[Xymon] Modifications in xymon 4.3.0 graph definitions

W.J.M. Nelis Wim.Nelis at nlr.nl
Wed Mar 16 10:20:56 CET 2011


we are planning to upgrade to xymon 4.3.0. One of the preparations is to 
incorporate the modifications we've made in the (Hobbit) graph 
definitions into the graph definitions of xymon 4.3.0. The modifications 
described below are about the preference for a specific presentation of 
the information.

We have changed the layout of a number of graphs to get a (more) uniform 
layout, which also matches the layout of MRTG graphs. The modifications are:
 - The format of the title becomes "<Host> , <Description>  
<TimeRange>". Thus in the TITLE directive starts with ", ", and (and 
this is hard to see in the diff output) it ends with two spaces. Only 
the first word in <Description> is written in uppercase.
 - Below the graph, there is one line for each parameter shown in the 
graph. The format of a line is the color and a description (generated 
with a LINE of AREA directive) followed by the minimum, maximum, average 
and current value. This order matches MRTG, which shows the maximum, the 
average and the current value. Each value has the format 
"<Min|Max|Avg|Cur>: <Value> <Unit>".
 - The format of the label along the Y-axis is "<Description> [<Unit>]". 
The description at the Y-axis describes the quantity shown, while the 
description field(s) below the graph contain the source.
 - FNPATTERN is modified to be more precise. It is anchored to both the 
beginning and the end of the name, and a "." is replaced by "\." if a 
dot is meant.

Note that not all graph definitions are modified, in principle only the 
definitions we use are changed. It would be nice if the format of the 
dates in a graph could be adjusted as well, resulting in a uniform way 
to show a date throughout xymon (and devmon) generated pages.

Kind regards,
  Wim Nelis.

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