[Xymon] export usage reports for management

Steve Holmes sholmes42 at mac.com
Wed Jan 11 17:43:38 CET 2012

I know this isn't really what Xymon is designed to do, but I've been asked
to produce data for a text based report of usage (cpu, memory, and disk
weekly averages (which I've yet to convince them might not make sense))
from Xymon history or rrd data for management. The requester will put the
data I provide into a spreadsheet.

Before I go re-inventing the wheel I'm wondering if anyone has done
something like this already.

I was unable to find anything on the list archive and the only thing I
found on xymonton.org was a pdf report generator which from the description
doesn't look like it will work for what I want.

I've tested some rrdtool queries (fetch, xport, etc.), but I'm having some
difficulty seeing how the data I get corresponds to what I'm seeing on the
Xymon page.

Any pointers welcome.

Steve Holmes
Purdue University

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poet, Nobel Prize in literature (1881-1958)

Truth never damages a cause that is just. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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