Email and website notifications wrong IPs

Neal, Jonathan W wes.neal at
Tue Nov 4 17:12:50 CET 2014

Emails for some of my systems on the new Xymon server are going out with bad IPs in them.

The system is correct in hosts.cfg and it seems it is monitoring the correct host, but when it alerts on it, Xymon puts the wrong IP in the email and it also puts the wrong IP on the webpage.  If I grep for that incorrect IP, it doesn't exist in $xymon/server/etc anywhere.

>From notifications log I see this:
Tue Nov  4 15:21:34 2014 DTAMMI-DYN2.conn (XXX.XXX.25.228)  EMAIL ADDRESS

But the email it sends out says this:

System unreachable for 4014 poll periods (1211916 seconds)

&red XXX.XXX.19.160 is unreachable

If I look at the Xymon webpage for it also has this address listed:

XXX.XXX.19.160 is unreachable

Any idea what might be causing this?

Wes Neal

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