[Xymon] Custom Non Green Displays

Nick Camaldi willowbrookmagic at hotmail.com
Thu May 19 17:07:58 CEST 2011

Is there a way to create multiple custom non-green displays?  
I have a large environment where each department is only concerned with thier own devices.
i tried creating a wintel-nongreen.sh
# This uses the statusreport.cgi to provide a list
# of all non-green statuses with a brief summary of what is wrong.
. /opt/admin/xymon/linux/current/server/etc/cgioptions.cfg
 exec /opt/admin/xymon/linux/current/server/bin/statusreport.cgi \
        --filter="color=red,yellow" --all \critwin\*
        --heading="All non-green Wintel systems" \
        --show-column \
        --show-summary \

But I think i'm missing something.
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