[Xymon] Xymon server post-migration blues pt. 2 - "phantom" reports apparently coming from

Greg Earle earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG
Wed Apr 24 06:53:36 CEST 2019

Another thing that happened after my recent migration/Xymon upgrade is 
that I started getting phantom "disk" alerts purporting to be from the 
Xymon server itself.

They looked like this:

To: sysadmins at my.do.main
Subject: Xymon [556665157] mgmt:disk CRITICAL (RED)
Message-Id: <20190318195008.53EF4635153 at mgmt.my.do.main>
 From: xymon at mgmt.my.do.main (xymon Monitor (client))

red Mon Mar 18 12:50:04 PDT 2019 - Filesystems NOT ok
&red /export/bkd05d (98% used) has reached the PANIC level (98%)


The thing is, the partition "/export/bkd05d" does not exist on the Xymon 
server host "mgmt".

It exists on a completely different system (and I know exactly which one 
it is).  I've seen other alerts like this where the disk partitions 
mentioned are from other systems, too.

In short, the Xymon server is getting the reports from the clients but 
somehow they are getting mangled into looking like they are coming from instead and thus are local to itself, and so it generates red 
alerts from itself as a result.

In many cases they are filesystems where I already had exception clauses 
in "analysis.cfg" for them already, so I never get alarms from the 
actual client host.  So to suddenly get "back from the dead" red alarms 
for them was a surprise, to say the least.

I've kludged around it by making a special pseudo-clause in 
"analysis.cfg" for the Xymon server for all of these disk partition 

# XXX - KLUDGE dummy entries to prevent Xymon from reporting false
# XXX - "red" disk alerts for systems with faulty "" reports
         DISK    /export/brick1 101 101
         DISK    /export/data 101 101
         DISK    /export/data1 100 100
         DISK    /export/data2 99 100
         DISK    /export/work 99 100
         DISK    %(?-i)^.*/Volumes/Time 101 101
         DISK    /media/Oracle_Solaris-11_3-Text-SPARC 101 101
         DISK    /media/Solaris-11_3_28_4_0-Boot-SPARC 101 101
		[... more here ...]

but obviously I would prefer to solve the problem so I can remove this.

What changed between Xymon 4.3.12 and 4.3.28 to cause this?  How do I 
debug it?

		- Greg

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