[Xymon] xymond_channel consuming a lot of CPU?

henrik at hswn.dk henrik at hswn.dk
Tue Jan 7 09:15:39 CET 2014


Den 23.12.2013 20:26, Diep, David (OCTO-Contractor) skrev: 

> I saw
a little bit about this back in 8/31/12
(http://lists.xymon.com/archive/2012-August/035381.html [1]), but it was
never resolved? Has anyone else seen xymond_channel consuming so much
CPU time? I can't imagine this being normal.

It isn't. I know of a
couple of weird cases where this has happened, but not enough to
pin-point what is causing it. 

An immediate workaround is to just kill
that process - it will restart automatically and should then work as




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