[Xymon] IPv6 debugging on xymon 4.4 (was Re: Roadmap/GitHub?/IPv6)

Japheth Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Fri Apr 12 22:23:11 CEST 2019

On 4/11/2019 11:07 PM, Christian Herzog wrote:
>> FPING should be the path to fping (/usr/sibn/fping?) not xymonping.
> you're right. The frankensteined Debian package I built for 4.4 alpha
> didn't set that correctly. I now compared all config values to our
> production setup, but FPING was the only notable difference.

I think it might be worth it to officially retire xymonping in the 4.x 
branch, as it'll need to be updated for IPv6 as well and fping 
development seems to be healthy and reliable on platforms. Or at the 
very least, gate it for IPv6 building in the short term.

> Anyway, the status is the same as yesterday: for a v6 only host, conn is
> now green, but http and ssh stay red (DNS error)
> current xymonnet debug log: https://people.phys.ethz.ch/~daduke/xymonnet-log
> @JC: how can I debug this further? What other (IPv6 related) test would
> be interesting for you?

Looking at xymonnet.c and contest.c, I'm actually suspecting here that 
we're not building NET6 connections at all in xymonnet tests, which 
means there's more connecting work left to do than expected. I'm not 
sure if the original plan was to migrate to xymonnet2 before IPv6. The 
factored-out connectivity routines in lib/tcplib.c are being used for 
IPv6 connectivity in sending *messages* back and forth between xymon 
servers and clients, but not for network testing.

For the short term, testing xymonclient messaging and xymond record 
management (using conn tests as sources) might be the most useful. 
xymonnet/TCP polling will take some additional patching.



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