[Xymon] Incorrect CPU %

James Wood jawood at employers.com
Wed Mar 28 19:15:49 CEST 2012

I'm seeing strange CPU percentages on different windows 2008 servers.

CPU states:
     total  100%
     cpu00  206.0%
     cpu01  203.8%
     cpu02  202.4%
     cpu03  200.5%

CPU    PID   Image Name        Pri  Time     Owner                               MemUsage
0-0.0%  4976  svchost.exe       8    0:00:10  NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE          4880k
0-0.0%  4000  dllhost.exe       8    0:00:15  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                 11712k
0-0.0%  3764  svchost.exe       8    0:00:10  NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE        5912k
0-0.0%  3680  fdlauncher.exe    8    0:00:12  NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE          4120k
0-0.0%  3640  svchost.exe       8    0:00:26  NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE        9852k

It just started happening recently.  It was just one server, but over the past month it's grown to be about 5 and we only have this problem periodically.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



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