[Xymon] Differences between vrsion 4.3.4 and 4.3.30

Adam Thorn alt36 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Dec 7 21:04:05 CET 2022

On 07/12/2022 10:20, Neil Simmonds wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some http tests on Xymon. They give a return code of 403 
> Forbidden and on my current Prod server (running Xymon 4.3.4) they are 
> green.
> On my new server I’m setting up they are red with exactly the same 
> hosts.cfg
> As far as I can see at the moment I need to add httpstatus=”2..|403” to 
> the tests on the new server but I’m wondering of there’s some other 
> place it can be set globally or if this is a genuine difference between 
> 4.3.4 and 4.3.30 ?

The change looks to have been made in 4.3.22:


though looking at xymonnet/httpresult.c I see that another difference in 
behaviour not mentioned in the changelog (I'm not sure when this 
changed) is that 306 is now red rather than yellow. (That's not an HTTP 
status I knew about it, and it turns out to have been obsoleted). The 
reason for that is the old behaviour had a list of defined status codes 
that mapped to red/yellow/green, and any code not explicitly mapped - 
including 306 - would default to a yellow status. Now, 306 is explicitly 
mapped to red. I mention this mainly because I was looking at the source 
and it stood out as a difference from the 4.3.22 changelog!


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