Logfile not accessible

usa ims usaims at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 7 22:27:20 CET 2015


Lately I've been having a problem with one log file, it goes from green to yellow almost every 3 to 5 minutes.

I'll get 'Logfile not accessible'. The logfile is  in '/opt/mysql/log-error/xxxxxx-error.log'

It exists, it has 777 permissions, it is constantly being written too, it is only 52 mgs.

I have restarted xymon-client on the server.

Here is the rest of the error:
Full log /opt/mysql/log-error/xxxxxx-error.log
Cannot open logfile /opt/mysql/log-error/xxxxxx-error.log : No such file or directory

Here is the 'ls' command on it.

-rwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 54394406 Jan  7 16:23 /opt/mysql/log-error/xxxxxx-error.log

Thanks in advance.

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