# we only want the configuration with the highest priority
if ($matches[1] -ne $null)
$thisSectionPriority = [int]($matches[1])
if ($wantedEventLogsPriority -gt $thisSectionPriority)
WriteLog "Previous priority $wantedEventLogsPriority greater than this config ($($thisSectionPriority)), skipping"
$skip = $true
WriteLog "This config priority $($thisSectionPriority) greater than/equal to previous config ($($wantedEventLogsPriority)), processing"
$wantedEventLogsPriority = $thisSectionPriority
$skip = $false
# $wantedlogs
# might be a list of logs - e.g. application,system
# or a list of logs and levels - e.g. application|information&critical,system|critical&error
if (-not ($skip))
$wantedEventLogs = @{}
$wantedlogs = $matches[2] -split ','
$maxpayloadlength = $matches[3]
if ($matches[4] -ne $null)
$wantedLevels = $matches[4] -split ','
foreach ($log in $wantedlogs)
if ($log -like '*|*')
$logParams = @($log -split '\|')
if ($logParams.Length -eq 2)
$levelParams = $logParams[1] -replace '&', ','
$wantedEventLogs[$logParams[0]] = ($levelParams -split ',')
elseif ($logParams.Length -eq 1)
$wantedEventLogs[$logParams[0]] = $wantedLevels
WriteLog "Bad configuration item in eventlogswanted: $log"
# if no individual levels specified, then use the defaults -
# either specified in match 3 or script default
$wantedEventLogs[$log] = $wantedLevels
$script:EventLogs = Get-WinEvent -ListLog @($wantedEventLogs.Keys)
$script:EventLogs | Format-Table -AutoSize
WriteLog "Event Log processing - max payload: $maxpayloadlength"
foreach ($l in ($script:EventLogs | select -ExpandProperty LogName))
$wantedEventLogEntry = ContainsLike -ArrayofLikes $wantedEventLogs.Keys -Compare $l
if ($wantedEventLogEntry -ne $null)
WriteLog "Event log $l adding to payload"
$payload += [environment]::newline + "[msgs:eventlog_$l]" + [environment]::newline
# only scan the current log if there is space in the payload
if ($payload.Length -lt $maxpayloadlength)
WriteLog "Processing event log $l"
$levelcriteria = @()
$wantedLevels = $wantedEventLogs[$wantedEventLogEntry]
foreach ($level in $wantedLevels)
switch ($level)
'critical' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=1'; break }
'warning' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=3'; break }
'verbose' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=5'; break }
'error' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=2'; break }
'information' { $levelcriteria += 'Level=4 or Level=0'; break }
$logFilterXML = $filterXMLTemplate -f $l, $sinceMs, ($levelcriteria -join ' or ')
WriteLog "Log filter $logFilterXML"
WriteLog 'Setting thread/UI culture to en-US'
$currentCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
$currentUICulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'en-US'
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = 'en-US'
# todo - make this max events number configurable
$logentries = @(Get-WinEvent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -FilterXML $logFilterXML `
-MaxEvents $script:XymonSettings.MaxEvents)
WriteLog "Error setting culture and getting event log entries: $_"
WriteLog "Resetting thread/UI culture to previous: $currentCulture / $currentUICulture"
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $currentCulture
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $currentUICulture
$totalEntries = $logentries.Length
WriteLog "Event log $l entries since last scan: $($logentries.Length)"
# filter based on clientlocal.cfg / clientconfig.cfg
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries -ne $null)
$filterkey = $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^eventlog\:$l" }
if ($filterkey -ne $null -and $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey($filterkey))
WriteLog "Found a configured filter for log $l"
# ignore / include - include has priority over ignore
# so if there are any include filters, they get priority and ignores are disregarded
$filters = @( $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$filterkey] | where { $_ -match '^include ' } )
$filterMode = 'include'
if ($filters -eq $null -or $filters.Length -eq 0)
$filters = @( $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$filterkey] | where { $_ -match '^ignore ' } )
$filterMode = 'exclude'
WriteLog "Filter mode: $filterMode Filter entries: $($filters.Length)"
# process filters if we have one or the other
$filterCount = 0
$output = @()
foreach ($entry in $logentries)
if ($filterMode -eq 'exclude')
$excludeItem = $false
foreach ($filter in $filters)
$filter = $filter -replace '^ignore ', ''
if ($entry.ProviderName -match $filter -or $entry.Message -match $filter)
$excludeItem = $true
if (-not $excludeItem)
$output += $entry
elseif ($filterMode -eq 'include')
$includeItem = $false
foreach ($filter in $filters)
$filter = $filter -replace '^include ', ''
if ($entry.ProviderName -match $filter -or $entry.Message -match $filter)
$includeItem = $true
if ($includeItem)
$output += $entry
$logentries = $output
WriteLog "Starting entries: $($totalEntries) Entries filtered: $($filterCount) Remaining entries: $($logentries.Count)"
if ($logentries -ne $null)
WriteLog "Entries to add to payload: $($logentries.Count) "
foreach ($entry in $logentries)
$level = 'Unknown'
if ($eventLevels.ContainsKey($entry.Level.ToString()))
$level = $eventLevels[$entry.Level.ToString()]
$payload += [string]$level + " - " +`
[string]$entry.TimeCreated + " - " + `
"[$($entry.Id)] - " + `
[string]$entry.ProviderName + " - " + `
[string]$entry.Message + [environment]::newline
if ($payload.Length -gt $maxpayloadlength)
WriteLog "Payload length reached $($payload.Length), greater than $($maxpayloadlength)"
WriteLog "No entries to add to payload"
WriteLog "Event log processing finished"
function ResolveEnvPath($envpath)
$s = $envpath
while($s -match '%([\w_]+)%') {
if(! (test-path "env:$($matches[1])")) { return $envpath }
$s = $s.Replace($matches[0],$(Invoke-Expression "`$env:$($matches[1])"))
if(! (test-path $s)) { return $envpath }
resolve-path $s | Select -ExpandProperty ProviderPath
function XymonDir
#$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^dir:(.*)" } | % {
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^dir:(.*)" } |`
foreach {
resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
if(test-path $_ -PathType Container) { du $_ }
elseif(test-path $_) {"ERROR: The path specified is not a directory." }
else { "ERROR: The system cannot find the path specified." }
function XymonFileStat($file,$hash="")
# don't implement hashing yet - don't even check for it...
if(test-path $_) {
$fh = get-item $_
if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
"type:100000 (file)"
} else {
"type:40000 (directory)"
"mode:{0} (not implemented)" -f $(if($fh.IsReadOnly) {555} else {777})
"owner:0 ({0})" -f $fh.GetAccessControl().Owner
"group:0 ({0})" -f $fh.GetAccessControl().Group
if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) { "size:{0}" -f $fh.length }
"atime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.LastAccessTimeUtc),$fh.LastAccessTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
"ctime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.CreationTimeUtc),$fh.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
"mtime:{0} ({1})" -f (epochTimeUtc $fh.LastWriteTimeUtc),$fh.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")
if(test-path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
"FileVersion:{0}" -f $fh.VersionInfo.FileVersion
"FileDescription:{0}" -f $fh.VersionInfo.FileDescription
} else {
"ERROR: The system cannot find the path specified."
function XymonFileCheck
# don't implement hashing yet - don't even check for it...
#$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^file:(.*)$" } | % {
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^file:(.*)$" } |`
foreach {
resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
XymonFileStat $_
function XymonLogCheck
#$script:clientlocalcfg | ? { $_ -match "^log:(.*):(\d+)$" } | % {
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match "^log:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):(\d+):?(\d+)?$" } |`
foreach {
$positions = 6
if ($matches[3] -ne $null)
$positions = $matches[3]
$sizemax = $matches[2]
resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
XymonFileStat $_
XymonLogCheckFile $_ $sizemax $positions
function XymonLogCheckFile([string]$file,$sizemax=0, $positions=6)
WriteLog "Executing XymonLogCheckFile"
WriteLog "File: $file"
if (Test-Path $file)
$f = [system.io.file]::Open($file,"Open","Read","ReadWrite")
$s = get-item $file
$nowpos = $s.length
$savepos = 0
if($script:logfilepos.$($file) -ne $null) { $savepos = $script:logfilepos.$($file)[0] }
if($nowpos -lt $savepos) {$savepos = 0} # log file rolled over??
#"Save: {0} Len: {1} Diff: {2} Max: {3} Write: {4}" -f $savepos,$nowpos, ($nowpos-$savepos),$sizemax,$s.LastWriteTime
if($nowpos -gt $savepos) { # must be some more content to check
$s = new-object system.io.StreamReader($f,$true)
$dummy = $s.readline()
$enc = $s.currentEncoding
$charsize = 1
if($enc.EncodingName -eq "Unicode") { $charsize = 2 }
if($nowpos-$savepos -gt $charsize*$sizemax) {$savepos = $nowpos-$charsize*$sizemax}
$seek = $f.Seek($savepos,0)
$t = new-object system.io.StreamReader($f,$enc)
$buf = $t.readtoend()
if($buf -ne $null) { $buf }
#"Save2: {0} Pos: {1} Blen: {2} Len: {3} Enc($charsize): {4}" -f $savepos,$f.Position,$buf.length,$nowpos,$enc.EncodingName
if($script:logfilepos.$($file) -ne $null) {
$script:logfilepos.$($file) = $script:logfilepos.$($file)[1..$positions]
} else {
$script:logfilepos.$($file) = @(0) * $positions
$script:logfilepos.$($file) += $nowpos # save for next loop
WriteLog ("File saved positions: " + ($script:logfilepos.$($file) -join ','))
WriteLog "Cannot open / resolve $file"
"ERROR: Cannot open / resolve $file"
WriteLog "XymonLogCheckFile finished"
function XymonDirSize
# dirsize:<path>:<gt/lt/eq>:<size bytes>:<fail colour>
# match number:
# : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
# <path> may be a simple path (c:\temp) or contain an environment variable, or a filename
# e.g. %USERPROFILE%\temp
WriteLog "Executing XymonDirSize"
$outputtext = ''
$groupcolour = 'green'
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^dirsize:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):([gl]t|eq):(\d+):(.+)$' } |`
foreach {
resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
WriteLog "DirSize: $_"
$objFSO = new-object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject
if (test-path $_ -PathType Container)
# could use "get-childitem ... -recurse | measure ..." here
# but that does not work well when there are many files/subfolders
$size = $objFSO.GetFolder($_).Size
elseif (test-path $_)
$size = (Get-Item $_).Length
# file / directory does not exist
WriteLog "File $_ not found, setting size = -1"
$size = -1
$criteriasize = ($matches[3] -as [long])
$conditionmet = $false
if ($matches[2] -eq 'gt')
$conditionmet = $size -gt $criteriasize
$conditiontype = '>'
elseif ($matches[2] -eq 'lt')
$conditionmet = $size -lt $criteriasize
$conditiontype = '<'
# eq
$conditionmet = $size -eq $criteriasize
$conditiontype = '='
if ($conditionmet)
$alertcolour = $matches[4]
$alertcolour = 'green'
# report out -
# {0} = colour (matches[4])
# {1} = folder name
# {2} = folder size
# {3} = condition symbol (<,>,=)
# {4} = alert size
$outputtext += (('<img src="{5}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" ' +`
'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
'{1} size is {2} bytes. Alert if {3} {4} bytes.<br>') `
-f $alertcolour, $_, $size, $conditiontype, $matches[3], $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
# set group colour to colour if it is not already set to a
# higher alert state colour
if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
$groupcolour = 'yellow'
elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
$groupcolour = 'red'
if ($outputtext -ne '')
$outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Directory Size</h2>' + $outputtext
$output = ('status {0}.dirsize {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $outputtext)
WriteLog "dirsize: Sending $output"
XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList
function XymonDirTime
# dirtime:<path>:<unused>:<gt/lt/eq>:<alerttime>:<colour>
# match number:
# : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5
# <path> may be a simple path (c:\temp) or contain an environment variable
# e.g. %USERPROFILE%\temp
# <alerttime> = number of minutes to alert after
# e.g. if a directory should be modified every 10 minutes
# alert for gt 10
WriteLog "Executing XymonDirTime"
$outputtext = ''
$groupcolour = 'green'
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^dirtime:([a-z%][a-z:][^:]+):([^:]*):([gl]t|eq):(\d+):(.+)$' } |`
foreach {
resolveEnvPath $matches[1] | foreach {
$skip = $false
WriteLog "DirTime: $_"
$minutesdiff = ((get-date) - (Get-Item $_ -ErrorAction Stop).LastWriteTime).TotalMinutes
$outputtext += (('<img src="{2}{0}.gif" alt="{0}"' +`
'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
'{1}') `
-f 'red', $_, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
$groupcolour = 'red'
$skip = $true
if (-not $skip)
$criteriaminutes = ($matches[4] -as [int])
$conditionmet = $false
if ($matches[3] -eq 'gt')
$conditionmet = $minutesdiff -gt $criteriaminutes
$conditiontype = '>'
elseif ($matches[3] -eq 'lt')
$conditionmet = $minutesdiff -lt $criteriaminutes
$conditiontype = '<'
$conditionmet = $minutesdiff -eq $criteriaminutes
$conditiontype = '='
if ($conditionmet)
$alertcolour = $matches[5]
$alertcolour = 'green'
# report out -
# {0} = colour (matches[5])
# {1} = folder name
# {2} = folder modified x minutes ago
# {3} = condition symbol (<,>,=)
# {4} = alert criteria minutes
$outputtext += (('<img src="{5}{0}.gif" alt="{0}"' +`
'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
'{1} updated {2:F1} minutes ago. Alert if {3} {4} minutes ago.<br>') `
-f $alertcolour, $_, $minutesdiff, $conditiontype, $criteriaminutes, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
# set group colour to colour if it is not already set to a
# higher alert state colour
if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
$groupcolour = 'yellow'
elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
$groupcolour = 'red'
if ($outputtext -ne '')
$outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Last Modified Time In Minutes</h2>' + $outputtext
$output = ('status {0}.dirtime {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $outputtext)
WriteLog "dirtime: Sending $output"
XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList
function XymonPorts
WriteLog "XymonPorts start"
$filter = ''
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('ports:listenonly'))
$filter = 'LISTENING'
netstat -an | where { $_ -like "*$($filter)*" }
WriteLog "XymonPorts finished."
function XymonIpconfig
WriteLog "XymonIpconfig start"
ipconfig /all | %{ $_.split("`n") } | ?{ $_ -match "\S" } # for some reason adds blankline between each line
WriteLog "XymonIpconfig finished."
function XymonRoute
WriteLog "XymonRoute start"
netstat -rn
WriteLog "XymonRoute finished."
function XymonNetstat
WriteLog "XymonNetstat start"
netstat -s | ?{$_ -match "=|(\w+) Statistics for"} | %{ if($_.contains("=")) {("$pref$_").REPLACE(" ","")}else{$pref=$matches[1].ToLower();""}}
WriteLog "XymonNetstat finished."
function XymonIfstat
WriteLog "XymonIfstat start"
$families = @{ 'IPv4' = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork;
'IPv6' = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6;
$wantedFamilies = @()
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^ifstat:((ipv[46],?)+)$' } |
foreach {
foreach ($wanted in ($matches[1] -split ','))
if ($families.ContainsKey($wanted))
$wantedFamilies += $families[$wanted]
$wantedFamilies = ($wantedFamilies | Sort-Object -Unique)
if (@($wantedFamilies).Length -eq 0)
$wantedFamilies += $families['IPv4']
WriteLog "wanted address families: $wantedFamilies"
[System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() |
where { $_.OperationalStatus -eq "Up" -and $_.NetworkInterfaceType -ne 'loopback' } |
foreach {
$ad = $_.GetIPv4Statistics() | select BytesSent, BytesReceived
$ip = $_.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses | select Address
# some interfaces have multiple IPs, so iterate over them reporting same stats
# also replace statement removes zone information (adaptor) from IPv6 addresses
$ip | where { $wantedFamilies -contains $_.Address.AddressFamily } |
foreach { "{0} {1} {2}" -f ($_.Address.IPAddressToString -replace '%\d+$'),$ad.BytesReceived,$ad.BytesSent }
WriteLog "XymonIfstat finished."
function XymonSvcs
WriteLog "XymonSvcs start"
"Name".PadRight(39) + " " + "StartupType".PadRight(12) + " " + "Status".PadRight(14) + " " + "DisplayName"
foreach ($s in $svcs)
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('services'))
# skip this service if we are in slimmode and this service is not one of the
# requested services
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.services -notcontains $s.Name)
if ($s.StartMode -eq "Auto") { $stm = "automatic" } else { $stm = $s.StartMode.ToLower() }
if ($s.State -eq "Running") { $state = "started" } else { $state = $s.State.ToLower() }
$s.Name.Replace(" ","_").PadRight(39) + " " + $stm.PadRight(12) + " " + $state.PadRight(14) + " " + $s.DisplayName
WriteLog "XymonSvcs finished."
function XymonProcs
WriteLog "XymonProcs start"
"{0,8} {1,-35} {2,-17} {3,-17} {4,-17} {5,8} {6,-7} {7,5} {8,-19} {9,7} {10} {11}" -f `
"PID", "User", "WorkingSet/Peak", "VirtualMem/Peak", "PagedMem/Peak", "NPS", `
"Handles", "%CPU", 'Start Time', 'Elapsed', "Name", "Command"
# output sorted process table
$script:procs | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.CPUPercent } `
| foreach {
$startTime = ''
if ($_.StartTime -ne $null)
$startTime = Get-Date -Date $_.StartTime -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
$skipFlag = $false
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('processes'))
# skip this process if we are in slimmode and this process is not one of the
# requested processes
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.processes -notcontains $_.XymonProcessName)
$skipFlag = $true
if (!$skipFlag)
"{0,8} {1,-35} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6,7:F0} {7,5:F1} {8,19} {9,7:F0} {10} {11}" -f $_.Id, $_.Owner, `
$_.XymonPeakWorkingSet, $_.XymonPeakVirtualMem,`
$_.XymonPeakPagedMem, $_.XymonNonPagedSystemMem, `
$_.Handles, $_.CPUPercent, `
$startTime, $_.ElapsedSinceStart, $_.XymonProcessName, $_.CommandLine
WriteLog "XymonProcs finished."
function CleanXymonProcsCpu
# reset cache flags and clear terminated processes from the cache
WriteLog "CleanXymonProcsCpu start"
if (Test-Path variable:script:XymonProcsCpu)
if ($script:XymonProcsCpu.Count -gt 0)
foreach ($p in @($script:XymonProcsCpu.Keys)) {
$thisp = $script:XymonProcsCpu[$p]
if ($thisp[3] -eq $true) {
# reset flag to catch a dead process on the next run
# this flag will be updated back to $true by XymonProcsCPUUtilisation
# if the process still exists
$thisp[3] = $false
else {
# flag was set to $false previously = process has been terminated
WriteLog "Process id $p has disappeared, removing from cache"
WriteLog ("DEBUG: cached process ids: " + (($script:XymonProcsCpu.Keys | sort-object) -join ', '))
WriteLog "CleanXymonProcsCpu finished."
function XymonWho
WriteLog "XymonWho start"
if( $HaveCmd.qwinsta)
if ($script:usersessions -eq $null)
qwinsta.exe /counter
WriteLog "XymonWho finished."
function XymonUsers
WriteLog "XymonUsers start"
if( $HaveCmd.query) {
query user
WriteLog "XymonUsers finished."
function XymonIISSites
WriteLog "XymonIISSites start"
if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableIISSection -eq 1)
$objSites = [adsi]("IIS://localhost/W3SVC")
if($objSites.path -ne $null) {
foreach ($objChild in $objSites.Psbase.children | where {$_.KeyType -eq "IIsWebServer"} ) {
if($objChild.path -match "\/W3SVC\/(\d+)") { "SiteID: "+$matches[1] }
foreach ($prop in @("LogFileDirectory","LogFileLocaltimeRollover","LogFileTruncateSize","ServerAutoStart","ServerBindings","ServerState","SecureBindings" )) {
if( $($objChild | gm -Name $prop ) -ne $null) {
"{0} {1}" -f $prop,$objChild.$prop.ToString()
clear-variable objChild
clear-variable objSites
WriteLog 'Skipping XymonIISSites, EnableIISSection = 0 in config'
WriteLog "XymonIISSites finished."
function XymonWMIOperatingSystem
WMIProp Win32_OperatingSystem
function XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering
if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering -eq 1)
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering | where { $_.Description -ne "" } | Sort-Object HotFixID | Format-Wide -Property HotFixID -AutoSize
WriteLog "Skipping XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering, EnableWin32_QuickFixEngineering = 0 in config"
function XymonWMIProduct
if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWin32_Product -eq 1)
# run as job, since Win32_Product WMI dies on some systems (e.g. XP)
$job = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -AsJob | wait-job
if($job.State -eq "Completed") {
$fmt = "{0,-70} {1,-15} {2}"
$fmt -f "Name", "Version", "Vendor"
$fmt -f "----", "-------", "------"
receive-job $job | Sort-Object Name |
foreach {
$fmt -f $_.Name, $_.Version, $_.Vendor
remove-job $job
WriteLog "Skipping XymonWMIProduct, EnableWin32_Product = 0 in config"
function XymonWMIComputerSystem
WMIProp Win32_ComputerSystem
function XymonWMIBIOS
WMIProp Win32_BIOS
function XymonWMIProcessor
$cpuinfo | Format-List DeviceId,Name,CurrentClockSpeed,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors,CpuStatus,Status,LoadPercentage
function XymonWMIMemory
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory | Format-Table -AutoSize BankLabel,Capacity,DataWidth,DeviceLocator
function XymonWMILogicalDisk
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Format-Table -AutoSize
function XymonDiskPart
WriteLog 'XymonDiskPart start'
$diskpart = 'list disk' | diskpart
$dpOutput = $diskpart | where { $_ -match '^ Disk \d+' }
$dpOutput = $dpOutput -replace '^\s+', ''
$dpOutput = $dpOutput -replace '\s+$', ''
$diskDetailCmd = "select disk {0}`r`ndetail disk"
$noVolumeRX = '^There are no volumes.'
$dpOutput | foreach {
$dpColumns = $_ -split '\s{2,}'
$diskNum = $dpColumns[0] -replace 'Disk ', ''
$cmd = $diskDetailCmd -f $diskNum
$detailOutput = $cmd | diskpart
$detailDisk = $detailOutput | where { $_ -match '^Clustered' -or $_ -match $noVolumeRX }
if ($detailDisk -match '^Clustered Disk : No')
$clusterOutput = 'Not Clustered'
if (-not ($detailDisk -match '^Clustered'))
$clusterOutput = 'Clustered Unknown'
$clusterOutput = 'Clustered Active'
if ($detailDisk -match $noVolumeRX)
$clusterOutput = 'Clustered Inactive'
"diskpart:{0}:{1}:{2}" -f $dpColumns[0], $dpColumns[2], $clusterOutput
WriteLog "Xymondisk diskpart - error $_"
WriteLog 'XymonDiskPart finished'
function XymonServiceCheck
WriteLog "Executing XymonServiceCheck"
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries -ne $null)
$servicecfgs = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^servicecheck' })
foreach ($service in $servicecfgs)
# parameter should be 'servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>'
$checkparams = $service -split ':'
# validation
if ($checkparams.length -ne 3)
WriteLog "ERROR: not enough parameters (should be servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>) - $checkparams[1]"
$duration = $checkparams[2] -as [int]
if ($checkparams[1] -eq '' -or $duration -eq $null)
WriteLog "ERROR: config error (should be servicecheck:<servicename>:<duration>) - $checkparams[1]"
# check for maintenance window
$days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')
$serviceexclds = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^noservicecheck' })
if ($serviceexclds -ne '')
foreach ($maintservice in $serviceexclds)
# parameter should be 'noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<military start hour>:<duration in Hours>'
$checkMparams = $maintservice -split ':'
if ($checkparams[1] -eq $checkMparams[1])
# validation of number of parameters
if ($checkMparams.length -ne 5)
WriteLog ("ERROR: not enough parameters (noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<start hour (24h)>:<duration Hrs> {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
# get values
$MaintDay = $checkMparams[2] -as [int]
$MaintStartHour = $checkMparams[3] -as [int]
$MaintDuration = $checkMparams[4] -as [int]
# validation of basic values
if ($checkMparams[1] -eq '' -or $MaintDuration -eq $null -or (0..6 -notcontains $MaintDay) -or (0..23 -notcontains $MaintStartHour))
WriteLog ("ERROR: config error (noservicecheck:<servicename>:<numeric day of week Sun=0>:<start hour (24h)>:<duration Hrs>) {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
$MaintWeekDay = $days[$MaintDay]
if (((get-date).DayofWeek -eq $MaintWeekDay) -and ((get-date).Hour -eq $MaintStartHour) )
if ($script:MaintChecks.ContainsKey($checkMparams[1]))
$MaintWindowEnd = $script:MaintChecks[$checkMparams[1]].AddHours($MaintDuration)
if ((get-date) -lt $MaintWindowEnd)
WriteLog (" Maintenance: Skipping Service Check until after $($MaintWindowEnd) for {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
clear.variable $script:MaintChecks
WriteLog ("Not seen this NoServiceCheck before, starting Maintenance Window now for {0}" -f $checkMparams[1])
$hourTop = (get-date).Minute
$script:MaintChecks[$checkMparams[1]] = (get-date).AddMinutes(-($hourTop))
# end of maintenance hold
WriteLog ("Checking service {0}" -f $checkparams[1])
$winsrv = Get-Service -Name $checkparams[1]
if ($winsrv.Status -eq 'Stopped')
writeLog ("!! Service {0} is stopped" -f $checkparams[1])
if ($script:ServiceChecks.ContainsKey($checkparams[1]))
$restarttime = $script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]].AddSeconds($duration)
writeLog "Seen this service before; restart time is $restarttime"
if ($restarttime -lt (get-date))
writeLog (" -> Starting service {0}" -f $checkparams[1])
writeLog "Not seen this service before, setting restart time -1 hour"
$script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]] = (get-date).AddHours(-1)
elseif ('StartPending', 'Running' -contains $winsrv.Status)
writeLog " -Service is running, updating last seen time"
$script:ServiceChecks[$checkparams[1]] = get-date
function XymonTerminalServicesSessionsCheck
# this function relies on data from XymonWho - should be called after XymonWho
WriteLog "Executing XymonTerminalServicesSessionsCheck"
# config: terminalservicessessions:<yellowthreshold>:<redthreshold>
# thresholds are number of free sessions - so alert when only x sessions free
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^(?:ts|terminalservices)sessions:(\d+):(\d+)' } |`
foreach {
$maxSessions = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:Stop `
-Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp'`
-Name MaxInstanceCount | select -ExpandProperty MaxInstanceCount
WriteLog "Failed to get max sessions from CurrentControlSet registry: $_"
$maxSessions = 0xffffffffL
$maxSessionMsg = ''
if ($maxSessions -eq 0xffffffffL)
# try group policy key
$maxSessions = Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction:Stop `
-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services'`
-Name MaxInstanceCount | select -ExpandProperty MaxInstanceCount
WriteLog "Failed to get max sessions from Group Policy registry: $_"
if ($maxSessions -eq 0xffffffffL)
$maxSessionMsg = "Max sessions not set (probably not an RDS server)"
WriteLog $maxSessionMsg
$maxSessions = 2
$yellowThreshold = $matches[1]
$redThreshold = $matches[2]
$activeSessions = $script:usersessions | where { $_ -match 'Active' } | measure |
select -ExpandProperty Count
$freeSessions = $maxSessions - $activeSessions
WriteLog "sessions: active: $activeSessions maximum: $maxSessions free: $freeSessions"
WriteLog "thresholds: yellow: $yellowThreshold red: $redThreshold"
$alertColour = 'green'
if ($freeSessions -le $redThreshold)
$alertColour = 'red'
elseif ($freeSessions -le $yellowThreshold)
$alertColour = 'yellow'
$outputtext = (('<img src="{0}{1}.gif" alt="{1}" ' +`
'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
'sessions: active: {2} maximum: {3} free: {4}. {7}<br>yellow alert = {5} free, red = {6} free.<br>') `
-f $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, $alertColour, `
$activeSessions, $maxSessions, $freeSessions, $yellowThreshold, $redThreshold, $maxSessionMsg)
$outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Terminal Services Sessions</h2>' + $outputtext
$output = ('status {0}.tssessions {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $alertColour, $outputtext)
WriteLog "Terminal Services Sessions: sending $output"
XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList
function XymonActiveDirectoryReplicationCheck
WriteLog "Executing XymonActiveDirectoryReplicationCheck"
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys -contains 'adreplicationcheck')
$status = repadmin /showrepl * /csv
$results = @(ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject $status)
$alertColour = 'green'
$failcount = ($results | where { $_.'Last Failure Time' -gt $_.'Last Success Time' }).Length
if ($failcount -gt 0)
$alertColour = 'red'
$failcount = 'none'
$outputtext = (('<img src="{0}{1}.gif" alt="{1}" ' +`
'height="16" width="16" border="0">' +`
'Failing replication contexts: {2}<br>red alert = more than zero.<br>') `
-f $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, $alertColour, `
$outputtext = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Active Directory Replication</h2>' + $outputtext
$outputtext += '<br/>'
$outputtable = ($results | select 'Source DSA', `
'Naming Context', 'Destination DSA', 'Number of Failures', `
'Last Failure Time', 'Last Success Time', 'Last Failure Status'`
| ConvertTo-Html -Fragment)
$outputtable = $outputtable -replace '<table>', '<table style="font-size: 10pt">'
$outputtext += $outputtable
$output = ('status {0}.adreplication {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $alertColour, $outputtext)
WriteLog "Active Directory Replication: sending status $alertColour"
XymonSend $output $script:XymonSettings.serversList
function XymonProcessRuntimeCheck
WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessRuntimeCheck'
# config: processruntime:<process name>:<yellow elapsed threshold>:<red elapsed threshold>
# thresholds in minutes
$groupColour = 'green'
$outputHeader = (get-date -format G) + "<br><h3>Process Run Time Check</h3><pre>"
$output = ''
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^proc(?:ess)?runtime:(.+):(\d+):(\d+)' } | `
foreach {
$processName = $matches[1]
$yellowThreshold = $matches[2]
$redThreshold = $matches[3]
$alertColour = 'green'
$headerColour = 'green'
$script:procs | where { $_.XymonProcessName -eq $processName } | foreach {
if ($_.ElapsedSinceStart -gt $redThreshold)
$alertColour = 'red'
$headerColour = 'red'
$groupcolour = 'red'
elseif ($_.ElapsedSinceStart -gt $yellowThreshold)
$alertColour = 'yellow'
if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
$groupcolour = 'yellow'
if ($headerColour -eq 'green' -and $alertColour -eq 'yellow')
$headerColour = 'yellow'
WriteLog "Process $($_.XymonProcessName) running for $($_.ElapsedSinceStart) minutes: $alertcolour"
$startTime = Get-Date -Date $_.StartTime -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
$processLine = "{0,8} {1,-35} {2,-19} {3,7:F0} {4} {5}" -f $_.Id, $_.Owner, `
$startTime, $_.ElapsedSinceStart, $_.XymonProcessName, $_.CommandLine
$output += '<img src="{2}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0">{1}<br>' `
-f $alertcolour, $processLine, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation
$outputHeader += ('<img src="{1}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0">' + `
'Process: {2} Yellow alert after {3} minutes, Red alert after {4} minutes<br>') `
-f $headerColour, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation, `
$processName, $yellowThreshold, $redThreshold
if ($output -ne '')
$output += '</pre>'
$outputHeader += '<br><span style="margin-left: 16px;">{0,8} {1,-35} {2,19} {3,7} {4} {5}</span><br>' `
-f "PID", "User", 'Start Time', 'Elapsed', "Name", "Command"
$output = $outputHeader + $output
WriteLog "Sending output for procruntime"
$outputXymon = ('status {0}.procruntime {1} {2}' -f $script:clientname, $groupcolour, $output)
XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList
WriteLog 'XymonProcessRuntimeCheck finished'
function XymonProcessExternalData
WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessExternalData'
if (Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation)
$files = Get-ChildItem $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation
if ($files -ne $null)
foreach ($f in $files)
# external filenames
# it appears that BBWin ignores external files containing a dot '.'?
# so replicate that behaviour
if ($f.Name -match '\.')
# a valid filename is either just the test name: testname
# or testname^hostname, to allow sending results from a different
# named host
if ($f.Name -match '^([\w-]+)(?:\^([\S]+))?$')
$testName = $matches[1]
$hostName = $matches[2]
if ($hostName -eq $null)
$hostName = $script:clientname
# attempt to open the file with an exclusive lock
# if we cannot, the file may be being updated by a running job, so
# we will ignore it until the next poll
WriteLog "Attempting to process external file $($f.FullName)"
$statusFile = [System.IO.File]::Open($f.FullName, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($statusFile)
$statusFileContent = $reader.ReadToEnd()
# if this file is locked or other errors, skip and go to the next one
if ($_ -like '*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process*')
WriteLog "External file $($f.Name) is locked by another process, skipping"
WriteLog "External file $($f.Name) error accessing file, skipping: $_"
# match:
# colour ($matches[1])
# optionally + and any non-space chars ($matches[2])
# space
# remainder ($matches[3])
if ($statusFileContent -match '^(red|yellow|green|clear)(?:\+([^ ]+))? ([\s\S]+)$')
$groupColour = $matches[1]
$lifeSpan = $matches[2]
$statusMessage = $matches[3]
$msg = 'status'
if ($lifeSpan -ne $null -and $lifeSpan -ne '')
$msg += "+$lifeSpan"
$msg += (' {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $hostName, $testName, $groupColour, $statusMessage)
WriteLog "Sending Xymon message for file $($f.Name) - test $($testName), host $($hostName)"
XymonSend $msg $script:XymonSettings.serversList
elseif ($statusFileContent -match '^usermsg ')
$msg = $statusFileContent
WriteLog "Sending Xymon usermsg"
XymonSend $msg $script:XymonSettings.serversList
WriteLog "External File: $($f.Name) - format not recognised"
WriteLog "Contents of file:`n$statusFileContent"
WriteLog "Deleting file $($f.Name)"
Remove-Item $f.FullName -Force
WriteLog "Invalid filename $($f.Name)"
WriteLog "No files in $($script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation), nothing to do"
WriteLog "External data path $($script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation) does not exist"
WriteLog 'XymonProcessExternalData finished'
# replicate Linux client behaviour
# include items from 'local' folder in client data, if present
# no validation is done on the file content - it's just included
# in the client data with [local:<filename>] tags
function XymonProcessLocalData
WriteLog 'Executing XymonProcessLocalData'
if (Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation)
$files = Get-ChildItem $script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation
if ($files -ne $null)
foreach ($f in $files)
# attempt to open the file with an exclusive lock
# if we cannot, the file may be being updated by a running job, so
# we will ignore it until the next poll
WriteLog "Attempting to process local file $($f.FullName)"
$statusFileContent = ''
$statusFile = [System.IO.File]::Open($f.FullName, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($statusFile)
$statusFileContent = $reader.ReadToEnd()
# if this file is locked or other errors, skip and go to the next one
if ($_ -like '*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process*')
WriteLog "Local file $($f.Name) is locked by another process, skipping"
WriteLog "Local file $($f.Name) error accessing file, skipping: $_"
if ($statusFileContent -ne '')
$heading = "[local:$($f.Name)]"
WriteLog "Deleting file $($f.Name)"
Remove-Item $f.FullName -Force
WriteLog "No files in $($script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation), nothing to do"
WriteLog "Local data path $($script:XymonSettings.localdatalocation) does not exist, nothing to do"
WriteLog 'XymonProcessLocalData finished'
# from http://poshcode.org/1054
function Remove-Diacritics([string]$String)
$objD = $String.Normalize([Text.NormalizationForm]::FormD)
$sb = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $objD.Length; $i++)
$c = [Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($objD[$i])
if($c -ne [Globalization.UnicodeCategory]::NonSpacingMark)
function DecryptHttpServerPassword
$serverPassword = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpPassword
if ($serverPassword -like '{SecureString}*')
WriteLog ' Decrypting serverHttpPassword'
$serverPass = ($serverPassword -replace '^{SecureString}', '')
$securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $serverPass
$tempCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'N/A', $securePass
$serverPassword = $tempCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
WriteLog "Failed to decrypt serverHttpPassword: $_"
$serverPassword = $null
return $serverPassword
function XymonSendViaHttp($msg, $filePath)
WriteLog 'Executing XymonSendViaHttp'
$script:XymonSettings.serverUrl.Split(" ") | ForEach {
$url = $_
if ($url -notmatch '^https?://')
WriteLog " ERROR: invalid server Url, check config: $url"
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $false
WriteLog " Using url $url"
$encodedAuth = ''
if ($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername -ne '')
$serverHttpPassword = DecryptHttpServerPassword
if ( $serverHttpPassword -eq $null )
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $false
$authString = ('{0}:{1}' -f $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername, `
$encodedAuth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(`
WriteLog " Using username $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpUsername)"
if ($url -match '^https://')
[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $false
# AXI: verwijderen van ^M, dit stuurt de procs check volledig in de war
$msg = $msg.Replace("`r","")
# no Invoke-RestMethod before Powershell 3.0
$request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
$request.Method = 'POST'
$request.Timeout = $script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs
if ($encodedAuth -ne '')
$request.Headers.Add('Authorization', "Basic $encodedAuth")
# $body = [byte[]][char[]]$msg
$body = [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes($msg)
$bodyStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
$bodyStream.Write($body, 0, $body.Length)
WriteLog " Connecting to $($url), body length $($body.Length), timeout $($script:XymonSettings.serverHttpTimeoutMs)ms"
$response = $request.GetResponse()
WriteLog " Exception connecting to $($url):`n$($_)"
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $false
$statusCode = [int]($response.StatusCode)
if ($response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)
WriteLog " FAILED, HTTP response code: $($response.StatusCode) ($statusCode)"
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $false
$responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
$readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream
$output = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
WriteLog " Received $($output.Length) bytes from server"
$script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'HTTP'
WriteLog 'XymonSendViaHttp finished'
return $output
function XymonSend($msg, $servers, $filePath)
$saveresponse = 1 # Only on the first server
$outputBuffer = ""
if ($script:XymonSettings.serverUrl -ne '')
$outputBuffer = XymonSendViaHttp $msg $filePath
if ( $outputBuffer -ne $false)
$line = ($msg -split [environment]::newline)[0]
$line = $line -replace '[\t|\s]+', ' '
if ($line -match '(download) (.*$)' )
if ($filePath -eq $null -or $filePath -eq "")
# save it locally with the same name
$filePath = split-path -leaf $matches[2]
# Save in unix format so the hash is the same as on the (Linux) xymon server
Set-Content $filePath ([byte[]][char[]] "$outputBuffer") -Encoding Byte -NoNewLine
switch ($script:XymonSettings.XymonAcceptUTF8)
1 {
WriteLog 'Using UTF8 encoding'
$MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
2 {
WriteLog 'Using "pure" ASCII encoding with remove diacritics etc'
$MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
# remove diacritics
$msg = Remove-Diacritics -String $msg
# convert non-break spaces to normal spaces
$msg = $msg.Replace([char]0x00a0,' ')
default {
WriteLog 'Using "original" ASCII encoding'
$MessageEncoder = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
foreach ($srv in $servers)
$srvparams = $srv.Split(":")
# allow for server names that may resolve to multiple A records
$srvIPs = & {
$local:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$srvparams[0] | %{[system.net.dns]::GetHostAddresses($_)} | %{ $_.IPAddressToString}
if ($srvIPs -eq $null)
{ # no IP addresses could be looked up
Write-Error -Category InvalidData ("No IP addresses could be found for host: " + $srvparams[0])
if ($srvparams.Count -gt 1)
$srvport = $srvparams[1]
$srvport = 1984
foreach ($srvip in $srvIPs)
WriteLog "Connecting to host $srvip"
$saveerractpref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
$socket.Connect($srvip, $srvport)
$ErrorActionPreference = $saveerractpref
if(! $? -or ! $socket.Connected )
$errmsg = $Error[0].Exception
WriteLog "ERROR: Cannot connect to host $srv ($srvip) : $errmsg"
Write-Error -Category OpenError "Cannot connect to host $srv ($srvip) : $errmsg"
$socket.sendTimeout = 500
$socket.NoDelay = $true
$stream = $socket.GetStream()
$sent = 0
foreach ($line in $msg)
# Convert data as appropriate
$sent += $socket.Client.Send($MessageEncoder.GetBytes($line.Replace("`r","") + "`n"))
WriteLog "ERROR: $_"
WriteLog "Sent $sent bytes to server"
if ($saveresponse-- -gt 0)
$socket.Client.Shutdown(1) # Signal to Xymon we're done writing.
$bytes = 0
$line = ($msg -split [environment]::newline)[0]
$line = $line -replace '[\t|\s]+', ' '
if ($line -match '(download) (.*$)' )
if ($filePath -eq $null -or $filePath -eq "")
# save it locally with the same name
$filePath = split-path -leaf $matches[2]
$buffer = new-object System.Byte[] 2048;
$fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($filePath, [System.IO.FileMode]'Create', [System.IO.FileAccess]'Write');
$read = $null;
while($stream.DataAvailable -or $read -eq $null)
$read = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, 2048);
if ($read -gt 0)
$fileStream.Write($buffer, 0, $read);
$bytes += $read
} while ($read -gt 0);
WriteLog "Wrote $bytes bytes from server to $filePath"
$s = new-object system.io.StreamReader($stream,"ASCII")
start-sleep -m 200 # wait for data to buffer
$outputBuffer = $s.ReadToEnd()
WriteLog "Received $($outputBuffer.Length) bytes from server"
WriteLog "ERROR: $_"
} # saveresponse-- -gt 0
$script:LastTransmissionMethod = 'TCP'
} # foreach ($srvip in $srvIPs)
} # else of if ($srvIPs -eq $null)
} # foreach $srv in $servers
function XymonClientConfig($cfglines)
if ($cfglines -eq $null -or $cfglines -eq "") { return }
# Convert to Windows-style linebreaks
$script:clientlocalcfg = $cfglines.Split("`n")
# overwrite local cached config with this version if
# remote config is enabled
$configmode = ''
if ($script:XymonSettings.clientremotecfgexec -ne 0)
WriteLog "Using new remote config, saving locally"
$clientlocalcfg >$script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile
$configmode = 'remote'
WriteLog "Using local config only (if one exists), clientremotecfgexec = 0"
$configmode = 'localonly'
# Parse the config - always uses the local file (which may contain
# config from remote)
if (test-path -PathType Leaf $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile)
# make sure the config always contains something
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries = @{ '_configmode_' = $configmode }
$lines = get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile
$currentsection = ''
$eventlogswantedSeen = 0
foreach ($l in $lines)
# change this to recognise new config items
if ($l -match '^eventlog:' -or $l -match '^servicecheck:' `
-or $l -match '^dir:' -or $l -match '^file:' `
-or $l -match '^dirsize:' -or $l -match '^dirtime:' `
-or $l -match '^log' -or $l -match '^clientversion:' `
-or $l -match '^eventlogswanted' `
-or $l -match '^servergifs:' `
-or $l -match '^(?:ts|terminalservices)sessions:' `
-or $l -match '^adreplicationcheck' `
-or $l -match '^ifstat:' `
-or $l -match '^ports:' `
-or $l -match '^repeattest:' `
-or $l -match '^proc(?:ess)?runtime:' `
-or $l -match '^external:' `
-or $l -match '^xymonlogsend' `
-or $l -match '^xymonlogarchive' `
-or $l -match '^slimmode' `
-or $l -match '^noservicecheck:' `
-or $l -match '^enablediskpart' `
-or $l -match '^maxloop' `
-or $l -match '^slowscanrate' `
-or $l -match '^config' `
WriteLog "Found a command: $l"
$currentsection = $l
# merging for eventlog include/ignore
if (-not ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey($currentsection)))
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$currentsection] = @()
elseif ($l -ne '')
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$currentsection] += $l
# re-parse slimmode config to make it easier
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
$slimConfig = @{}
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode | `
foreach { $i = ($_ -split ':'); $slimConfig[$i[0]] = $i[1] }
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode = $slimConfig
('sections', 'services', 'processes') | foreach `
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey($_))
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.$_ = `
($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.$_ -split ',')
# parse maxloop if it's there (add if not)
$maxloop = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
where { $_ -match '^maxloop:([0-9]+)$' })
if ($maxloop.length -gt 1)
WriteLog 'ERROR: more than one maxloop directive in config!'
elseif ($maxloop.Length -eq 1)
$script:maxloop = [int]$matches[1]
$script:maxloop = 0
# parse slowscanrate if it's there (add if not)
$slowscanrate = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
where { $_ -match '^slowscanrate:([0-9]+)$' })
if ($slowscanrate.length -gt 1)
WriteLog 'ERROR: more than one slowscanrate directive in config!'
elseif ($slowscanrate.Length -eq 1)
$script:slowscanrate = [int]$matches[1]
$script:slowscanrate = 72
WriteLog "Cached config now contains: "
WriteLog ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys -join ', ')
# special handling for servergifs
$gifpath = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^servergifs:(.+)$' })
if ($gifpath.length -eq 1)
$script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation = $matches[1]
function XymonReportConfig
# exclude serverHttpPassword from output
$settings = (($script:XymonSettings | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine) | `
where { $_ -notmatch '^serverHttpPassword' }
foreach($v in @("XymonClientVersion", "clientname" )) {
""; "$v"
(Get-Variable $v).Value
"Collection number: $($script:collectionnumber)"
"Last transmission method: $($script:LastTransmissionMethod)"
#get-process -id $PID
#(get-process -id $PID).Threads
function XymonClientSections([boolean] $isSlowScan)
# maybe move XymonManageExternals to slow scan tasks
XymonExecuteExternals $isSlowScan $loopcount
$includeSections = @('Netstat', 'Ports', 'IPConfig', 'Route', 'Ifstat', 'Who', 'Users')
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('slimmode'))
$includeSections = @()
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.ContainsKey('sections'))
WriteLog "Slimmode: including sections $($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.sections)"
$includeSections += $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.slimmode.sections
if ($includeSections -contains 'Netstat') { XymonNetstat }
if ($includeSections -contains 'Ports') { XymonPorts }
if ($includeSections -contains 'IPConfig') { XymonIPConfig }
if ($includeSections -contains 'Route') { XymonRoute }
if ($includeSections -contains 'Ifstat') { XymonIfstat }
if ($includeSections -contains 'Who') { XymonWho }
if ($includeSections -contains 'Users') { XymonUsers }
if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableWMISections -eq 1)
function XymonClientInstall([string]$scriptname)
# client install re-written to use NSSM
# also to remove any existing service first
& "$xymondir\nssm.exe" install `"$xymonsvcname`" `"$PSHOME\powershell.exe`" -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File `"`"`"$scriptname`"`"`"
# "
function XymonClientUnInstall()
if ((Get-Service -ea:SilentlyContinue $xymonsvcname) -ne $null)
Stop-Service $xymonsvcname
$service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$xymonsvcname'"
$service.delete() | out-null
Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$xymonsvcname\* -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function ExecuteSelfUpdate([string]$newversion)
$oldversion = $MyInvocation.ScriptName
WriteLog "Upgrading $oldversion to $newversion"
# test newversion
# copy oldversion as backup
# copy newversion to correct name
# remove newversion file
# re-start service - by exiting, NSSM will notice the process has ended and will automatically restart it
$Process = powershell.exe -File $newversion ping | Out-String
if ( $Process -like "*xymond *" ) {
WriteLog "New version is working"
# Make backup of old script
copy-item "$oldversion" "$oldversion$version" -force
copy-item "$newversion" "$oldversion" -force
remove-item "$newversion"
WriteLog "Sending final log and restarting service..."
} else {
WriteLog "ERROR! New version is not working"
WriteLog $Process
# XymonDownloadFromFile used when a file path is used instead of a URL
function XymonDownloadFromFile([string]$downloadPath, [string]$destinationFilePath)
WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromFile - Downloading $downloadPath to $destinationFilePath"
if (!(Test-Path $downloadPath))
WriteLog "File $downloadPath cannot be found - aborting"
return $false
WriteLog "Copying $downloadPath to $destinationPath"
Copy-Item $downloadPath $destinationFilePath -Force
WriteLog "Error copying file: $_"
return $false
return $true
function XymonDownloadFromURL([string]$downloadURL, [string]$destinationFilePath)
$downloadURL = $downloadURL.Trim()
WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromURL - Downloading $downloadURL to $destinationFilePath"
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# for self-signed certificates, turn off cert validation
# TODO: make this a config option
# TODO: at some point, deprecate tls1.1 & 1.0
[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
if ($downloadURL -match '^https://')
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
WriteLog "Error setting TLS options (old version of .NET?): $_"
return $false
try {
$client.DownloadFile($downloadURL, $destinationFilePath)
$e = $_.Exception
WriteLog "Error during DownloadFile: $e.Message"
return $false
WriteLog "Error downloading: $_"
return $false
return $true
function XymonDownloadFromServer([string]$ServerPath, [string]$destinationFilePath)
$ServerPath = $ServerPath.Trim()
WriteLog "XymonDownloadFromServer - Downloading $ServerPath to $destinationFilePath"
$message = "download $ServerPath"
# should work transparently through any intermediate proxies
$output = XymonSend $message $script:XymonSettings.serversList $destinationFilePath
return $output
WriteLog "Error downloading: $_"
return $false
return $true
function GetHashValueForFile([string] $filename, [string] $hashAlgorithm)
$hash = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($hashAlgorithm)
$stream = ([System.IO.StreamReader]$filename).BaseStream
$fileHash = -join ($hash.ComputeHash($stream) | foreach { '{0:x2}' -f $_ } )
return $fileHash
function XymonCheckUpdate
WriteLog "Executing XymonCheckUpdate"
$updates = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:' })
if ($updates.length -gt 0)
if ($updates.length -eq 1)
WriteLog "Found 1 $($updates.length) clientversion lines:"
WriteLog "Found $($updates.length) clientversion liness:"
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match '^clientversion:(\d+\.\d+):(.+?)(?::(MD5|SHA1|SHA256):([0-9a-f]+))?$' } | foreach `
# $matches[1] = the new version number
# $matches[2] = the place to look for new version file
# $matches[3] = (optional) hash type
# $matches[4] = (optional) hash value
if ($Version -lt $matches[1])
WriteLog "Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]); attempting upgrade from $($matches[2])"
# $matches[2] can be either a http[s] URL, bb fake URL or a file path
$updatePath = $matches[2]
$updateFile = "xymonclient_$($matches[1]).ps1"
$hashAlgorithm = $matches[3]
$hashRequired = $matches[4]
$destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
$result = $false
if ($updatePath -match '^http')
$updateURL = $updatePath.Trim()
if ($updateURL -notmatch '/$')
$updateURL += '/'
$URL = "{0}{1}" -f $updateURL, $updateFile
$destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
$result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URL $destination
elseif ($updatePath -match '^bb' -or $updatePath -match '^xymon')
$ServerPath = $updatePath.Trim()
$ServerPath = $ServerPath -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
if ($ServerPath -notmatch '/$')
$ServerPath += '/'
$URL = "{0}{1}" -f $ServerPath, $updateFile
$destination = Join-Path -Path $xymondir -ChildPath $updateFile
$result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URL $destination
# not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
$updateSource = Join-Path $updatePath $updateFile
$result = XymonDownloadFromFile $updateSource $destination
if ($result)
$newversion = Join-Path $xymondir $updateFile
$fileSize = (Get-Item $newversion).Length
# Failed http download results in 1 byte file
if ( $fileSize -lt 2 )
WriteLog "Error: downloaded file is only $fileSize byte"
if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $hashAlgorithm -ne "")
WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing update file"
$fileHash = ''
$fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $newversion -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
WriteLog "Update directive specifies hash, but error calculating hash: $_"
WriteLog "Update cancelled"
Remove-Item $newversion
if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
WriteLog "Update: update file hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
WriteLog "Update cancelled"
Remove-Item $newversion
WriteLog "Update file hash matches expected value, update can proceed"
WriteLog "Launching update"
ExecuteSelfUpdate $newversion
WriteLog "Update: Running version $Version; config version $($matches[1]) from $($matches[2]); doing nothing"
WriteLog "Update: No clientversion directive in config, nothing to do"
function DownloadAndVerify([string] $URI, [string] $name, [string] $path, `
[string] $hashAlgorithm, [string] $hashRequired)
if (!(Test-Path $path))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $path
$tempName = "$($name)_new"
$destination = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $tempName
$result = $false
if ($URI -match '^http')
$result = XymonDownloadFromURL $URI $destination
elseif ($URI -match '^bb' -or $URI -match '^xymon')
$URI = $URI -creplace '^[^:]*:/*',''
$result = XymonDownloadFromServer $URI $destination
# not http, not bb - maybe a file path?
$result = XymonDownloadFromFile $URI $destination
if ($result -and $hashAlgorithm -and $hashAlgorithm -ne $null)
WriteLog "$($hashAlgorithm) hash specified, testing destination file"
$fileHash = ''
$fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $destination -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
WriteLog "Error calculating hash: $_"
$result = $false
if ($result)
if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
$result = $false
WriteLog "File hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
WriteLog "Downloaded file hash matches expected value, can proceed"
if (!$result)
WriteLog "Removing failed download $destination"
Remove-Item $destination
if ($result)
if (Test-Path $destination)
$originalFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $name
if (Test-Path $originalFile)
WriteLog "Deleting original file $originalFile"
Remove-Item -Force $originalFile
WriteLog "Renaming $destination to $originalFile"
Move-Item -Force $destination $originalFile
WriteLog "Error: new file $destination not found"
return $result
function XymonManageConfigs
WriteLog "Executing XymonManageConfigs"
$Configs = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
where { $_ -match '^config:' })
foreach ($config in $Configs)
if ($config -match '^config:(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?$')
# $matches[1] = URL location
# $matches[2] = optional hash type
# $matches[3] = optional hash value
($ConfigURI, $ConfighashAlgorithm, $ConfighashRequired) = $matches[1..3]
$ConfigName = $ConfigURI.SubString($ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
if ( $ConfigName -eq '$ClientName.ini' ) {
$ConfigName = $script:clientname + ".ini"
$ConfigBaseURI = $ConfigURI.SubString(0,$ConfigURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
$ConfigURI = $ConfigBaseURI + $ConfigName
WriteLog "Changing config file name to $ConfigName"
$FullName = Join-Path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation $ConfigName
$downloadFlag = $false
WriteLog "Checking $FullName"
# check to see if we have the matching version
if (Test-Path $FullName)
if ($ConfighashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $ConfighashRequired -ne $null)
WriteLog "Config file found, $ConfigName - testing against hash"
$fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $FullName -hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm
WriteLog "Error calculating hash for file: $_"
if ($fileHash -ne $ConfighashRequired)
WriteLog "Existing script hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $ConfighashRequired)"
# hash mismatch, need to update via download
$downloadFlag = $true
} else {
WriteLog "Configuration file $ConfigName found, but no hash to check against so downloading again"
$downloadFlag = $true
WriteLog "Configuration file $FullName not found"
$downloadFlag = $true
if ($downloadFlag)
WriteLog "Configuration file script $ConfigName not found or requires update, downloading"
$result = DownloadAndVerify -URI $ConfigURI -name $ConfigName `
-path $script:XymonSettings.configlocation `
-hashAlgorithm $ConfighashAlgorithm -hashRequired $ConfighashRequired
WriteLog "Error downloading $ConfigName, ignoring"
WriteLog "Error was: $_"
WriteLog "Configuration directive does not match expected format: $config"
} # foreach ... configs
WriteLog 'XymonManageConfigs finished'
function XymonManageExternals
WriteLog "Executing XymonManageExternals"
$externalConfig = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | `
where { $_ -match '^external:' })
$script:externals = @()
foreach ($external in $externalConfig)
if ($external -match '^external:(?:(\d+):)?(slowscan|everyscan|scan\|\d+):(sync|async):(.+?)(?:\|(MD5|SHA1|SHA256)\|([0-9a-f]+))?(?:\|(.+)\|(.+))?$')
# $matches[1] = priority (optional) 0-99
# $matches[2] = slowscan/everyscan
# $matches[3] = sync/async
# $matches[4] = URL / file location
# $matches[5] = optional hash type
# $matches[6] = optional hash value
# $matches[7] = optional process
# $matches[8] = optional arguments
($priority, $executionFrequency, $executionMethod, $externalURI, `
$hashAlgorithm, $hashRequired, $process, $arguments) = $matches[1..8]
if ($externalURI -match '^(http|bb|xymon)')
$externalScriptName = $externalURI.SubString($externalURI.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
$externalScriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $externalURI
$externalFullName = Join-Path $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation $externalScriptName
if ($arguments -ne $null)
$arguments = $arguments -replace '{script}', $externalFullName
$arguments = $arguments -replace '{scriptdir}', $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation
if ($priority -eq $null)
$priority = 99
if ($process -eq $null)
$process = $externalFullName
$externalInfo = @{ Fullname = $externalFullName; `
ExecutionFrequency = $executionFrequency; `
ExecutionMethod = $executionMethod;
ProcessName = $process;
Arguments = $arguments;
Priority = $priority }
$externalObj = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $externalInfo
$downloadFlag = $false
WriteLog "Checking $externalFullName"
# check to see if we have the matching version
if (Test-Path $externalFullName)
WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName found"
if ($hashAlgorithm -ne $null -and $hashRequired -ne $null)
WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName - testing against hash"
$fileHash = GetHashValueForFile -filename $externalFullName -hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm
WriteLog "Error calculating hash for external: $_"
if ($fileHash -ne $hashRequired)
WriteLog "Existing script hash mismatch (calculated $fileHash should be $hashRequired)"
# hash mismatch, need to update via download
$downloadFlag = $true
if (!$downloadFlag)
WriteLog "Success, adding/updating external $externalScriptName in execution plan"
$script:externals += $externalObj
WriteLog "External $externalFullName not found"
# external does not exist, need to download
$downloadFlag = $true
if ($downloadFlag)
WriteLog "External script $externalScriptName not found or requires update, downloading from $externalURI"
$result = DownloadAndVerify -URI $externalURI -name $externalScriptName `
-path $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
-hashAlgorithm $hashAlgorithm -hashRequired $hashRequired
if ($result)
WriteLog "Success, adding/updating external $externalScriptName in execution plan"
$script:externals += $externalObj
WriteLog "Error downloading $externalScriptName, ignoring (will not be executed)"
WriteLog "Error was: $_"
WriteLog "external directive does not match expected format: $external"
} # foreach ... externals
WriteLog 'XymonManageExternals finished'
function XymonExecuteExternals ([boolean] $isSlowscan, [int] $loopcount)
WriteLog 'Executing XymonExecuteExternals'
$env:clientname = $script:clientname
if (!(Test-Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $script:XymonSettings.externaldatalocation
$script:externals | Sort-Object Priority, ExecutionMethod | foreach {
WriteLog "External: $($_.ExecutionFrequency) - $($_.FullName)"
[bool] $execute = $true
if (!$isSlowscan -and $_.ExecutionFrequency -eq 'slowscan')
WriteLog 'Skipping execution, this is not a slow scan'
$execute = $false
if ($_.ExecutionFrequency -match '^scan\|(\d+)' ) {
$rest = $loopcount % $Matches[1]
if ( $loopcount % $Matches[1] -eq 0 )
WriteLog "Execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
} else {
WriteLog "Skipping execution custom scan: $loopcount % $($Matches[1]) = $rest"
$execute = $false
if ( $execute -eq $true) {
$process = $_.ProcessName
$arguments = $_.Arguments
if ($arguments -ne $null)
WriteLog "Executing $process with arguments $arguments"
$extpid = Start-Process -PassThru `
-WindowStyle Hidden `
-WorkingDirectory $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
$process $arguments
WriteLog "Executing $process with no arguments"
$extpid = Start-Process -PassThru `
-WindowStyle Hidden `
-WorkingDirectory $script:XymonSettings.externalscriptlocation `
WriteLog "Process $($extpid.Id) started"
if ($_.ExecutionMethod -eq 'sync')
WriteLog "Synchronous external: waiting for process $($extpid.Id) to complete"
$extpid | Wait-Process
WriteLog "Process $($extpid.Id) completed"
WriteLog "Asynchronous: not waiting for process $($extpid.Id)"
WriteLog "Error executing: $_"
WriteLog 'XymonExecuteExternals finished'
function WriteLog([string]$message)
$datestamp = get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
add-content -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile -Value "$datestamp $message"
Write-Host "$datestamp $message"
function RotateLog([string]$logfile)
$retain = $script:XymonSettings.clientlogretain
if ($retain -gt 99)
$retain = 99
if ($retain -gt 0)
WriteLog "Rotating logfile $logfile"
if (Test-Path $logfile)
$lastext = "{0:00}" -f $retain
if (Test-Path "$logfile.$lastext")
WriteLog "Removing $logfile.$lastext"
Remove-Item -Force "$logfile.$lastext"
(($retain - 1) .. 1) | foreach {
# pad 1 -> 01 etc
$ext = "{0:00}" -f $_
if (Test-Path "$logfile.$ext")
# pad 1 -> 01, 2 -> 02 etc
$newext = "{0:00}" -f ($_ + 1)
WriteLog "Renaming $logfile.$ext to $logfile.$newext"
Move-Item -Force "$logfile.$ext" "$logfile.$newext"
if (Test-Path $logfile)
WriteLog "Finally: Renaming $logfile to $logfile.01"
Move-Item -Force $logfile "$logfile.01"
function RepeatTests([string] $content)
if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'repeattest*').Length -eq 0)
WriteLog "RepeatTests: nothing to do!"
WriteLog 'Executing RepeatTests'
$lines = $content -split [environment]::newline
$capturelines = $false
$capturedSection = ''
foreach ($line in $lines)
if ($line -match '^\[([^\]]+)\]$')
$currentSection = $matches[1]
# found a new section - if we were previously capturing lines from the
# previous section, write out any repeat sections and reset
if ($capturelines)
$capturelines = $false
# we were capturing lines - check for alerts and send to Xymon
$regex = "^repeattest:$($capturedSection):(.+)"
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match $regex } | foreach {
$newsection = $matches[1]
$outputHeader = @()
$outputHeader += (get-date -format G) + "<br><h2>$newsection</h2>"
$groupcolour = 'green'
# check for triggers
if ($script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$_] -ne $null)
foreach ($trigger in $script:clientlocalcfg_entries[$_])
$alertcolour = 'green'
$alertLines = @()
if ($trigger -match '^trigger:([a-z]+):(.+)$')
$triggerAlertcolour = $Matches[1]
$triggerRegex = $Matches[2]
foreach ($line in $capturedlines)
if ($line -match $triggerRegex)
$alertcolour = $triggerAlertcolour
$alertLines += "matches `"$line`""
if ($alertLines.Length -eq 0)
$alertLine = 'no match'
$alertLine = $alertLines -join '<br>'
$outputHeader += ('<img src="{3}{0}.gif" alt="{0}" height="16" width="16" border="0"> {1} {2}<br>' `
-f $alertcolour, $trigger, $alertLine, $script:XymonSettings.servergiflocation)
if ($groupcolour -eq 'green' -and $alertcolour -eq 'yellow')
$groupcolour = 'yellow'
elseif ($alertcolour -eq 'red')
$groupcolour = 'red'
$outputHeader += '<br>'
$output = ($outputHeader -join "`n")
$output += ($capturedlines -join '<br>')
# repeat the test by sending to Xymon
WriteLog "Sending repeated test: $newsection"
$outputXymon = ('status {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $script:clientname, $newsection, $groupcolour, $output)
XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList
$capturedlines = @()
$capturedSection = $currentSection -replace '\\', '\\'
$regex = "^repeattest:$($capturedSection):(.+)"
# check to see if the new section is one we want to repeat
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.keys | where { $_ -match $regex } | foreach {
$capturelines = $true
elseif ($capturelines)
$capturedlines += $line
WriteLog 'RepeatTests finished'
function XymonLogSend()
if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -gt 1)
WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: disabling, more than one xymonlogarchive directive in config"
elseif (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogarchive*').Length -eq 0)
WriteLog 'XymonLogArchive: disabling, no entry found in config file'
# Keeping older logs in directory $OldSubDirectory for $RententionInDays days
# Default values:
$script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys | where { $_ -match '^xymonlogarchive:(.*):(.*)$' } | foreach {
$OldSubDirectory = $Matches[1]
$RententionInDays = $Matches[2]
if ( $OldSubDirectory -ne $null -and $RententionInDays -ne $null ) {
WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: $RententionInDays days @ directory $OldSubDirectory"
# Format of the old logfile
$DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss"
$S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
# Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
$DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
$Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force
# Copy logfile
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
Copy-Item -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile -Destination $Destination -Force
# Cleanup old files
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$S = Get-Item -LiteralPath $script:lastcollectfile
# Make sure the directory for the old log files exists
$DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $S.DirectoryName -ChildPath $OldSubDirectory
If (! (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath) ) {
$Null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force
# Copy logfile
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}{2}' -F $S.BaseName, ((Get-Date).ToString($DateTimeFormat)), $S.Extension)
Copy-Item -Path $script:lastcollectfile -Destination $Destination -Force
# Cleanup old files
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -File -Filter ($Format -F $S.BaseName, '*',$S.Extension) | ? LastWriteTime -le ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RententionInDays)) | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} else {
WriteLog "XymonLogArchive: rotate logs: error in format of setting!"
# special handling for xymonlog
$markslowscan = 'green'
if (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogsend*').Length -gt 1)
WriteLog "XymonLogSend: more than one xymonlogsend directive in config!"
$markslowscan = 'yellow'
elseif (@($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys -like 'xymonlogsend*').Length -eq 0)
WriteLog 'XymonLogSend: nothing to do!'
$XymonLogSendConfig = @($script:clientlocalcfg_entries.Keys | where { $_ -match '^xymonlogsend:(.*)$' })
# parameter should be 'xymonlogsend:<slow colour>:<restart colour>'
# <restart colour> not mandatory
$checkparams = $XymonLogSendConfig -split ':'
# should maybe check these are valid xymon colours red, yellow, clear
if ($($script:collectionnumber) -eq 1 )
if ($checkparams.length -ge 3)
$markslowscan = $checkparams[2]
elseif ($($script:loopcount) -eq 0)
if ($checkparams.length -ge 2)
$markslowscan = $checkparams[1]
WriteLog 'XymonLogSend - sending log'
$log = ((get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile) -join "`n")
$log = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($log)
$output = (get-date -format G) + '<br><h2>Xymon client log</h2><pre>'
$output += $log
$output += '</pre>'
$outputXymon = ('status {0}.{1} {2} {3}' -f $script:clientname, 'xymonlog', $markslowscan, $output)
XymonSend $outputXymon $script:XymonSettings.serversList
WriteLog 'XymonLogSend - finished'
##### Main code #####
$script:thisXymonProcess = get-process -id $PID
$script:thisXymonProcess.PriorityClass = "High"
$hasargs = $false
if ($args -ne $null)
$hasargs = $true
XymonConfig $hasargs
$ret = 0
# check for install/set/unset/config/start/stop for service management
if($args -eq "Install") {
XymonClientInstall $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
if ($args -eq "uninstall")
if($args[0] -eq "config") {
"XymonPSClient config:`n"
"Settable Params and values:"
foreach($param in $script:XymonSettings | gm -memberType NoteProperty,Property) {
if($param.Name -notlike "PS*") {
$val = $script:XymonSettings.($param.Name)
if($val -is [Array]) {
$out = [string]::join(" ",$val)
} else {
$out = $val.ToString()
" {0}={1}" -f $param.Name,$out
if($args -eq "Start") {
if((get-service $xymonsvcname).Status -ne "Running") { start-service $xymonsvcname }
if($args -eq "Stop") {
if((get-service $xymonsvcname).Status -eq "Running") { stop-service $xymonsvcname }
if($args -eq "ping") {
$output = XymonSend "ping" $script:XymonSettings.serversList
if($ret) {return}
if($args -ne $null) {
"Usage: "+ $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition +" install | uninstall | start | stop | config "
# assume no other args, so run as normal
# elevate our priority to configured setting
$script:thisXymonProcess.PriorityClass = $script:XymonSettings.ClientProcessPriority
# ZB: read any cached client config
if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile)
$cfglines = (get-content $script:XymonSettings.clientconfigfile) -join "`n"
XymonClientConfig $cfglines
$script:lastcollectfile = join-path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogpath 'xymon-lastcollect.txt'
$running = $true
$script:collectionnumber = (0 -as [long])
if ( $script:slowscanrate -gt 0 ) {
$loopcount = Get-Random -Maximum ($script:slowscanrate)
} else {
$loopcount = 0
while ($running -eq $true) {
# log file setup/maintenance
RotateLog $script:lastcollectfile
RotateLog $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
Set-Content -Path $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile `
-Value "$clientname - $XymonClientVersion"
$UTCstr = get-date -Date ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()) -uformat '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
WriteLog "UTC date/time: $UTCstr"
WriteLog "This is collection number $($script:collectionnumber), loopcount $loopcount"
WriteLog "Next 'slow scan' is when loopcount reaches $($script:slowscanrate)"
if ($script:maxloop -gt 0)
WriteLog "XymonPSClient service will restart when loopcount greater than $($script:maxloop)"
WriteLog 'XymonPSClient is configured to never automatically restart'
$starttime = Get-Date
$slowscan = $false
if ($loopcount -eq $script:slowscanrate) {
WriteLog "Doing slow scan tasks: $loopcount -eq $($script:slowscanrate)"
$loopcount = 0
$slowscan = $true
WriteLog "Executing XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering"
$XymonWMIQuickFixEngineeringCache = XymonWMIQuickFixEngineering
WriteLog "Executing XymonWMIProduct"
$XymonWMIProductCache = XymonWMIProduct
WriteLog "Executing XymonIISSites"
$XymonIISSitesCache = XymonIISSites
if ($script:XymonSettings.EnableDiskPart -eq 1 `
-or $script:clientlocalcfg_entries.ContainsKey('enablediskpart'))
$script:diskpartData = XymonDiskPart
$script:diskpartData = ''
WriteLog "Slow scan tasks completed."
XymonCollectInfo $slowscan
WriteLog "Performing main and optional tests and building output..."
$clout = "client $($clientname).$($script:XymonSettings.clientsoftware) $($script:XymonSettings.clientclass) XymonPS" |
$clsecs = XymonClientSections $slowscan | Out-String
$localdatetime = Get-Date
$clout += XymonDate | Out-String
$clout += XymonClock | Out-String
$clout += $clsecs
#XymonReportConfig >> $script:XymonSettings.clientlogfile
WriteLog "Main and optional tests finished."
WriteLog "Sending to server"
Set-Content -path $script:lastcollectfile -value $clout
$newconfig = XymonSend $clout $script:XymonSettings.serversList
RepeatTests $clout
XymonClientConfig $newconfig
[GC]::Collect() # run every time to avoid memory bloat
#maybe check for update - only happens after a slow scan, when loopcount = 0
if ($slowscan)
$delay = ($script:XymonSettings.loopinterval - (Get-Date).Subtract($starttime).TotalSeconds)
if ($script:collectionnumber -eq 1)
# if this is the very first collection, make the second collection happen sooner
# than the normal delay - this is because CPU usage is not collected on the
# first run
$delay = 30
WriteLog "Status: maxloop: $($script:maxloop) collection number: $($script:collectionnumber)"
if ($script:maxloop -gt 0 -and $script:collectionnumber -gt $script:maxloop)
# restart service by exiting, NSSM will restart it
WriteLog "Maximum collections reached: collection $($script:collectionnumber), maxloop $($script:maxloop): restarting service..."
WriteLog "Delaying until next run: $delay seconds"
if ($delay -gt 0) { sleep $delay }
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