[Xymon] Acknowledgment of criticals log location

Lawson, Kenneth Kenneth.Lawson at fosterfarms.com
Fri May 8 09:19:43 CEST 2020

Hello everyone,

We have recently switched from BigBrother to Xymon. World of difference in terms of things we can now do. Great work DEV team.

The one thing we are making use of now is the acknowledgment feature that allows our Service Desk to be required to monitor the "Critical View". However, for the life of me, I cannot find where that information is logged. '/var/log/xymon/acknowledge.log' contains ACKS from the "non-green" page, but none from critical. So where is that information stored? I would have thought that the configuration '/var/lib/xymon/acks' would be storing all that information.

Also, why is when a critical ACK is made, the non-green is never updated? Is there a way so that when the Critical page is ack'd that no other page that that one is updated?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Ken Lawson
Senior Systems Engineer
Foster Poultry Farms

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